Moving to a small town


  • Moving to a small town and living there is not for everyone.
  • There are indisputable benefits of living in a small town… but there are also a few obvious drawbacks as well.
  • Your decision to move to a small town can either bring you plenty of joy, satisfaction, and peace, or a bucketful of regrets.
  • Weigh your options carefully and use these practical tips for moving to a small town for regret-free, small-town living.

For better or worse, times are constantly changing.

A few years back you could have sworn that you’d never leave the big city and all the indisputable advantages that a big-city life can offer.

But now, due to recent developments and drastic changes in the way you live and work, you may be seriously considering moving to a small town.

In fact, you may have already started getting ready, little by little, to turn that previously unthinkable move into reality.

Moving from a big city to a small town can easily prove to be one of the best decisions you’ve made in a long time. Or you could end up regretting the choice to leave the large city, day in and day out.

Therefore, before you make up your mind for real, it’s important to understand what you’re getting yourself into before it’s too late.

Here’s what you have to know when moving to a small town from a large city.

Enjoy the benefits of living in a small town

If you think about it really hard, you’re likely to come up with many good reasons why you should move to a small town – after all, small towns have much to offer. But above all else, the move will be about your health and the health of your family, and nothing else can possibly top that.

You’ll discover that small-town life is healthier

As a rule of thumb, the environment in a small town (population between 25,000 and 50,000 residents) is more laid back and relaxed than the hustle and bustle of city life, meaning that you’ll get to experience first-hand the peace and quiet that smaller communities offer.

Even time seems to be going a bit slower there and that’s something that can have a hugely beneficial effect on your nervous system and your health in general.

Unless you move to a town that has an industrial zone in it or nearby, the air should be less polluted thanks to the absence of factories, the much less traffic on the roads, and the closeness to more green areas, especially forests.

Yes, the fresher air and less polluted water will be a great bonus to enjoying a healthier life in a small town, but it’s the decreased levels of stress that can prove to be the most advantageous thing for you.

You’ll get the space you always wanted

Advice for moving to a small town
Small towns offer the open space you may have missed for years.

When moving from an apartment in a big city to a house in a small town, then one of the first things that will strike you is how much space there is in the new home – more living space you’ve always wanted but couldn’t afford until that moment.

Moving into a spacious house with a large garden and a big backyard may feel a bit overwhelming at first, but you’ll come to love it soon enough. More breathing room inside the new place and plenty of space for the stuff you’ve brought along.

When moving to a small town with a family, the larger home will be nothing but a blessing for everyone in your family, including the pets.

As a bonus, you’re likely to get much more space outside your doorstep too because small towns are usually much closer to nature than large cities. The large outdoor space around the home, combined with the vast open spaces around the town itself, should give you good excuses for long pleasant walks in nature.

You’ll find it easier to save money

One of the things you should know when moving to a small town from the big city is that the cost of living in the destination place should be lower than that of large cities. Or maybe it was the lower cost of housing in smaller towns that convinced you to move away from the big city in the first place.

In general, you should pay less money to rent or buy a house in the destination place. Also, the property tax and home utilities, the cost of groceries and goods, and even gas prices tend to be more affordable in smaller towns, which should enable you to save more money in the long run provided that your income stays the same and you don’t have to endure a pay cut due to the move.

Also, because of the fewer big-city temptations of expensive entertainment options, you should be able to avoid overspending and possibly save up more money when living in a small town.

You’ll be living in a safer environment

One of the things to know when moving to a small town is that, as a rule, you should be able to enjoy a safer environment thanks to the fact that most people in the destination place will know each other and definitely be on friendly terms with their neighbors and many people from their immediate neighborhood.

And because of this familiar and often friendly atmosphere, ill-intended strangers are spotted much easier than in big faceless cities. Statistical data confirms that crime rates are often much higher in large cities than in smaller communities where people tend to be more on the lookout for their fellow residents.

When moving to a small town with a family, the mere fact that your children will live in a safer and friendlier place is reason enough to close your eyes to some of the obvious disadvantages of small-town living.

Also, families who live in small towns are likely to spend more quality time together, often engaging in various outdoor activities (hiking, biking, etc.) that will bring them together even more.

You’ll feel part of a community

Ready to immerse yourself in the unique small-town atmosphere?

What is it like to live in a small town? The thing is that you’ll find the answer to this enigmatic question soon after the move.

One thing that you may love, or hate, after moving to a smaller town is the fact that you’ll sense that you’re part of a community and not another stranger in the crowd, at least as far as your neighborhood is concerned.

