You need your essentials with you when moving house.


  • An essentials box for moving is a box that contains the most important things you’re going to need during the trip to your new home and immediately after arrival.
  • It is a good idea to prepare one large first-night box for the whole family and a personal bag of essentials for every family member.
  • Be sure to pack an open-first box for every room of your new home – include the basics which will make the room usable right away.

There is no doubt that moving is stressful, chaotic, exasperating and altogether extremely difficult. It’s only logical then that you should take every chance to make it easier – reduce the number of items you’re moving, use efficient packing strategies, find trustworthy moving professionals to help you relocate, etc. When you think of it, there are a number of good ways to make your relocation simpler and easier – you just need to do the right thing at the right moment.

It may be hard to believe but even something as small as packing an essentials box, for example, can make a big difference and render your move a lot easier. Having all the items you’re going to need on moving day and during the first couple of days after the relocation packed together in a single box will be very convenient. What’s even more important, though, is that it will help you survive the moving chaos and get your life on track quickly and effortlessly.

What’s a moving essentials box?

Also known as an open-first box or a first-night box, the essentials box for moving is the most important moving box. It is literally a box (or a bag) that contains the most crucial items you will need during the trip to your new home and immediately after arrival – as well as the things you will need in order to finish the last moving preparations on move-out day and to start unpacking and settling into your new home after the move.

Thanks to your survival box, you’ll have easy access to everything necessary to prepare a healthy meal, take a refreshing shower, and have a good night’s rest – both in your empty old home and in your empty new residence.

Besides, your essentials box will help you survive for some time without the rest of your belongings in case you arrive at your new home before your items. And even when your goods are already delivered, finding what you need for the first night in your new place may cause quite a hassle if your essentials are packed away in different boxes.

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How to prepare an essentials box for moving

Your essentials box should contain the things you want to have access to at all times during the move and/or immediately after arriving in your new home. It should travel with you, so that you have your essentials at hand during the trip and don’t have to wait for the moving truck to arrive and be unloaded before you can do anything in your new place.

A survival box for moving will literally help you survive your move.
Just a few of the essentials you need to pack in your survival box.

However, you can’t possibly put all the items you’re going to need for several days in your new home in a single box and take it on the plane (or in the car) with you.

Therefore, you’re advised to prepare a survival box for moving full of indispensable lifesavers (that you should keep with you all the time) and several open-first boxes that contain the basics for each room in your new home (which should be the last boxes to be loaded on the moving truck, so that they can be unloaded first):

Survival boxes

It’s a good idea to pack one large survival box for the whole family that contains some hygiene items (toilet paper, hand soap, dish soap, all-purpose cleaner, paper towels, rags, trash bags, etc.), towels and other bathroom essentials, bed linens, plastic utensils and plates, snacks, drinks, medications, an emergency kit, some basic tools (scissors, all-purpose cutting knife, a can-opener and a bottle opener, a flashlight, a portable tool kit, etc.), pet items (if applicable), games and other necessities that will allow you to provide basic meals, ensure good hygiene, present some entertainment options, and deal with minor emergencies during the relocation trip and immediately after arrival in your new home.

In fact, you can think of your survival box when moving house as a mini survival kit. Make sure it stays with you all the time!

Good to remember: If possible, your most valuable possessions – expensive electronics, pricey jewelry, treasured family heirlooms, irreplaceable collectibles, etc., should also travel with you (entrusting them to the movers may result in great financial or sentimental losses that no insurance can compensate for). Click here for more information on the things you should always move yourself.

In addition to the family survival box, each family member should have their own box or bag of essentials as well – for personal documents (birth certificates, driver’s licenses, passports, professional certificates, credit cards, medical records, school records, etc.), electronic devices (laptops, tablets, phones, cameras, music players, etc.) and their chargers, personal care items (cosmetics, hair products, hair brushes, toothbrush and toothpaste, and other toiletries), prescription medicines, glasses, and contact lenses (if applicable), extra clothes and shoes, favorite books, toys, or other comfort items, and anything else they don’t want to part with.

Alternatively, you can pack one essentials box for you and your spouse/partner, one – for the kids, and another for the pets. Whatever works best in your particular case.

Open first boxes

The moving box designated to be opened first in a certain room should contain the basics which will allow you to make that room usable right away and will facilitate the unpacking of the remaining boxes.

So, what you need to do is sort out your household items and set aside the basic ones for each room.

What to pack in an open first box

Make an informed decision about the contents of your survival box.
Before you can pack your survival box you need to know what exactly will help you make your relocation endeavor easier and better organized.

