If you like your neighborhood and the building you live in but your current apartment is not right for you, the best solution may be to move to a different apartment in the same building.
Moving to another apartment in the same building can save you a lot of time, money, and stress when you need a new living space – and can help you get the perfect new home.
When switching apartments in the same complex, however, there won’t be any new amenities or features to enjoy – and you may not be happy to continue working with the same property manager.
When transferring to a different apartment in the same building, you’re advised to spread out the moving process as much as possible and to use some proven packing tricks that will help you save on packing time and packing expenses.
So, you live in a great neighborhood and you really like your apartment complex – the area is safe, green, and prosperous, the location is perfect, the amenities are nice, and the price is reasonable. Yet, your apartment isn’t good enough – it doesn’t suit your needs and preferences and you don’t really feel comfortable in it.
In such a case, transferring to a different apartment in the same building may be the best solution – the ideal home for you may be just across the hall.
Moving to another apartment in the same building can save you a lot of time, money, and headaches when you need a new living space – and can help you get the perfect new home. You just need to play your cards right.
Here is everything you need to know when moving apartments in the same building in order to make the most of your extremely short distance relocation:
Reasons to move to a different apartment in the same complex
If you’re happy with the neighborhood and the apartment complex you currently live in, like the location and the building, enjoy the available features and amenities, and have a good rapport with the property manager, you will probably want to continue living there.
Just the right building in just the right location. If only it was the right apartment too…
Your needs, however, may change and your current apartment may no longer be right for you – or there may be some problems with the unit that you no longer wish to tolerate:
Your household may grow (you may get a live-in partner, have a child, etc.) and you may need more space (one more bedroom, another bathroom, more storage space, etc.) – so, you may want to move to a bigger apartment;
You may no longer need all the space in your current apartment (your grown children may have moved out, you may no longer have a live-in partner, you may not need space for a home office anymore, etc.) – so, you may want to move to a smaller unit so you don’t pay for space that you’re not actually using;
Your financial situation may change for the better – so, you may decide to upgrade to a more spacious and more luxurious apartment;
Your financial situation may change for the worse and you may no longer be able to afford your current apartment – or you may need (or want) to save money for something – so, you may want to move to a cheaper unit;
It may be difficult for you to get to your apartment on the third or fourth floor if the building doesn’t have an elevator – so, you may want to move to a unit on a lower floor;
You may have a noisy neighbor or may just not get along with some of your neighbors – so, you may want to move away from them;
You may not like the location of your apartment within the building (it may be on the side that overlooks the parking, or the pool, etc.) – so, you may want to live in another part of the building;
There may be some heating problems or plumbing problems in the unit you’re currently living in, etc.
Whatever the issue, moving to a different apartment in the same complex could be the perfect solution.
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So, can you switch apartments in the same complex? Yes, you can – and it can be quite an advantageous option. But it’s not without its drawbacks.
In order to be able to decide if transferring apartments is the right choice for you, you need to be aware of all the pros and cons of moving from one apartment to another in the same building.
Benefits of switching apartments in the same complex
1) You will save yourself the hassle of researching apartment complexes, visiting different locations, and going through tenant screening.
You can get the perfect apartment for you without moving to a different location.
2) You will get to stay in the same neighborhood – and the same building – that you like and are familiar with. There will be no need to adjust to a new environment and to a new community – and if you have kids, they won’t need to change schools and part with their friends.
3) You will be familiar with the management and policies in the apartment complex, so there won’t be any bad surprises after the move. Besides, you will continue working with the same property manager – and if you’ve already built a good relationship with them, things will be much easier.
4) You will know the best locations within the complex and the positives and negatives of different types of units – and you will be the first to see any newly vacated units. So, you’ll be able to choose the perfect new apartment for you.
5) You may be able to negotiate lower renter fees (move-in fees, application fees, etc.) – and some of the preliminary fees may be completely waived.
6) Your move will be fast, easy, and cheap – your new apartment will be just down the hall (or down the stairs, or two floors above you), so you will have no trouble taking your belongings to your new home. You won’t need a truck to transport your items, won’t need many packing materials, and won’t even need to go outside (so, moving in the winter won’t be a problem).
