
  • Moving house requires good planning and impeccable organization.
  • You may soon feel overwhelmed by the large number of things to do before moving out.
  • Improve productivity and lower stress by knowing what you should be doing now and what you should do next.
  • The best way to organize your time until Moving day is to follow a moving timeline checklist.

Moving your earthly belongings from one home to another is a tough job that can seem overwhelming at first.

Why overwhelming, you may ask?

One of the major difficulties of residential moves comes as a direct result of the endless number of jobs you are expected to complete. The thing is that when move-related tasks flock together all at once, you may get rather confused about which ones to handle first and how to best organize your time before Moving day. 

So, what can you do about it? It’s easy create a moving timeline checklist.

While getting ready to move out, this is your best solution for increasing your productivity and decreasing your moving stress at the same time.

Read on to take advantage of some great ideas for your moving calendar – not only in terms of what to do but also when you should complete your pre-move tasks to guarantee the success of your moving adventure.

Remember that timing is crucial when preparing for a move.

Why is a moving timeline so important?

If you happen to have a good memory, then you may consider a detailed to-do list to be a waste of valuable time – what good is a timeline for moving when you have it all figured out in your head? The truth is that that memorizing strategy may actually work under normal circumstances but not when moving house.

Organizing and executing a residential move won’t classify as normal circumstances, so having a moving calendar checklist by your side will prove to be extremely valuable for a number of reasons.

  • A week-by-week checklist won’t let you forget to do an important task amidst the chaotic moving preparations;
  • A moving planner checklist will actually help you organize your time in the best possible way, and that alone will prevent the build-up of relocation stress when Moving day comes sooner than you can welcome it;
  • By advising you when to do each task, your personal moving timeline will keep you on the right track and thus, speed up your preparation not only by hours but by entire days too;
  • The moving house timeline you create will enable you to sort out which jobs are more important than the rest so that you can take care of them first. This feature is known as prioritization and it’s an integral part of each moving timeline and checklist;
  • A customized moving calendar will let you do only the tasks that make sense in your specific relocation case, thus increasing drastically the overall efficiency of your pre-move preparation period. This is known as personalization and should be done as soon as you know what move-related jobs lie ahead of you.

The following moving timeline has a week-by-week structure that starts roughly 8 weeks prior to Moving day and ends approximately 2 days after you’ve moved into your new home. The week-by-week moving checklist we’re offering here is ideal if you have enough time to complete all your tasks one by one in a highly systematic and consequential way..

But what if you have too little time to follow a neatly ordered 8-week moving timeline? In case of limited time, we do recommend our ultimate Moving Checklist – interactive, printable, downloadable, and 100% free of charge – that will let you complete your important pre-move tasks randomly.

The Greatest Moving Checklist of All Time

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Your week-by-week moving checklist

So, how do you start your moving organization?

Moving timeline checklist
They say that the shortest pencil is better than the longest memory. When moving house, that belief can save you lots of strong headaches.

The best thing you can do is make a moving timetable for your fast-approaching move, and… stick to it all the way.

Consult the following guide to get excellent moving organization ideas about what needs to be done in general so that you can create your own personal moving timeline for your particular needs – from roughly 8 weeks before Moving day, through the Big day itself, and all the way until a few days after the relocation.

Of course, when you know you are moving soon, it is common that you will start planning how to do it and search for the information you need. It’s useful to know that the major part of your move begins about 2 months before your move-out date.

8 weeks is usually the point when you begin to arrange the exact steps and the exact time to take them, and, naturally, you think about good ways to save money in the process as well.

Are you ready to organize your house move like never before?

8 weeks prior to moving day

  • Decision time! 2 months prior to Moving day is the perfect time to decide whether you’re going to move on your own or find a reputable mover to do the hard work for you. So, self-moving or hiring movers?
  • If you’re a renter, let your landlord know you are leaving the property and start searching for a new place in the city you are moving to. Click here to learn how to get back your security deposit without any problems.
  • Confirm with your current employer that you are moving away, arrange your first day of work at your new job in the new area you are moving to, or start looking for a new job as soon as possible. Consult our complete Job Relocation Guide to learn how to handle it all.
  • Create a moving budget to learn how much money you will need (roughly) to organize and execute successfully your short-distance or long-distance move.
  • If you do choose to use the services of a professional moving company, then initiate the search for top-rated movers as soon as possible. Check out our detailed guide on how to find the best movers.
  • Contact a few reputable moving companies and request an in-house estimation of the future relocation costs. Opt for written binding estimates and compare the offered prices, services, and conditions thoroughly.
  • Before you select your professional relocation partner, make sure you have checked their online reputation in the form of customer reviews and overall service ratings.
  • Inventory your home – make a detailed room-by-room inventory list of all your possessions to see what you have to work with and mark down each household item that may require special handling, packing, or extra insurance.
  • Review your home inventory sheet carefully and decide which items you will actually take with you, and which ones you will leave behind. Remember that fewer things to move means more money saved on transportation, so get rid of your no longer wanted or needed stuff the right way.
  • Each residential move generates a lot of paperwork and most of the documents you will receive in the course of your relocation are very important. Therefore, create a special binder where you should keep safe all move-related paperwork.
  • Packing! The mere mention of that task can send chills up your spine, can’t it? It’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to pack up your home because packing is, without a doubt, the most time-consuming job in your moving timeline checklist. Make sure you consult this amazing Packing Timeline before you roll up your sleeves.