Locals will start greeting you by name soon enough and you’ll get this unfamiliar feeling that most of them will be willing to help you out in case you need their help.

If you’re moving to a small town single, then you’ll find out that it’s much easier to meet new people and find good friends among them in a close-knit community.

And it’s definitely possible that you meet the love of your life right there in a small town – the fateful encounter that was just never meant to happen while you were living in the big city.

The Effects of Moving to a New Town

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Be aware of the disadvantages of moving to a small town

Bear in mind that living in a small town is not all roses. That’s right – moving to a small town does have its share of disadvantages and it’s important that you’re perfectly aware of them before you actually move there. In fact, few things are more disheartening and disappointing to move somewhere only to realize that whatever you imagined in your head and reality are two different things.

Sometimes the clash between small-town expectations and small-town reality can be too much to handle.

What are the cons of moving to a small town?

  • Small towns have limited job opportunities than large cities. So, moving to a small town without having secured a job first can be rather risky.
  • Small towns have limited access to adequate healthcare. In some places, healthcare services may be inadequate or even non-existent.
  • Small towns may have fewer or inadequate educational opportunities. Keep this in mind when moving with school-age children to avoid serious judgment errors.
  • Small towns offer restricted entertainment options, including a scaled-down calendar of cultural, sports, and social events. The nightlife there may not exist at all.
  • Smaller towns will have limited or no public transport at all. Effectively, this means that you’ll be forced to rely entirely on your car after the move.
  • Small towns tend to have much-limited services and amenities than big cities. Even hiring a qualified plumber, electrician, or carpenter could prove to be problematic.   
  • Smaller towns could experience occasional power cuts or water supply issues, especially during summer storms or winter blizzards.
  • Smaller towns may have poorly maintained roads that can lead to unexpected problems such as accelerated wear-and-tear of your vehicle which can be quite costly in the long run. Roads in bad condition could be the cause of car accidents as well.

How to Deal with Moving Anxiety

Tips for moving to a small town

Now that you know the major advantages and disadvantages of moving to a small town, let’s concentrate on some practical advice that will help you prepare for the upcoming small-town relocation in the best possible way.

Read the following 10 tips for moving to a small town to stay a few steps ahead during your busy preparation:

1. Understand the real reason for moving to a small town

Before anything else, you have to be absolutely sure that you’re moving to a small town for all the right reasons.

In most cases, it comes down to a thorough analysis of all the pluses and minuses of going ahead with the crucial decision to move away from a big city and settle in a small town somewhere in the countryside.

Assess carefully your situation and make the best possible decision for everyone in your family. Sometimes it can be hard to see the right answer and that’s exactly why knowing the pros and cons of moving to a small town should help you in your life-changing choice.

Why Do People Move?

2. Be OK with the cons of living in a smaller town

You should be now fully aware of the major drawbacks of living in a small town. So, are you OK with those disadvantages of small-town living?

Ideally, you will know what to expect when moving to a small town and there won’t be any big surprises that may cause you to doubt the rightness of your initial decision. You won’t want to feel any regrets after the move either.

So here’s the thing: be OK with the main small-town issues and things will be just fine.

Moving From an Apartment to a House: What to Expect

3. Spend some time in the destination town

How to adjust to moving to a small town
Nothing beats spending some time in a small town before moving there.

This advice may not always be practicable and accomplishable but whenever possible, you should go and spend a bit of time in the town you’re planning to move to.

Needless to say, nothing can beat such first-hand experience – you’ll actually see with your own eyes what’s there for you and your family members before the move. Doing it may reinforce your initial intent to relocate there, or it may do the opposite – cause you to question the whole house moving idea.

Either way, don’t hesitate to visit and spend some time in that small town if you’ve got the chance.

Pros and Cons of Moving to a New City

4. Forget all small-town stereotypes

It’s a good idea to try to forget all the stereotypes about small towns and small-town residents that you may have been burdened with through the years.

You may have heard that small towns are full of honest, trustworthy, and brave people. Or you may have heard quite the opposite about townsfolk – that they are ignorant, rude, and dishonest.

Of course, none of those stereotypes is really true – terrific people and despicable people live everywhere, both in big cities and in small towns. And as you’ll soon see for yourself, most people you’ll meet in the new place will be somewhere between those two extremes.

Free yourself of any stereotypes, for they can only put you at a real disadvantage even before you’ve moved there.

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5. Get ready for a more slow-paced lifestyle

Sometimes it can be really hard to adjust to life in a small town, especially when you’re coming from a big city. In most cases, it’s the different pace of living that you will find it tough to get used to – some folks never do find a way to slow down enough to feel truly happy in a smaller town.

