Self-storage can be a brilliant problem solver for anyone who happens to just finds themselves at a crossroads in their lives. If you are about to move to another home, downsize your house to an apartment or move in together after marriage, renting an affordable extra storage space where you can store some of your prized possessions – not far from your home, safely monitored, and conveniently and easily accessible day or night (up to 24/7), can simply be the best solution to any possible insufficient space problems that you may be experiencing at the moment.
And while there are some indisputable benefits of self-storage, the questions of how to choose a self-storage facility and what you should look for when choosing a self-storage facility remain wide open on the table.
Read our tips for choosing a self-storage facility so that you know what to look for when searching for practical ways to expand your storage space.
Making The Right Storage Decisions: What To Consider When Choosing A Self-Storage Facility
Unless it’s your super lucky day, you can’t just choose a self-storage facility randomly and expect to be happy with your choice in the end. There are plenty of factors to consider when choosing a self-storage facility – one that will fit your budget, fulfill your specific requirements and meet your expectations. The right storage solution for you requires some serious consideration and a comparative analysis – two time-consuming but highly rewarding tasks to complete before you take the mandatory tour around the storage facility and see what you’re dealing with in person.
“Can I afford self-storage?”
The very first question that you must ask yourself, way before you begin the hunt for a suitable storage facility, is whether you can afford self-storage or not. As you can probably suspect, self-storage facility costs are not unified and they depend on a number of fundamental factors, such as:
- Self-storage unit size. Usually, the smallest space you can rent at a storage facility has the dimensions of a standard small-sized home closet (5’ x 5’) and you are free to go up in size according to your budget and needs. As far as self-storage unit costs go, expect to pay a monthly rent of somewhere between $60 and $100 for the tiniest of storage units but have in mind that the exact sum will be calculated after all of the price determining factors are weighed in.
- Location. Where a specific self-storage facility is located plays a major role when the monthly charge is calculated. As a rule of thumb, storage locations in big cities tend to be more expensive than relatively rural ones, but there are always exceptions to this rule. Also, the exact location within the city limits can also influence the final price one way or the other.
- Storage company. It’s a fact that some storage companies are more expensive than others. In an ideal world, that would mean that the costlier the services of a storage company, the more high-quality storage-related services they would offer and the better their customer service would be. Sadly, our world is far from being ideal, so it’s up to you to figure out whether the higher prices of a certain storage company are justified or not.
“What type of self-storage do I need?”

Another essential question whose answer you need to know before you go out there and visit possible storage facilities is what type of self-storage you actually need.
- Self-storage unit size. Clearly, the number and dimensions of the items you plan to place in storage will determine the size of the unit, but that task at hand can be rather tricky. If you rent a self-storage unit that is too big, you’ll end up paying for non-optimized storage space and thus lose money in the process. On the other hand, if you opt for a smaller storage unit and it won’t fit in all your stuff, then you’ll be losing money again as you will have to rent another unit to accommodate your belongings. To avoid this vicious lose-lose situation, prepare a detailed list of all your goods intended for storage and ask storage company specialists to choose the right unit size for you.
- Climate control. Climate-controlled self-storage units are usually more expensive to rent for obvious reasons, but that type of storage may be exactly what you need for your prized possessions. Consider climate controlled storage if
- most of your items are sensitive to temperature fluctuations /antiques, cosmetics, collectibles, leather furniture, important documents, electronic devices, photographs, medications, musical instrument, etc./;
- you choose long-term storage and your possessions will be subjected to the whims of all 4 seasons;
- your geographic area is notorious for its extreme temperatures /really cold winters in the northern part of the country or higher levels of humidity in the southern states/.
“How far should my self-storage facility be located?”
Here is another key question when you’re choosing the right storage unit for you. The distance to your self-storage facility does matter but the more important puzzle to solve here is how often you will need to have access to your stored items.
If you need your stuff on a regular basis, then choosing a storage facility that is far away from your home doesn’t make a lot of sense. Think of all the time you will waste on the road and the additional expenses for fuel which can really hurt your budget in the long run? And what about the wear and tear of your own vehicle?
On the other hand, if you know you will rarely need your stored items, then selecting a self-storage facility outside your local area can be a good choice, especially if that long-distance storage facility satisfies your strict requirements. Besides, most self-storage facilities of a more rural nature tend to offer bigger discounts and just better conditions as a whole simply because they don’t have to compensate for the big city overheads. Either way, take the distance to your storage facility in serious consideration before your final decision.
“What type of self-storage access do I need?”
The last factor to consider before you make that necessary trip to the self-storage area is what type of self-storage accessibility will work best for you. You need to understand that not every self-storage facility can be accessed 24/7. Some people may be content with a standard weekday access or access on demand, but that type of accessibility may not be enough in your particular situation.
If accessibility is an essential factor for you, you need to know upfront how often and at what times during the day or night the storage facility can be accessed and see if its business hours fit your own schedule. Think about the scenario when you need a stored item urgently and you just can’t get to it until a day or two later due to the limited hours of operation of your self-storage facility. That is just not good for you, is it?