When packing a first night box, make sure:

  • It contains everything that will allow you to survive for several days and nights in your new home without the rest of your belongings;
  • It contains everything necessary to facilitate and speed up the unpacking process, so that you can set up your new place and resume a normal daily routine as quickly as possible.

Everyone’s essentials will be different, so you need to make your own customized moving essentials box list when preparing for your forthcoming relocation. Yet, you may want to take a closer look at the following useful ideas first, so that you don’t forget something important when packing your open-me-first boxes:

Food and kitchen essentials

Emotionally and physically drained after the strenuous moving day, when you arrive at your new home, you’re going to need something to eat before you can go to bed and get your much-deserved rest.

Chances are that you’ll be too exhausted to go shopping or go out to eat, so it’s advisable to bring something nutritious and easy to prepare with you, along with the necessary dinnerware. Ordering pizza or some other take-out is also a valuable option, of course, but you’re still going to need some basic utensils to eat comfortably. Besides, you’ll probably want a cup of coffee and a good breakfast the next morning, so that you can replenish your energy and heighten your spirit for the exciting first day of your new life.

To be able to prepare some basic meals and “recharge” after the move, you’re going to need:

  • Non-perishable food and healthy snacks – a jar of jam or peanut butter, canned meats and vegetables, some pasta and pasta sauce, cheese crackers, a bag of bagels, cereals, nuts, etc.;
  • Bottled water, tea bags, and a bag of ground coffee;
  • Salt, pepper, sugar, powdered creamer, and any other spices you deem necessary;
  • Paper plates and plastic utensils;
  • A few mugs and cups;
  • A coffee maker (along with some filters) or a coffee pot (or tea kettle);
  • An all-purpose cutting knife;
  • A can opener and a bottle opener;
  • A toaster or a small toaster oven;
  • Paper towels;
  • Dish soap and dish towels.
Take some healthy snacks and refreshing drinks for the trip to your new home.
Some refreshments for the trip to your new life.

Good to remember: A medium-sized pot, a frying pan, and some basic cooking utensils will allow you to prepare healthy and tasty homemade meals during the very first days after the relocation.

So, if you’re traveling in your car, make sure you take these indispensable cooking essentials with you (as well as any small kitchen appliances you use on a daily basis). If not, pack them in a separate “open-me-first” box that will be among the first to be unloaded from the moving truck when your items arrive.

SEE ALSO: The appetizing guide to packing your kitchen for moving

Bedtime essentials

Nothing can be better than a good night’s rest after the arduous moving endeavor. To ensure your sweet dreams on the first night in your new home, you’re going to need:

  • A set of bed linen for each family member – sheets, blankets, pillows, pillowcases, etc.;
  • Comfortable nightwear;
  • A change of clothes (or two) for every family member (according to the current weather conditions in your new area), including extra socks and underwear;
  • An alarm clock (just in case – your phone may run out of battery during the night or get damaged during the relocation process);
  • A night lamp (especially if you have young kids);
  • Your kids’ favorite stuffed animal and storybook (if applicable);
  • Thick curtains to ensure your privacy and your good sleep.

Good to know: If your new home is not furnished and you don’t have the time to set up your bed (or arrive before your items), an air mattress will provide you with the comfort and relaxation you need.

SEE ALSO: How to pack up a bedroom

Bathroom essentials

Without a doubt, taking a shower will be your top priority after the long and tiresome moving day. It’s only logical then that your bathroom items will be among the most important things to pack in your first-night box:

  • Toilet paper;
  • Hand soap and hand towels;
  • Shower gel, shampoo, and hair conditioner;
  • Bath towels;
  • A shower curtain and bath mat;
  • A hair dryer;
  • Your personal care items and preferred cosmetic products.

SEE ALSO: Packing your bathroom when moving


Do not forget your medications and a first-aid kit when preparing your essentials box for moving.
Literal lifesavers.

Having quick and easy access to essential medications is of paramount importance when moving house. Make sure you have:

  • Yours and your family members’ prescription medicines;
  • A first-aid kit;
  • Pain relievers, allergy meds, and vitamins;
  • Eye care products;
  • Glasses or contact lens and contact lens solution (if applicable);
  • Any specialized medical items you or a member of your family needs on a daily basis.