The fast-paced city life can be too stressful at times, but it’s the never-ending array of things to do and places to go that give people a sense of purpose and direction. Take it away and it’s time for a long adaptation period with an uncertain end.

Accept that living in a small town will be simply slower and try to look at all the positives from such a slow-paced life.

How to Adapt to a New Environment When Moving

6. Think about your school-age children

How to survive moving to a small town
Research the schools in the destination town before moving there with your family.

Your decision of whether you should move to a small town will surely be influenced by the fact that your school-age children will have to change schools.

As mentioned above, the smaller the town you’re relocating to, the fewer schools will be there, which in turn will limit your options when it comes to ensuring the best education for your kids.

There are just too many factors that will come into play all at once, making it impossible to make any useful generalizations about what’s best – after all, what’s best for some children will not be best for others.

So, it’s your duty as a caring parent to do thorough research on the available schools in the destination area and pick the one with the best reputation when it comes to preparing their students for life after high school.

Tips for Moving During the School Year

7. Get a reliable vehicle

You may have not used your car that much while living in a large city thanks to the availability of good public transport. However, that will surely change as soon as you move away from the big city – in a small town, having a car is a must in order to stay mobile and to get around easily and quickly.

Make sure your vehicle is reliable enough as you’ll be driving it almost exclusively right after the move. In reality, you’ll probably drive it often to the nearest city for work, school, shopping, services, worship, or entertainment. In the wintertime, those car trips could become dangerous unless you know that you can rely 100% on your vehicle.

How to Pack a Car When Moving

8. Reduce the number of items you’re moving

Moving to a small town from the big city will usually mean that you’re upsizing your home. Getting a big house in a lovely town could well be a dream come true for you. And of course, a bigger home means plenty of storage space as well.

Nevertheless, you should still inventory your household items and get rid of the things you won’t ever need again. Why? In that case, it’s not really insufficient storage space but about keeping the moving expenses to a minimum.

Seriously, why should you pay good money only to transport stuff that you’ve never liked and won’t put to any good use again?

Pare down your possessions as much as you can and you’ll thank yourself later that you did it.

How to Declutter Your Home Before Moving

9. Pack up things by yourself

Packing for a move
Pack your things by yourself to lower the moving costs.

Moving house is an expensive affair and the numerous immediate post-move expenses are likely to eat up a huge chunk of your savings.

The good news is that you can do something about it since you don’t have to pay more money than necessary.

When moving to a small town, one excellent way to reduce the moving costs, and thus keep more money in your pocket, is to pack up your things by yourself. This way, you won’t have to pay professional packers for the extra moving service.

However, if you’re moving any specialty items such as a grandfather clock or a piano, then you should still hire professionals to prevent untimely damage to your valuable belongings.

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10. Trust a good mover

Once you’ve made up your mind to relocate to a small town, you’ll have tons of things to do and even more things to worry about. Typically, changing the big-city setting for a small-town atmosphere can be too drastic and overwhelming, often forcing your mind to go into overdrive. And that’s exactly why organizing a successful DIY move may simply prove to be a Mission Impossible for you.

To achieve a smooth transition from the very start, your best bet for a trouble-free relocation to a small town is to trust an experienced moving company. The professional mover you pick will handle the toughest and most stressful aspects of the house move, leaving you with more time and less pressure to get everything done prior to the move-out date.

Requesting free cost estimates is the first step to finding top-rated movers when you’ve made up your mind to swap the big city for a small town.

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    1. We are currently moving from the city to a small town. I would say spend the most amount of time in that area you want to live. Ourselves. We dont take advantage of the city life enough to be here. All the different stores,restaurants,clubs,bars, its all over priced and over taxed. Everyone i know works 60-70 hrs a week with one or two jobs and everyone is in auto-mode. I came from a small town in the mountains and after 15 years i’m ready to go back to a simple life. Instead of always stuck in the fast lane, watching horribly as life pass by at 100mph. Everyone situation is different. Money will make or break you. I feel its too tight on 100,000 a year for a family of four. If your in the 160,000 and up you might do better. but in the end it’s the lifestyle your paying for.

  1. We really liked what you said about moving to a small town and being dazzled by how we’re more likely to afford a big house. My fiance and I are tired of city life, and we’re interested in building a family soon, but we’re worried about how unsafe our area is, so we think we’ll consider your option. Thank you for the information on how a small town might have everything that a family wants to live peacefully.

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