How to move to Canada from the United StatesIt’s official: Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States. For better or worse, the Republican businessman has won the presidency in a stunning upset over his Democrat rival Hilary Clinton. Polls, expectations and conventions were defied to single out the winner of a long and bitter presidential campaign that had it all. Now only time will tell whether Donald Trump, as the new Leader of the Free World, will carry out his promise to “make America great again”.

But here’s the deal: if you are not a Trump supporter because of his largely controversial foreign policy plans, unorthodox ways of strengthening the economy or any other valid reason you may have (the list goes on and on), then you may as well be thinking of moving to Canada as a good way to voice your protest as an honest and hard-working U.S. citizen. That’s right – moving to Canada from the US is an American’s logical choice for a fresh start in a familiar environment where life can be better if you really want it. In fact during the last two days prior to election we saw a surge of visits to our Canadian moving posts. Even the Canadian immigration site was down because of the many Americans looking for information.

Have you already started packing your bags for a long due move the beautiful and welcoming neighboring country just north of you? If yes, then this step by step guide to moving to Canada is exactly what you need because it’ll answer all the pressing questions you may have at this stage and provide you with good tips for moving to Canada.

A relocation vow is stronger than a promise

Donald Trump’s adventure-filled road to the White House just rewrote all rule books on how to become a U.S. president. But even though you may have witnessed a memorable moment in the history of this great nation, right now you may be shedding tears of bitter disappointment and overwhelming sadness instead of extreme joy and exaltation. And if that is the case, then it’s evident that you’re not particularly thrilled to be part of that isolated moment of time in the political history of the United States.

And here comes the best part of it all: if you’re one of thousands of Americans who have vowed to move to Canada if Donald Trump is elected President, right now it seems like the perfect time to seriously consider moving to Canada in search of better core values as an American citizen.

  • Canada immigration site
    Conspiracy theory: do you think it may have been Trump supporters who crashed the Canadian immigration website?

    If you think you’re one of just a handful of Americans who wish to flee the country after the presidential election, think again. The Canadian immigration website crashed shortly after it became clear who the new U.S. president was going to be. As more states were called in Trump’s favor, Canada’s official site with first-hand immigration information was temporarily down due to the sudden spike of U.S.-based visits. Do you think that might have been a mere coincidence? Don’t wait for too long! Read on to get familiar with the requirements for moving to Canada.

  • Don’t worry, nobody will think you’re being unpatriotic for wanting to move to Canada as an American. It’s okay. After all, the current president and his family may already be there by the time you arrive. Earlier this year, President Obama has declared that his family will move to Canada if Donald Trump is elected as the next U.S. president. “It’s something Michelle, the kids and I have discussed as a potential solution to the Donald.” Obama confessed. He added, “I have also spoken with Prime Minister Trudeau who outlined Canada’s generous immigration policy. Their education system is clearly a lot better than ours anyway.
  • The one thing that nobody can possibly deny is that Canadians are awfully nice, welcoming and hospitable people. The website Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins have attracted close to millions of unique visitors since its creation. Cape Breton Island – part of the province of Nova Scotia – is described as a beautiful place where all Americans who are dissatisfied with their new country leader can move there to live and work. “I don’t think Republicans fully understood what happens here,” Rob Calabrese, the website creator said. “Even so, we just thought, ‘Hey, we have a severe population problem. Let’s get out in front and say if you’re going to move to Canada, look at this beautiful little option.’
  • Now that soon a famous businessman will become the new commander-in-chief, things are really starting to pick up speed. Have you heard of the #CalExit movement? If not, you will soon. Now that Americans have elected Donald Trump for their new leader, there’s a brand new wave of Californians who want their independence from the country. We all know what happened to the #Brexit movement, right?
  • Is moving to Canada a good idea? Truth be told, it is more than a good idea – it could well be the best idea that has come your way in recent years. Find below all the great reasons for moving to Canada.

What To Know Before Moving To Canada

Americans moving to CanadaSo, you are looking for better employment opportunities in a fast growing, stable, and prosperous economy?

You need affordable and high quality health care?

You are looking for prestigious colleges and universities to advance your education?

You want to broaden your horizons, expand your knowledge of the world, and become a part of a diverse, multicultural society?

