Moving to Europe sounds very exciting, doesn’t it? And it is! Unlike the USA the European countries are very much diverse and you can find differences between some of them that could reach to opposites. Europe is one of the 3 economy centers in the world along with the States and China. After the beginning and expansion of the EU the borders of the European countries are becoming thinner and thinner with globalization taking strong part in their unification and in particular economic globalization. Markets have more and more similar requirements to enter and as a future employee on the EU market you will more easily reach any market in the EU. Of course also be ready for the stronger competition and with the last economic crisis you should have it in mind as well. Most EU countries offer good systems of health care, education and a possibility for an average life standard. Hence when moving to Europe from America you will find a new world where you will feel very comfortable. This guide to moving to Europe will give you the basic information for your relocation there.
Guide to Moving to Europe with Tips
At first in this guide to moving to Europe it is important to take a quick look at the different opportunities to work and study in Europe since people relocate to Europe for various reasons. After that you will find practical moving to Europe tips.
Study in Europe
There is a lot that you need to prepare for your study in the EU. Look online and explore the websites of different universities to check the details on admition, application deadlines, etc. Look for information and read what you can find so you can make a reasonable choice. When it comes to being a student you need probably one or better – 2 years to get ready. Different universities have different requirements – some will allow the students to work part time, taxes will vary, etc.
Getting a Job in the EU
English is one of the official languages in the EU and in many countries you will be able to do fine without speaking the local language – in the beginning of course. Some jobs like in the IT sector are outsourced to Europe from the US and also thanks to the transnational corporations’ activity you may be able to find a job in the EU – be transfered by a USA company that has a branch in Europe for example. Again, in some cases phone interviews apply just like they are a possibility in the USA where distances are bigger than within the EU countries (for example only Belgium has the population of the state of Ohio, Denmark has the same population like Maryland, etc.).

Moving to Europe – Shipping
Moving to Europe – shipping, is based on volume not on weight so unlike moves within the US here you have a different criteria to use when moving. As funny as it may seem to you, prepare your luggage for traveling and place it somewhere away from movers. Once you show them a room to pack they’ll pack everything in it. When you decide to relocate to Europe you need to have all your transportation organized and luggage to travel with separated from the luggage for packing. You can lock it in the bathroom or in a room in your home. Movers usually act quick so you may not even notice how your suitcases have been packed. Keep valuable items with you like money, credit cards, expensive things – all of these should stay away from the movers. Companies that are reputable are trustworthy but yet before moving day protect your valuables. On the one hand, they can disappear in someone’s hands and on the other – they may get quickly packed and they’ll be gone before you know it. That is why the choice of movers is crucial. Ask for at least several international relocation quotes and compare the prices and the service from the moving companies. Ask them how much time the shipment will take and prepare a floor plan for them to give. If you don’t understand the moving terminology inform yourself of the terms glossary.

Moving to Europe – Tips
- Consider what furniture and other things to move as the final price for your relocation is based on the amount of your belongings.
- That goes true for electrical appliances as electricity is different – it is 230V at 50Hz.
- You will also see other differences between the States and Europe like in the cultures.
- If you’re going back to the States in a certain period of time you can use storage for what you’re not taking to Europe.
- On moving day give to the movers the floor plan with what should go where in your new home.
- When packing label boxes clearly to which room they belong. Later in your new home you can put labels next to the door of every room so movers will know easily what to take in where. In this way they won’t need you to point them the positioning of every single box.
- Remember to change your address, cancel subscriptions, forward the mail with the USPS and collect medical, dental and school records.
When moving to Europe from America there’s a lot you should be prepared for and a lot to read. Let this guide to moving to Europe be your starting point for your further research because it is not possible to include all needed information in one short article. If you think that there is more to add to relocating to Europe that is important you can share it as a comment below. Thank you.
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