With all of the different storage companies out there, I think that it is very important to at least know what you are looking for when you are trying to choose one. These tips will undoubtedly help in such a search. The last thing that you want in your search is to choose one that is either too big or too small. You want one just the right size at just the right price. How easy would you say finding the perfect storage unit for your situation is?
I agree that you should be very aware of security when you are looking for a storage unit. For me, the safety of my belongings is the most important thing. You spend a lot of money for your things, you might as well pay to make sure your things stay safe.
I think this is a really thorough list of what to look for in a storage unit. I did not realize that there were so many things to take into consideration. This article really gives me some great ideas for self storage searching.
I have been needing to store a lot of my stuff for a transition period into a new home. I never knew that climate controlled units existed. I will need to look into that. Thank you for the help.
I never knew that storage facilities in large cities would cost more to use over the rural ones. I have been using a storage facility in the city area for some time now and I think I'll have to switch to a more rural area. Thanks so much for the tips because this will save me quite a bit of money!
Thanks for sharing this helpful information! I wasn't really sure what to expect in terms of pricing. It sounds like the prices vary quite a bit between different storage companies. I'll have to search around and find a price in my budget.
I agree with what you said about reading your rental agreement. That way you can fully understand what you're getting into. I will remember to read the agreement before signing anything.
Thank you for the tips. I have finally accepted that I have outgrown my apartment and need a self storage unit until I can move. I hadn't thought about everything that goes into choosing a unit though. I think it is important to have those security features that you mentioned. Does that usually greatly affect the price?
I agree that making sure the lighting is good is important, when choosing a storage facility. Making sure I feel safe at all times is a high priority of mine. I would also want to know that my things are safe because they are in a well lit area. Hopefully, this will allow me to feel more comfortable while storing my belongings.
I feel like most people underestimate the size of storage locker they need. You'd be surprised how fast those things start to fill up when you put some of your stuff inside. I Always try to overestimate size, in order to leave room open for anything else I might need to put in the locker later.
Thanks Joshua for the advice on choosing a self storage facility. That is awesome there are some that are climate controlled. I'd feel much better about storing my musical instruments in a unit like that.
That’s a good idea to tour the storage facility before you choose one. I have to admit that a place that is well lit makes a favorable impression on me. After all, I might have to stop by my storage unit after dark one day and I don’t want to be bumbling around in the dark. I’ll have to keep all these tips in mind.
Thanks for your tips about how to select a self-storage unit, Joshua. You make a great point about how the location of your storage facility can influence the price. However, another thing to consider in addition to the location and how it influences price, is how often you will likely be going to your storage unit. If you plan on going their on a semi-frequent basis, it might be a good idea to get one close to your home for easy access. Thanks for your suggestions. I'll keep them in mind.
Tyler, you make a great point about underestimating the size you'd need. It seems like consulting a self storage facility might be a good start. I'm just glad that there are places that will allow you to store your stuff. My parents are going to be moving overseas for a year. They want to store all their furniture & rent their house out while they're gone.
I would have never though to take into account how well-lit a storage facility is before trying to use it, thanks for the advice. My wife is always worried about rodents and other kinds of vermin, so something we usually look for in storage units is cleanliness and whether or not they have plans to take care of that sort of thing. It's also a good idea to look around and see what kind of security they have, it is very helpful if your planning on storing important things in your unit.
Thanks for sharing the information on choosing a storage unit. I like your tip on getting to know the property manager and staff. I think that getting to know the people makes it a lot easier to trust them and get better service. I will have to try harder to get to know the people responsible for my stuff.
I like that this article mentions different types of storage. I think that it is important for me to be access it when I need, but during the night is very unlikely. Although I will definitely have to keep this in mind when shopping around.
Online account management seems like a really nice feature. I love being able to get all of my errands and bills taken care of from my mobile device. I plan on going to Europe in the summer and storing my stuff while I'm gone. I hope I can find one with online payment options.
I think all of these tips are smart, I guess it depends on what needs to be stored. I also think it is important to get a unit size that you need. No one wants to pay for a unit that is too big, or too small.
Climate control sounds like a good thing to have in a humid area. That way you don't have to worry about your stuff in your storage unit getting moldy or wet. Which is an important factor in storing anything because the things you put in there you might want or need later.
I like how you talked about things to do when touring the storage facility. That should honestly be one of the top priorities when deciding to get a storage unit. If you don't take a tour of the facility and learn what is going on there, you'll have no idea if there is something that you might not like about the facility. It's kind of crazy how many people don't even see a place until they go to the facility to load up their unit. It just doesn't make sense to me, you wouldn't move into a house without checking it out first, why would you treat a storage unit differently.
Great tip to look for a climate control storage unit! I've been looking for a place to store some of my extra stuff and I didn't consider how the temperature might affect some of my electronics. I definitely don't want any of my equipment to get damaged, so I'll see if I can find any climate controlled units nearby.
Doing a physical check of the storage companies I am interested in renting from, is such a great idea. I wouldn't have thought of doing an in person inspection of what company I should use. Sometimes I get so caught up in the ease of searching online that I forget that it is a good idea to go to a site in person. I will be sure to call around and find a good time to visit the sites before I decide on the best storage unit for me.