You want to live in a safe place with a clean environment and beautiful landscape?

It sounds as if you should move to Canada.

Why Moving To Canada Is A Good Idea?

If you are conserving the pros and cons of moving to Canada from US, you’ll find the list of eventual disadvantages really short. After all, Canada has been rated as the best place to live in the world every year since 1994. So, let’s take a look at the actual benefits of moving to Canada:

  • Strong employment market – economy in Canada is in better shape than in most of the developed nations. It’s stable and progressive which results in great employment opportunities, excellent job prospects and successful business environment;
  • Great healthcare – healthcare in Canada is known for its high quality and reliability. It is delivered through a publicly-funded system, which makes medical services in the country almost free;
  • Excellent education – according to recent studies, Canada is the world’s most educated country. This comes as no surprise considering the great educational system in the country (Canada offers subsidized post-secondary education in a wide array of reputable colleges and universities);
  • Safety – with low crime rates, strict gun control policies, and a strong community police system, Canada is one of the safest countries in the world;
  • Multicultural environment – Canada is a bilingual country with a strong sense of diversity. Multiculturalism is encouraged and unique traditions, social practices, and points of view are highly appreciated. The Canada Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees political, religious and civil rights to all the citizens in the country. Immigration is mostly legal due to the wide range of Visa programs and points-based immigration system, which leads to complete lack of ethnic tension and stress-free living environment;
  • Natural beauty – Canada has an extraordinarily beautiful and varied landscape, from calming oceans and plains to dramatic mountains and glaciers. This allows for plenty of outdoor activities and exciting experiences, such as observing the Northern Lights in the Northwest Territories or seeing white pelicans in the prairies.

What An American Should Know Before Moving To Canada?

Moving to Canada
Your decision to move to Canada may well be the best one you’ve made in a long time.

Whatever your reasons for moving to Canada and however enticing the country may seem, you cannot just rush across the border completely unprepared. It is a foreign country and even if it’s similar to the United States in many ways, there are some considerable differences to be aware of. So, what are the most important things to know before moving to Canada?

1) It’s much colder – if you think that 50 degrees is cold weather, you’ll find that 50 degrees is summer time in many parts of Canada. You can expect abundant snowfall, freezing winds and sub-zero temperatures even in the southern areas – the weather will be quite a challenge when moving to Canada from US.

2) It’s illegal to speak against the Queen – you should bear in mind that Canada has a very different legal system than the United States. Many things you take for granted in the USA are considered felony offense in Canada – smoking in public, speaking out against homosexuality or racial minorities, bearing arms (rifles and shotguns must be licensed and you need a license to buy ammo as well), or watching DirecTV are only a few examples of what can get you in great trouble.

3) Multiculturalism is welcome and appreciated – cultural diversity is central to national policy in Canada. You will encounter myriad languages, religions and cultures not only in the major cities, but also in many rural communities in the country. Keeping an open mind and a tolerant attitude will greatly benefit you there.

4) Etiquette formalities are very important – you are expected to be polite with everyone, to avoid harsh communication, to leave tips for any service you receive, and adhere to the social norms.

5) Wildlife is wonderful and dangerous – you can encounter many wild creatures in the countryside, such as polar bears, grizzly bears, cougars, moose, etc. They are amazing but also very dangerous – you can actually find a polar bear prison in Manitoba designed to keep the town safe from bears that may otherwise break into the homes in search of food.

So, are you up the challenge? Are you ready to call Canada “home”? If yes, it’s time to make the first step of your relocation journey – check the criteria for moving to Canada.

Requirements for moving to Canada

Moving to Canada from United States
There are many ways for U.S. citizens to move to Canada in order to live and work happily there.

For many U.S. citizens, moving to Canada after the election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States has just turned from a distant possibility to a genuine opportunity to escape the presidential policies they strongly oppose and to make their voices heard at the same time.

How do you feel about the unique chance to immigrate to a neighboring country with a high standard of living, world-class education and really strong economy?

How to move to Canada? An American, it can be easier if you’re familiar with the requirements for moving to Canada by U.S. citizens.