What’s more, you may be able to negotiate some overlap time between your move-out and move-in dates, which will allow you to move over the course of several days.
Drawbacks of moving to another apartment in the same complex
You will be in the same building, so there won’t be any new amenities or features to enjoy;
You may not like your new neighbors;
A comparable unit in another building may be cheaper than the apartment in your building you’re moving to;
If you don’t have a good rapport with the property manager, you won’t be happy to continue working with them.
If you decide that the pros of switching apartments in the same building outweigh the cons, you need to find out how to make the transfer as smooth and easy as possible.
Tips for moving within the same building
Your dream apartment is just within reach…
Moving apartments in the same complex is quite a simple process. Yet, in order to make the most of the transfer, you need to know how to do things right.
Here is how to move within the same building in a smooth and easy manner and get the best apartment for you without any hassles and headaches:
Talk to your landlord
The first thing to do when looking to switch apartments in the same building is to talk to your landlord. Let them know you’re interested in a transfer and ask about the procedure:
Are there any requirements you need to meet?
Do you need to go through a new round of tenant screening?
Will you need to sign a new lease or amend your current one?
Can you transfer apartments if you still have time left on your lease? What are your options? (Be prepared to negotiate – you will be moving in the same building, so you won’t be breaking your lease, you will be just transferring it to another unit.)
Is there a transfer fee? What about application fees and move-in fees? (Some landlords may waive all preliminary fees, but others may charge fees for performing inspections, putting up protective materials on moving day, etc.)
Will there be any difference in the rent price? (if you’re transferring to the same type of unit) or How much will the new unit cost to rent? (if you’re moving to a different type of apartment)
Are there vacancies that meet your needs and preferences? (If there’s no vacant unit that meets your requirements, ask to be put on a waiting list (it will ensure that as soon as a suitable apartment becomes available, you’ll be the one to move into it). However, be sure to confirm with your landlord that the waiting list is not binding and doesn’t require a deposit – so that if you change your mind while you wait, you don’t end up losing money.)
Bonus tip: Follow up on the waiting list
If you’re put on a waiting list, be sure to check in with the management office periodically to ensure you’re still on the list and see if any suitable vacancies are expected soon. Ask for a time estimate, so you know how much longer you’ll need to wait until you can move into an appropriate new apartment.
If, meanwhile, you change your mind or your circumstances change and you decide to move to an apartment in another complex or to stay in your current unit, ask your landlord to remove you from the waiting list.
Different buildings have different policies, so you need to discuss all the details with your landlord and make sure that you understand the procedure and the requirements well. Then, you need to plan your move accordingly.
Decide if you’re going to ask friends to help you move or will hire professional movers
Moving to another apartment in the same building is a walk in the… building.
While you won’t need a moving truck when moving from one apartment to another in the same building, you will still need some moving help – no matter how short the distance may be, there’s no way you can move your couch or your bookcase to your new apartment on your own. You need to ensure there will be someone to help you take your larger and heavier items to your new unit on moving day.
You can ask a couple of good friends to give you a hand – after all, a move within the same building won’t take too much time or too much effort. (See also: How to get friends to help you move)
If you have some fragile heavy items or other delicate valuables, though, or if you don’t want to bother your friends (or if you don’t have any physically strong friends, or if they aren’t able (or willing) to help you with your move), it will be best to hire professional movers to do the job for you. The experts have rich experience and specialized moving equipment, so they will be able to perform your move in a safe and efficient manner – and it won’t cost you much as you’ll be charged by the hour and the pros will complete the job very quickly.
Keep in mind that some landlords require licensed, insured movers, even for moves between units in the same complex – if that’s the case with your building, you’ll have no choice but to hire a moving company. And even if your landlord doesn’t require professional movers, if they demand the use of specialized moving equipment or specialized property protective materials, it may be cheaper to hire a moving company than to purchase/rent all the necessary equipment and supplies (not to mention how much easier – and safer – it will be to leave the job to the pros).