6 weeks prior to moving day

Moving planner calendar
Find the time to organize a yard sale for all the things you won’t need anymore and you’ll be a double winner at once.
  • Your moving timeline should say that 6 weeks prior to your move-out day is just the right time to continue the task of packing up your home for a move. Are you up to the challenge? Besides eating up a staggering amount of time, packing can prove to be somewhat costly, so consider finding cheap or free cardboard boxes to lower your moving costs.
  • If you choose to move on your own, then it’s time to think about booking a rental moving truck, especially if you’re moving in the summer. Contact the largest truck rental companies in the country and compare the prices and conditions.
  • Visit your doctor and get your medical records. Visit the veterinarian for your pet’s papers (if applicable), and obtain the school records of your school-age child or children.
  • Start looking for a new healthcare provider in your destination city and a new school for your kid(s), if applicable. Ask around for suggestions and recommendations before the move takes place.
  • Each residential move means a new postal address. Change your address by visiting in person the nearest post office or by visiting the official USPS webpage.
  • If you own a pet (dog, cat, or bird), 6 weeks prior to moving day is a good time to take your animal friend to the vet for a complete check-up, possible required vaccinations, and advice on the upcoming relocation journey.
  • If you’re moving only a short distance, then it’s a good idea to visit your home in advance and measure the dimensions of the rooms and the doorways so that no problems arise on Moving day.

4 weeks prior to moving day

  • If you’re planning on not using the services of a professional mover, one month prior to the Big day is the perfect time to contact your friends and ask them if they can give you a hand. Truth is, the earlier you reach out to your pals for assistance, the better.
  • You must have already found suitable moving boxes of various sizes. But what about soft packing paper, bubble wrap, tape, and markers? If you choose to pack your home by yourself, you’re going to need them for sure. Get them from a local moving company or an office supply store.
  • Don’t waste any time and effort preparing and packing household items that are forbidden for transportation due to their hazardous nature. See the full list of all non-allowables here, including what to do with them.
  • With only 4 weeks to go, your moving house calendar should be as busy as ever. Consider canceling any subscriptions to delivery services and memberships to various clubs and organizations.
  • If you’re driving to your new home instead of flying, then this is about the right time you are expected to have your car serviced so that the road trip goes as smoothly as possible.
  • If you’re flying to your new city, then you should find a trustworthy auto transporter to ship your car. There are many details about shipping a vehicle, including an extensive preparation period – find all the useful info here.
  • Begin your travel arrangements regardless of the method of transportation for you and your family. Make specific plans, book flights, find hotels, and gather important documents. Moving day is coming faster than you think.
Auto transporters
If you need to have your car shipped across the country, then trust a top-rated auto transporter to do that complicated job for you.
  • Labeling the boxes seems like a minor detail but it is important to include it in your moving-out timeline. This way, when you arrive at your new home, unpacking will be much faster. Don’t miss the steps of labeling your boxes the right way as that task will prove to be a true time-saver after the move is over.
  • While packing up the household items you intend to take with you, prepare one or two boxes that will contain absolute essentials for the period when you won’t have access to your other items. These Open First boxes (aka survival kits) should stay with you during the actual relocation.

2 weeks prior to moving day

  • Only 2 weeks left until the most chaotic day of your move comes around. Contact your chosen professional mover and make sure things are going according to plan.
  • When moving with kids, it’s imperative that they understand what’s going on so that they can adapt more quickly to the changes that are coming their way. Find time to talk with your children, explain what is expected from them, and calm down their fears of the unknown by detailing the relocation steps in advance.
  • Get in touch with your current utility companies to negotiate a date when your services will be disconnected shortly before your move-out date. Also, contact your new service providers in the destination city and arrange their timely re-connection.
  • If you live in an apartment building, you are expected to reserve the elevator for your moving day with the building management. Also, you may need to get a parking permit for the rented moving truck as well, so get down to it at once.
  • Think about how you can pack and ship fragile or valuable items like paintings or other forms of artwork, antique furniture, jewelry, etc. Use appropriate packing techniques and a lot of cushioning and padding materials like bubble wrap and packing paper.
  • 2 weeks before moving away from your home is considered a good time to start using up any food supplies you won’t take with you.
  • Have you packed up your storage areas, such as your garage, basement, and attic? If not, get down to it immediately as those areas always require more time than is originally allocated to them.
  • If you’re planning to organize a goodbye party for your friends, then this is a good time to begin thinking about how to organize it. You probably won’t have enough time to make that farewell party too fancy, so keep it simple and keep the time you spend on its preparation to a minimum.
  • If organizing a farewell party is out of the question due to various time restraints, then your house moving planner should at least include spending some quality time with your friends, coworkers, and neighbors.