  • Immigrate to Canada – the official website of the Canadian Government. This is the ultimate source of priceless information if you choose to honor your promise and relocate to Canada as an attempt escape Donald Trump’s first term as president. Learn how to determine your eligibility, how to apply to immigrate, and how to prepare for life in Canada in general. The immigration website also offers advice on how to protect yourself from fraud and various ways to hire a representative to help with your application.
  • Canada Welcomes You will give you invaluable information if you like to move to Canada and live permanently there. There are several Immigration Programs all explained in details, and you will find the steps to apply for Permanent Residence. All in all, the website will help you select the program that will work best for you and your family.
  • CanadaVisa has a special welcoming message for American citizens: “We receive many inquiries from American citizens about the possibility of Canadian immigration.” The good news is that the majority of Americans moving to Canada will be able to qualify for a Canadian Immigration Visa – either under the Skilled Worker Category or the Business Category of Canadian Immigration. It’s important to know that American citizens who are interested in moving to Canada need to weigh in their options on their dedicated page: Moving to Canada from the U.S.

Moving To Canada Checklist

Are you already asking yourself: “I want to move to Canada, where do I start?” If yes, waste no more time wondering – take a closer look at our step by step guide to moving to Canada and get down to work:

1) Get your documents ready

Preparing the required documents is one of the most important things to do before moving to Canada:

  • Check your eligibility to move to Canada;
  • Check if your and all your family members’ passports are valid;
  • Find out what kind of visa you (and your family members) need and make the application as soon as possible;
  • Collect important personal documents – birth certificates, marriage certificates, diplomas, professional qualifications, letters of recommendations, etc.;
  • Get a bank reference. It’s also advisable to contact Moneycorp and ask about their services (transferring your money to Canada and opening a bank account with the Royal Bank of Canada). It’s advisable to keep your existing credit cards and bank accounts for the first few months though;
  • Make sure you and your pet have all the required vaccines and retrieve your and your family’s medical records (as well as your children’s school records, if applicable);
  • Arrange for medical insurance to cover you until the Medical Services Plan becomes effective (this depends on the province you are moving to);
  • Book your flight and make the necessary arrangements for your trip.

2) Plan your move

  • Reasons to move to Canada
    Canada welcomes you!

    Make a moving budget and a moving timeline to feel confident that you will be able to easily cover all the moving expenses and to complete all the moving tasks on time;

  • Find an appropriate new home for you and your family or arrange for moving into temporary housing until you decide on a permanent residence;
  • Find reputable US to Canada moving companies and choose the best movers near you for your particular relocation needs. (see below for more details);
  • Contact the embassy and talk to your chosen movers to find out if there are any specific requirements concerning the items you can take to Canada with you (non-allowables, required licenses, etc.);
  • Sort out your belongings, decide which ones you’re going to take with you, and get rid of no-longer needed items;
  • Make a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you (you are going to need two copies of your inventory list).

3) Prepare for moving to Canada

  • Pack your belongings in a safe and efficient manner. Don’t forget to seal the boxes as securely as possible and label them clearly with their contents and your contact information;
  • Get adequate moving insurance for your possessions;
  • Prepare your home for sale (or for move-out inspection if you are leaving a rented property);
  • Get your vehicle ready for shipment if you want to take it to Canada;
  • Plan for the shipment of your pets (if applicable);
  • Notify all the relevant people and institutions of your relocation and your new address;
  • Pack your hand luggage bag and make sure you keep all your important documents and valuables with you;
  • Inspect your entire home one last time to make sure that nothing has been left behind and to say your final goodbye.

The above checklist for moving to Canada provides you with a simple and easy way to keep track of your progress and make sure that you won’t overlook anything essential when preparing for your relocation. The most important thing to remember, however, is that the process of moving to Canada is much easier with the help of experienced professionals.

In fact, any country to country move will be made so much easier by hiring a reliable international moving company. Moving north, east, south or west, you will need the skills of a good moving partner to ensure your relocation is smooth, safe and cost-effective. Check out the reviews, do your homework on the moving companies, and remember to compare a number of home moving quotes before deciding which international mover to hire.

Learn more information about moving to major Canadian cities:

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1 Comment

  1. Mr. Green should re-check his information. Moving to Canada from the U.S. is extremely difficult. Perhaps his article was written in jest; there are many Americans who’d like to move north following Trump’s election and that sentiment will arise should Trump win a second term. (Heaven forbid!)

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