Bonus tip: If you decide on a self-move, be sure to get a dolly, moving straps, furniture sliders, and other equipment that will make things easier on moving day – and don’t forget to take measures to protect the building (doors, walls, floors, stairs, elevator, etc.) during the move, so you don’t end up being charged for property damage.
Spread out the moving process as much as possible
As soon as a suitable new apartment becomes vacant and it’s confirmed you’ll be moving into it, ask the property manager if you can begin moving your belongings to the new unit before the official move-in day. This is usually not allowed for new tenants, but since you’re already a renter in the building, they may let you do it.
When switching apartments in the same building, you can get a head start on your move.
If so, ask for the key and start bringing your items to your new place as soon as possible. That way, you will be able to move most of your smaller items in advance and things will be much easier (and will go much faster) on moving day.
Bonus tip: If there will be contractors performing work in your new apartment before you move in, let them know that some of your belongings are already in the unit and ask them to be careful and not to leave the door open while on a break.
In case you’re not allowed to bring any of your belongings in your new apartment before your lease begins, at least try to negotiate an overlap of several days between your move-out and move-in dates – to make your move more convenient and less stressful.
Be creative when packing and moving your items to your new apartment
Moving within the same building allows for a number of packing tricks and moving hacks:
Reusing moving boxes. You won’t need many boxes when moving to another apartment in the same complex – you can pack a few boxes, take them to your new unit, empty them, get them back to your old apartment, and pack them full again. If you need to complete your move in one day, however, this tactic may not work – there just won’t be enough time;
Leaving items in their drawers. If you’re moving furniture with drawers to your new unit, you don’t need to empty the drawers and pack their contents in moving boxes – just take the full drawers out of the furniture and carry them to your new apartment. Replace the drawers once the furniture piece is moved to its rightful place in the new unit;
Leaving clothes on their hangers. The easiest way to move your hanging clothes to another apartment in the same complex is to put them in clean garbage bags (wrap a twist tie around 5-6 hangers with similar clothes on them and pull a trash bag over the group of hanging clothes) and just carry them to your new unit;
Using alternative packing materials. When moving within the same building, your belongings won’t be loaded on (and unloaded from) a moving truck, won’t spend hours (or days) on the road, and won’t be exposed to the elements – so, they won’t need a lot of protection. Therefore, you don’t need to carefully pack all your items in moving boxes – you can put non-breakable items in trash bags, laundry baskets, or whatever other containers you have and carry them to your new unit. Needless to say, you can use towels and old clothing instead of bubble wrap and other wrapping and cushioning materials.
Bonus tips:
Better safe than sorry.
Do not just move all your possessions from your old apartment to your new one – take the opportunity to get rid of items you don’t really need or like, even if they can fit in your new unit;
Protect furniture with blankets – Despite the short distance to your new apartment, there is a big risk of damage to your furniture – a piece can be easily scratched, dented, or even broken while being taken through narrow doorways and hallways, around sharp turns, and up or down stairs. You’re, therefore, advised to wrap any furniture you’re taking to your new unit in blankets (moving blankets or regular blankets) to prevent damaging your pieces during the move.
Set up new utility accounts
Even though you’re moving within the same building, you’ll be living in a different apartment, so you’re going to need new utility accounts – be sure to set them up without delay.
Notify people and institutions of your new address
When you move to a new apartment in the same building, the address of your building won’t change, but your apartment number will – so, you’ll have a change of address.
It goes without saying that you’ll tell your family and friends which apartment you’re living in, but you’ll need to inform others of your new address too – notify the post office, your employer, your credit card company, and other people and institutions that mail you anything.
Let the mail carrier know that you’re still in the same building but at a new apartment.
Bonus tip: It’s a good idea to tell the new tenant of your old apartment the number of your new unit and ask them to contact you should any mail come for you at your old address.
Moving within the same building will allow you to upgrade to a more comfortable living situation – or reduce your renting costs – while staying in the same neighborhood and the same apartment complex that you like. You’ll get the right new home for you, won’t need to adjust to a new environment, and the relocation will be much easier, much cheaper, and way less stressful than moving to a new place in a different part of town. Sounds good, don’t you think?
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and you may be speaking with another licensed provider.
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