***** www.mymovingreviews.com Exclusive Report *****
In a home moving industry first, we are able to exclusively reveal an exciting new concept for people moving home in America.
It is no exaggeration to say that the moving industry, and the way the American public move home, is about to be revolutionized.
Avril Täuschen, CEO of GrosScherz Movers EU, gave www.mymovingreviews.com an exclusive interview to announce the launch of their state-of-the-art home moving service.

Having undergone extensive trials across Europe, GrosScherz Movers EU have just opened a brand new GrosScherz Super-Depot in Britton Hill, Florida.
Before our tour of the state-of-art super depot, Avril, and Grap Canular, co-founder of GrosScherz Movers EU, was keen to tell us all about the incredible innovations that they have developed over the last few years.
Set amongst the glorious rolling hills of Florida, the super depot lies under a 80-foot high man-made earth mound covered in lush green grass.
Avril explained why: “Not only did we want to not spoil the beautiful Florida countryside building an industrial monstrosity, the earth and grass mound is vital to the new technology we have developed for our fleet of moving trucks”
“Each moving truck is powered by vibration waves. The easiest way for me to explain this is that water drips onto the roof of each van, and much like a drum skin when it is struck, vibrates or, put another way, creates a wave of energy, as does the roof of the vehicle. This creates kinetic energy which powers the engines of the moving truck. The soil and grass-covered roof of the super depot collects the abundant Florida rain and delivers a steady drip feed of water to power our vehicles as they recharge overnight”.
“One of the factors for choosing Britton Hill as the location of the first US site was that Florida has a good supply of rain, being one of the wettest States. However, for the days when the sun does shine here, our fleet are also equipped with dual solar panels”.
Obviously as thrilled about the new technology developed for the moving trucks as they are about the super depot, Avril went on to tell us more about the moving trucks they have developed:
“Each truck is driverless but incorporates all the latest safety features of such vehicles, in fact, these cutting-edge vehicles exceed all the crash test parameters as set out by the IAFDV in Switzerland’’.
“Each wheel is linked by a fixed differential, effectively they are capable of 4-wheel drive mode, and so mud-caked country lanes and even snow-covered roads will pose no problem for our fleet”
“The height, and therefore load capacity of each truck, is adaptable. The panels on the side of the truck can slide out and the roof can be lowered on retractable stanchions. This makes for a far more flexible fleet of home moving trucks. It also will enable us to more easily enter locations that have height restrictions in place, negating the need for shuttle vans”.
Back to the super depot, tell us more: Grap was enthusiastic about their new Florida headquarters to say the least “The depot is completely self-sufficient and has zero environmental impact. All the energy needed to run the depot is produced by the rain collectors as Avril has explained. As there are zero emissions and absolutely no noise from the engines of our moving trucks, our new neighbors won’t even know we are here. In fact, we have built tunnels into the hill so that our vehicles enter and exit the depot from the other side of the valley away from the village. Next April, we intend to breed Hog Island sheep to keep the grass at optimum height. In partnership with SchafReifen.DE, we are currently developing a revolutionary fabric made from sheep wool to produce 100% organic tires for our moving trucks”.
But this game-changing Moving Company has yet more astonishing news to share with us:
‘’We will be utilizing the next generation of EXOSKELETON suits to create the perfect home moving experience for our customers’’ enthused Avril.
Each furniture moving team consists of 3 crew members, each one of them equipped with an exoskeleton suit. This enables our teams to perform an average 3 bedroom home move in under 2 hours.

The state-of-the-art suits were developed in a joint French-German venture funded by the AFRAEU.
Despite the complexity of programming for overcoming dexterity and maneuverability problems that the suits would encounter in a number of home moving situations, they have perfected the suits in extensive tests both in the laboratory and in real-life home moves.
The suits, or RALFs as they are affectionately known, enhance both the lifting capacity, extend the working day (as the moving team gets far less fatigued) and will mean the end of muscle-related injuries as the exoskeleton suits bear the load that the muscles normally would.
Each suit is programmed to identify the easiest and safest way to maneuver furniture in the least possible time. Proximity sensors on each of the exoskeleton suits ensure that there is no damage caused to the home you are moving out of or in to.
Utilizing the latest exoskeleton suits allows each team member to lift weights of up to 330lb each, those heavy and awkward pieces of furniture will pose no problem to the moving team.
This will be particularly useful during commercial moves when forklifts are normally used. The savings both to the Moving Company and the company relocating will be substantial.
The RALF suits recharge through self-generated kinetic energy meaning they never need to stop for recharging. The motion produced whilst carrying all your household goods enables AF and HH capacitors to recharge them as they work.
As if we were not in awe of these moving industry firsts already, the next revelation left us speechless.
Using suspended atmosphere plastic packing boxes, the items are placed inside reinforced plastic boxes, and when closed, the boxes create a vacuum in which the items are literally enveloped in a cocoon of air cushioning. No more costly padding or hours of wrapping items in bubble wrap.
The precious items cannot move about within the box as the pressure within the plastic boxes is constant and any tilting or shifting is auto-balanced, much like an oscillator levels out a drone, for example.
The boxes self-seal by means of a chemical reaction within two strips that touch on the flaps of the boxes. So no more running out of packing tape half way through your home packing marathon!
At the end of our day with Avril and Garp, we were truly astounded by the impact these amazing new technologies will have on the moving industry. Who can only guess what new innovations they will have developed by this time next year?
How will the traditional home moving industry respond to this incredible feat of modern engineering and innovation?

Surprisingly, MAAFR declined to comment after we asked for their reaction as to what effect this would have on the home moving companies of America.
Only time will tell, as they say…………
*Due to the technology used, and the institutes that have worked on the development of these ground-breaking innovations, some of the terms used in this article will be unfamiliar to nearly everyone in the American home moving industry, let alone to the average person looking to move home. Therefore, be sure to read the glossary of terms at the foot of this article.
So, until this revolutionary new service is available nationwide, you can still rely on your local movers to offer an outstanding home moving service.
You can be sure that a reputable moving company if chosen wisely, will still offer you a stress-free and safe home moving experience.
And as we all know, new technology comes at a price to the consumer, so to take advantage of the outstanding value for money a full-service moving company can offer, be sure to get your free home moving cost estimate today.
Get your free home moving estimate quote.
Article Glossary:
- GrosScherz Movers EU: Big Joke Movers EU (in German)
- Avril Täuschen : April (in French) Fool (in German)
- Grap Canular: Joke (in German) Hoax (in French)
- RALFS: Robotic April Fools Suits
- IAFDV: Institute of April Fools Driverless Vehicles
- DE: Sheep Tires (in German)
- AFRAEU: April Fools Robotic Association of Europe
- AF Capacitor: April Fool
- HH Capacitor: Huge Hoax
- RAAFR: Movers Against April Fools Robots
And our apologies to any residents in Britton Hill, Florida, for any distress we may have caused you.
Happy April 1st, Readers!!!
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