- About half the people who move house do so because their old home no longer suits their needs.
- A great number of people move for family-related or job-related reasons.
- People often move to a new place in pursuit of their dreams and goals.
- Lifestyle changes are the most common reason to move to a new home.
You wouldn’t do something difficult, important, and life-changing without having a good reason to do it, right?
Whenever you undertake a big challenge, you’re probably sure (or at least have every reason to hope) that it will be worth the time and effort, the risks and inconvenience, the costs and hardships involved in its completion – you will have analyzed the situation, researched your options, and gathered all the necessary information before making an important decision about your next step in life, there is no doubt about it.
If this next step involves a house move – just the kind of difficult, important and life-changing endeavor we’ve been talking about – then you most certainly have a very good motivation to start a new life in a new place.
The same rings true for all the millions of house movers who relocate around the world in pursuit of their dreams or in search of a better life – every person has their own solid reason to move and start afresh.
Have you ever wondered what these reasons might be? Why do people move from one place to another? What are they looking for? What are they running from? What are they hoping to achieve? Is your own relocation incentive among the most common reasons to move?
Care to find out? Let’s take a look at the top reasons to move to a new house:
House Related Reasons
According to a recent U.S. Census Bureau study, about half of the people who move house do so because their old home no longer suits their needs and/or preferences:
Home is too small
The need for more space is one of the main drives behind a residential move. This is quite logical, considering the fact that upsizing to a larger house with more living space can become a necessity under many different circumstances:

- When the family grows and the old home starts feeling smaller and smaller with each new child;
- When kids become old enough to need their own separate rooms;
- When the home becomes so packed with items that there is no breathing space left in it;
- When people start earning more and can afford a more spacious home that will better suit their increasingly upscale lifestyle;
- When people need extra room for work (studying, working from home, etc.) or relaxation (practicing hobbies, exercising for health, gathering family and friends, etc.).
So, if you find yourself waiting too long in line for the bathroom or can’t find a place to retreat to when you need some peace and quiet, if you want to try out your gardening skills or to be able to invite all your friends and neighbors over for a barbecue in the backyard, if your home is lacking in storage space or bursting at the seams with stuff, your best and only option is to move to a bigger house.
Related: What to know when moving to a bigger house
Home is too big
Ludicrous as it may seem, the number of people who move house because they have too much unneeded space is not much smaller than the number of people who move because they don’t have enough space. People choose to move to a smaller home when:
- Their grown-up kids move away and the large family home suddenly starts feeling like an empty labyrinth of memories, bereft of purpose and joy;
- They can no longer afford the housing expenses (rent or mortgage, monthly bills, maintenance expenses, etc.) for a large house or apartment;
- They don’t have the energy to maintain a huge home anymore.
Downsizing provides a very convenient and cost-effective solution in all similar situations.
See also: Tips for downsizing to a smaller home
Home is too expensive
The chance to save some money on household expenses is another major reason for moving house – be it to a new home in a cheaper area or to a more easily affordable home in the same city. Lower taxes, insurance rates, and utility bills, and/or cheaper overall cost of living (food, transportation, healthcare, home maintenance costs, etc.) can make a big financial difference and reduce much of the stress and frustration that come with a tight budget.
Desire for own home
While living in a rented property can be the best option for young people who have not yet found a stable job, started a family, or decided where they want to live, as well as for people who need temporary living accommodations, it is not a suitable long-term housing solution.
Homeownership comes with a great number of responsibilities but it provides a lot of wonderful opportunities as well – a chance to create the home of your dreams, freedom to enjoy the lifestyle you’ve always wanted, greater peace of mind…

So, when people settle in life and save enough money to afford buying their own house or apartment, they usually start searching for an appropriate new home and move out of their rental property as soon as they find a place that suits their needs, preferences, and available budget. This makes homeownership one of the top reasons to move house.
Desire for a better home
Upgrading to a better home – a new build, a fashionable design, a convenient layout, a modern décor, advanced home systems, attractive features, etc. – is one of the major goals for people who are not completely happy with their current living accommodations. They work hard and spend prudently in order to save enough money for a better, more comfortable home. Once they can afford it, they move into their dream house or apartment and build the life they have always wanted for themselves.
Wish to live in a better neighborhood
Even if there is nothing wrong with the house itself, people may move to another home simply because it is located in a better neighborhood – one that is safer, greener, friendlier, more prosperous, etc. One may wish to move to another neighborhood for a variety of reasons:
- Convenience. Many people decide to move house so that they can live in areas with better infrastructure, abundant local amenities, easier access to quality medical care, educational institutions, recreational centers, entertainment venues, etc.;
- Safe, family-oriented environment. Families often choose to move to safer, calmer, better-kept, child-friendlier neighborhoods with plenty of green areas, playgrounds, hobby clubs, etc., so that they can ensure the well-being of their young children and their own peaceful and enjoyable living;
- Bad relations with neighbors. Having frequent problems and conflicts with the people next door may be a good enough reason to move someplace else. Not being able to trust your neighbors or feeling uncomfortable in their company are serious issues that cannot be easily ignored (See also: Moving because of bad neighbors);
- Old neighborhood has changed. There may have been drastic negative changes in your current surroundings since the time you settled there – the crime rate may have increased significantly over the last several years, the area may have deteriorated economically or socially, the traffic may have become worse, the green areas may have been built on, etc. You may find such living conditions to be intolerable and decide to move to another area that better suits your lifestyle and your preferences.
While the need to move into a more fitting home ranks as the top reason for moving house, there are many other important incentives to relocate as well.
I’m glad you pointed out that a lot of people move to provide better schooling opportunities for their children. My oldest daughter is about the age to start public school. The district in our current area isn’t great, so I think I’ll talk to my husband about moving to a new house.
i was amazed by the info, the reason why people are moving and there own reason.
Thanks for mentioning that a circumstance causing a family to move homes is because when the family grows, a house can start to feel smaller. My wife and I are thinking of looking at single-family homes because the house we’re living in now is filled to max capacity and we have no more rooms if we decide to have more kids. I think it’s a good investment to hire a reputable professional to help us find a house to accommodate us comfortably if we choose to relocate.
Our family is one of those you’ve mentioned who decided to move because we’re looking for a better neighborhood. The place we’re in right now is very chaotic and we have been robbed twice for the past two years. That is mainly the reason why we’re looking for a family home that is situated in a safer, greener, and friendlier neighborhood.
You made an interesting point when you explained that moving to a different home can help someone step out of their comfort zone. If I was in a situation where I wanted to move, I would probably want to find a real estate agent to help me. Real estate agents know the selling and buying process like the back of their hand so they can be really helpful.
Our family wants to move into a nicer neighborhood into a home that’s bigger to accommodate our growing family. I like how you mentioned circumstances can cause someone to move. We’ll need to find a good Realtor so we can find some good listings to look at.
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