SEE ALSO: Safety tips to avoid injuries when moving

Kids’ essentials

If you have children, you need to pack a box of kid-specific essentials that will help you keep them safe and happy throughout the entire moving endeavor:

  • Pack any specialized kid items (such as baby items, for example) and all the necessary medications in your open-first box;
  • Keep a change of clothes handy at all times;
  • Make sure you bring along some of your kids’ favorite snacks and beverages (provide some special treats too);
  • Take some of your children’s favorite books, toys, travel games, and craft supplies (pens and pencils, coloring books, etc.) to keep the little ones occupied and happy during the trip to your new home and in the first days after the relocation when you’ll be busy unpacking and they won’t have any friends to play with.

SEE ALSO: Moving with kids guide

Pets’ essentials

Your animal friends are likely to be stressed and frightened during the relocation trip and the first days in the unfamiliar new surroundings. To ensure their comfort and provide some sense of security, you’re going to need adequate pet food, treats and chews, food and water bowls, an appropriate pet carrier and bedding, leashes and collars, grooming items and clean-up bags, favorite toys and comfort items, etc.

Good to know: Moving with pets can be a great challenge. You can find some more useful information on how to ensure the safety and well-being of your animal friends before, during and after the relocation here:

Everyone has different essentials.
No, that’s not the best way to move your animal friends across the country. That’s your kids’ essentials box!

Guide to moving with dogs

How moving affects cats

How to move a fish tank

Moving cross country with exotic pets

Cleaning basics

Cleaning equipment and cleaning products are somewhat difficult to pack in an open-first box (some of them are oddly shaped, others contain hazardous substances, etc.) but you can’t do without them.

Once the movers depart with your belongings, you’ll have to give your old home a good cleaning in order to ensure its excellent condition (so that you can get your security deposit back or sell it at a higher price).

You won’t be able to do so if all your cleaning supplies are loaded on the moving truck, of course. Besides, you’re going to need some cleaning essentials in order to sanitize and refresh your new home before your items arrive (there is no better time to clean your new space than while it’s still empty).

So, your essentials box for moving day should contain some cleaning items as well – paper towels and wet wipes, rags and sponges, trash bags, a bucket, a broom, a mop, an all-purpose cleaner, a glass cleaner, and any other cleaning supplies you deem necessary for giving your old property a final clean over and keeping your new one in pristine condition while unpacking your goods.

SEE ALSO: Moving house cleaning checklist

Basic tools

Some simple tools and fix-it supplies will make your life a lot easier when moving house. Make sure you have a knife, a set of screwdrivers, an assortment of screws and nails, an adjustable wrench, a hammer, scissors, zip ties in different sizes, ropes, duct tape, a tape measure, work gloves, and any other lifesavers you won’t be able to do without on move-out/move-in day.

Miscellaneous essentials

Here are some more things you may find extremely useful when moving house:

  • A flashlight and batteries (as well as a lighter and some matches);
  • Light bulbs;
  • Extension cords and power strips;
  • Chargers and adapters for your devices;
  • Umbrellas, electric fans, and/or portable heaters (depending on the weather conditions at the time of your move);
  • Safety pins in various sizes and a mini sewing kit;
  • Means of entertainment – radio, music players, portable games, etc.;
  • Some cash;
  • A list of important addresses and phone numbers.
Keep your essentials with you when moving house.
You can always find space for some more essentials when moving house.

There are no right items or wrong items to pack in your open first box when moving, of course – it all depends on your particular needs and preferences, as well as on your method of traveling to your new home (if you’re traveling in your car, you’ll be able to take many more items than if you’re flying).

Even if you can take only one survival box with you and need to load all the other essentials boxes on the moving truck, having your most important items packed separately will give you easy access to the basics you’re going to need during the first days in your new home (so that you won’t have to rummage through all the boxes in search of a certain necessity) and will make your move much easier and better organized.

Tips for packing a first night box

Now that you know what to pack in your first night box, you need to know how to pack your essentials in a safe and efficient way.

  1. Always pack liquids in sealed plastic containers before putting them in your essentials box to prevent leakage and staining the rest of your items;
  2. Pack your open-me-first box on moving day or the day before, but set aside the items that will go into it much earlier, while sorting out your possessions. This way, you’ll avoid packing away something you’re going to need shortly before, during or immediately after your move;
  3. Do not seal your essentials box before you leave your old home (you may need to add something or take out something at any moment);
  4. Label your survival box clearly and keep it away from your other boxes, so that it doesn’t accidentally get loaded on the moving truck. It has to travel with you, so that it arrives at your new home when you do. Besides, you’re probably going to need some of the items in it on the way to your new home.

Unpacking your open me first box(es) is the first thing to do after arriving in your new home. Then, you’ll be able to take your time settling in and making your new house or apartment feel like home.

So, what do you pack in your essentials box when moving? Share your experience and your ideas in the comments section below!

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