“If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry.”
If you have plenty of household items accumulated over the years, will you be willing to donate some of your possessions to help other less fortunate human beings? Maybe the idea of making gifts to strangers hadn’t crossed your mind before the plans of an imminent move invaded your well-organized life. Just the thought of having to sort out, pack and move all of your belongings gave you a splitting headache, didn’t it? Not to mention the moving costs and the exhausting efforts required to actually get heavy furniture and endless miscellaneous items out of your old home and transport, unload, unpack and arrange them in your new one.
The obvious common-sense solution is to only move the things that have really high financial or sentimental value for you and get rid of everything else. Broken appliances, worn out clothing and all other damaged items that clutter your living space for no reason should, of course, be disposed of immediately. Belongings in good condition that you no longer need, however, can be sold to provide some extra money for the furnishing of your future home.
In case none of these approaches work for you, or you simply prefer to begin your new life with an act of kindness, you can simply consider donating used items to charity.
Why Donate To Charity Before Moving?
Get rid of stuff you no longer desire

So, after you have classified all your possessions according to their value and all the damaged or totally useless junk is already in the garbage, go through the remaining items once again. Put aside everything that is still in good working condition and not very worn out but you haven’t used in over a year and/or don’t particularly like.
Then think about which items will not come in very handy in your new home – there will be no fallen leaves to rake in the garden and no lawn to mow if you are downsizing to an apartment, for example, and your wood-burning stove will be hardly needed if your new place has central heating. Your kids will not be able to enjoy sledging if you are moving south to a sun-lit state where the temperatures never drop below 50°F and your fur-lined boots, as well as the electric blankets, will be of little practical use there.
Another thing to take into account – you may not have enough space in your new residence for all the belongings you’d rather keep. Even if you still use a particular item on rare occasions or want to preserve some of your possessions just for sentimental reasons, if your new home is not large enough, you will have to pay extra money for storage. Now, decide if it is worth all the expenses and the troubles.

Also, remember that there is no point in moving an outdated item which you want to replace soon with a newer model. Be it a furniture piece or an electronic device, if you are planning to get a more fashionable or more convenient modern one at the earliest opportunity, you’d better not bother relocating the old item – it will be a waste of time and money.
If you wish, you can try and sell all of the above-described belongings and pocket some much needed money. If you have enough time, organizing a successful moving sale is your most profitable option, but selling used items online is also an easy and effective solution.
Find a new purpose for old items
If you didn’t manage to trade everything you are not willing to move to your new home or you just didn’t feel like selling personal possessions, there will be still plenty of remaining items that you have no idea what to do with. Someone else, however, may be able to put them to good use. A certain object you don’t care about may be a real treasure for a person in need. Instead of storing things until they become good for nothing, why not give them away to deprived people? You will surely be happy to know that any old possession of yours has a practical purpose instead of being rendered useless by time, right?
Save money and efforts

It is no secret that packing and moving your entire household is quite a tedious and time-consuming task. The more items you possess, the longer it will take to prepare them and the more expensive it will be to move them.
However, there is an easy way to avoid spending valuable time on packing belongings and planning every detail of your relocation. If you have a large home full of various heavy furniture and awkward appliances, tons of miscellaneous items and an incredible amount of precious memories to move, your best bet will be to hire a trustworthy moving company. The movers will leave you with very little to do or worry about because they know how to approach the process in an experienced and speedy manner that is sure to satisfy your perfectionism while giving you enough time to attend to other important issues.
Unfortunately, there is no relief in terms of money. If you are moving by yourself – you will have to provide enough packing materials and suitable means of transportation for all your possessions. If you rely on a reputable moving company, you will have to pay according to the total weight of the items to be moved and the distance these are to be transported. Take into account the additional moving costs for insurance and supplementary equipment and you will quickly come to the conclusion that donating whatever you can do without is a much better option.
Help others

Believe it or not, there is a lot of truth in the old saying “Give and you shall receive”. When you realize that your kid’s favorite baby rattle will make an orphaned infant laugh merrily, you may as well forget all thoughts of “selling for profit”. Even less dramatic circumstances should tip the balance in favor of donation, especially when it comes to food and clothes, or some other essential items that can literally make a difference for the person who receives them through charity. Your old computer may help a clever boy from a poor family advance in his studies or your old-fashioned earrings may bring a smile on the face of a penniless girl. The warmth in your heart and the satisfaction of having helped another human being are quite incomparable.
Furthermore, if you decide to make a donation, you inevitably become interested in the sphere where your chosen charity organization works. You learn of facts you never knew before and become acquainted with social issues you were not aware of. There is quite a chance that you get involved in a good cause and your social awareness level raises considerably.
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