1 week prior to moving day

Moving with pets to another house
Amidst the chaotic preparations, you haven’t forgotten the needs of your loyal pet friend, have you?
  • How is your moving timeline checklist going? You only have 7 days until it’s time to move out and start a new chapter in your life.
  • Check and pay any remaining bills before the scheduled move-out day. Keep the receipts in a safe place in case you need them as proof.
  • 7 days prior to your move day is roughly the right time to start disassembling your larger pieces of furniture – dressers, beds, desks, etc. In case you can’t handle that task on your own, hire professionals who know how to do it safely.
  • Any items you may have borrowed from the local library, the movie rental place, or good friends should be returned.
  • Your packing marathon should be drawing to its end. Should you feel like you’ve fallen behind your moving calendar, then seek relocation assistance either from your pals or from a good mover.
  • One week before moving out, schedule the cleaning that you have to do. Make a move-out cleaning checklist and prepare your cleaning materials in advance.
  • Unless you’re moving across town or to another place close by, taking your fragile plants with you can be rather problematic. Professional movers won’t take your plants under normal circumstances so consult our Guide to moving with plants to learn what you can do.

2 days prior to moving day

  • According to your packing and moving calendar, there should be no more packing jobs left for you to do. All your household items should already be packed up, labeled, and ready to be loaded – check every room in your home again to stay on the safe side.
  • Additionally, almost all of your pre-move preparations should be finished.
  • Defrost your refrigerator and get it ready to be transported safely unless you’ve decided to leave it behind.
  • If you’ve hired professionals to help you out, double-check if you have enough money to cover all the expenses. It’s a good idea to set aside some money to tip your hired workers if they happen to do an outstanding job.
  • After the long packing marathon, keep all remaining packing materials that you can use again and recycle the ones that are not worth being kept.
  • Ask a neighbor or the new owner /renter to forward your mail until your address change kicks in. Don’t forget to leave some cash to them for the favor too.
  • Make sure all valuables and important documents are by your side. Do not hand over any valuable items to your hired men unless you’ve arranged their proper transportation beforehand.

What to Do Before Movers Arrive

Moving day

How to load a moving truck
Do you know how to load a rented moving truck by yourself?
  • Moving day is here! Our moving organization checklist should have guided you well enough until the moment of truth. Whatever you plan to do, try hard to avoid the most common moving day mistakes most people make.
  • Go to bed early the night before, charge your phone, and try to have a good rest before the inevitable chaos of Moving day.
  • Get up early in the move-out day morning to have enough time for last-minute tasks.
  • Take a watchful tour around your house or apartment to make sure nothing (and no one!) is left behind.
  • If you’re using professional moving services, be there at the scheduled hour, greet your hired movers, show them around, and let them do their work.
  • Keep your kids and pets away from the moving epicenter – preferably in a safe room in the house, somewhere far from the chaos.
  • You will be handed a number of important documents on Moving day (your Bill of Lading, for example). Be careful to know what you’re signing and never place your signature on blank or incomplete documents. Keep all the documentation safe, preferably in that familiar binder you’ve had for some time now.
  • Make sure the moving company, and in particular, your moving crew, have the accurate destination address and your phone number in case something unexpected comes up.
  • Take one last walk around your home and see whether it is well secured before you leave it.
  • Have a safe trip to your new home.

Moving Day Checklist: Tips to Survive the Big Day

2 days after moving day

  • There are so many essential things to do after you’ve already moved into the new home that you may feel like the move is far from over, which in reality is not far from the truth. Take a look at our visual moving checklist to plan exceptionally well your post-move time: 21 things to do after moving into a new house.
  • You must have unpacked the survival kits by now but the piles of unopened boxes are still waiting for you. Similar to packing, unpacking is an extremely time-consuming task that will often take weeks, not days. The first rooms to unpack? Bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen.
  • If you just moved with a small baby or a toddler, take the necessary steps to childproof the new home to guarantee the safety of all.
  • If you just moved to a new state, you have a limited window of time to register your car and renew your driver’s license at the local DMV office.
  • Go say Hi to your next-door neighbors and consider organizing a humble housewarming party for good luck. Remember: making new friends is a good way to escape the clutches of relocation depression.
Moving organizer
Has our week-by-week moving checklist been (partly) responsible for your highly successful move?
  • Little by little, step by step, it’s a good idea to get to know your new city better.
  • Leave a moving review where you will have the chance to rate the services of your hired movers. This step is much more important than you might think.
  • Enjoy this new chapter of your life!

Yes, it’s true that organizing the perfect move is not easy. Still, one of the best things about moving to another home is that timely and qualified assistance can appear out of nowhere and make that transitional period so much easier for you.

HELP is what you need the most, and much-needed help is what you can get… for free. MoveAdvisor is one of the top-rated moving planner apps (for iPhone and Android smartphones) that comes with a highly customizable moving timeline checklist to better serve your relocation needs.

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  1. How can I move in about 17 days, I am disabled senior with little help. My home is sold to a contractor, I need help desperately. What help is out the FOR me.

  2. Hi,
    thank you for your suggestions because moving & assembling, packing stuff is not an easy task and no one can done it within few days but your artilce helps us in this regard to be ready befor time with ease & comfort.

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