Licenses & Certificates for LaPalm Moving Systems
Before hiring a moving company like LaPalm Moving Systems you should generally make sure you are dealing with a legitimately registered business. Some moving companies are incorporated in a specific province or territory and others are federally incorporated.
You can lookup federal corporations by name in the Corporations Canada online database.
When looking to hire a moving company from Ontario, you may want to lookup your company in the provincial register: Business name registration, Ontario.
Generally, all businesses have to register in the province or territory in which they do business.
You can get a free moving quote from registered movers with our moving cost estimation tool here.
Your business? Claim profile to manage license information.
Community testimonials, ratings and consumer reports on LaPalm Moving Systems - a professional company located in 87 Wallbridge Crescent, Belleville, ON. Discover Belleville, Ontario moving companies.
*MyMovingReviews may not be affiliated with LaPalm Moving Systems and the estimates may be provided from other professional movers in our network.