I am really glad I was able to find this. I have been needed to find a storage unit for a while now, but I have no idea where to look. That being said, making sure I find a facility that offers a range of sizes, and is in a good location is going to be important. I'll be sure to begin looking for these 2 things and see what I can find.
Joshua, I like that you brought up climate control. Although a climate controlled storage unit is more expensive, it seems like it would be a good choice to ensure my belongings are not damaged by extreme temperatures. I do own some antiques that need to be put in storage so it is good to know that I should look into a storage unit with a controlled temperature.
I am moving soon, but I won't be able to take all of my stuff with me at once. This has created a little bit of a problem for me, but I think that hiring a storage facility is going to help me out a lot. I really liked what you said about finding a facility that has good security. I will be sure to look for a place that has a fence and surveillance system. Thank you for the advice.
Sierra, I am also having a problem with trying to figure out what to do with all of my stuff that I can't immediately move with me. I hadn't thought about looking into the security of a storage unit. This makes sense that I will want to make sure my stuff is safe while I am settling into my new home.
Thanks Joshua sharing some tips on how to choose the the right storage facilities for your needs. I'm downsizing and need a place to store some of my outdoor gear. Hopefully I can get a great deal on one of those climate controlled units you mentioned.
Joshua, thanks for making the point about location. I would think that it is important to consider how much access you want to have to your belongings when choosing a place to store them. I also like that you mentioned the different types of self storage units. My sister and her husband recently moved and we had to put a lot of old furniture into storage. They made sure they had a climate controlled unit so that none of the antiques were damaged during extreme weather.
I hadn't given much thought to getting a climate controlled storage unit before reading through your article. If I was to get a climate controlled unit I would be able to keep different types of items in it than I otherwise would. Now I just have to determine if that extra capability is worth it for the price. How much should I expect to have toa pay extra to get the climate controlled unit over a regular one?
I see why climate control should be seriously considered when choosing a storage unit. My wife and I are running out of space in our home and we are definitley thinking of looking at a few storage units. I definitely agree that location is very important, we don't want to drive too far when we need to get holiday decorations out of storage!
I liked what you mentioned about checking for discounts. That sounds like a great way to get the storage you need and save a little bit of money at the same time. My husband and I need to start looking for facilities, so I will make sure to ask them if they have any discounts available. Thanks for sharing!
I guess deciding if you really need the storage, and how long you are going to keep it is the biggest question. Having a storage would be good for a quick fix to a sorting problem. I will have to see about getting one for a few months until everything in the house is organized and we know where things go.
James, I too have been thinking about this same type of service. I have been looking into storing some old junk in my apartment but I haven't found a place that fits my needs. I assume I will find a place soon because many providers try to accommodate to the needs of their clients.
Bryce, you make a great point about considering the security surrounding the self storage unit. I would imagine that looking at things like lights, walls, locks, & even security cameras. My parents are looking to store some of the furniture while they remodel their home. They have some very priceless pieces that were handed down from their grandparents.
I really like the points you made about choosing the right size for your storage unit. A lot of people I know have rented units when they moved to a new place, and it seems like they almost always get the wrong size. The last thing I would want is a storage unit that's too small or too large, because it is a waste of money either way. If I ever need a storage unit, I'll definitely be following your advice of putting together a list of things that need to be stored and then asking the people at the company what size I would need.
I like what you said about considering a climate controlled storage unit if you have sensitive items to store. I know my aunt has a lot on antiques that she wouldn't want damaged due to weather issues. Since they are moving soon I will let them know about these options.
Online account management would be a really nice service that the company could provide. That way paying for the storage unit could be a lot easier and you can track things easier. When I shop around for a self storage facility, I will be sure to look for that. Thanks for sharing!
I think climate control is a big factor, especially if you are going to be storing some antiques or valuables. I remember that was really important to my wife because we were putting things with a lot of sentimental value in our unit.
I have heard a lot of good things about using self storage. However, finding the right self storage unit seems a little overwhelming. So I appreciate the tips on finding the right one, I had never thought to look at the type of self storage access I needed, I'll keep this in mind!
l like that you mention about location. It's good to always know that your stuff is close by. My husband seems to forget that he's packed stuff away and needs it. Then we end up having to go back to retrieve it. Good thing that it's close by, right?
l like that you mention about location. It's good to always know that your stuff is close by. My husband seems to forget that he's packed stuff away and needs it. Then we end up having to go back to retrieve it. Good thing that it's close by, right?
You really can get any size of the storage unit which is nice. That is good to know that the price will be around $60-100 for the smallest storage unit. I will make sure to keep that in mind as I go looking for a storage unit.
My wife and I have a lot of unnecessary items cluttering up our home. I really like the advice for choosing a self-storage unit that is the proper size to best serve our needs. I'll have to see if we can find one that can hold our of our moving supplies.
The information on the size of self-storage units was really useful. That's really interesting that the smallest unit you can rent is usually around the size of a small home closet. I also found it great information that some self-storage units have climate control. These units would be really useful for keeping valuable items safe.
My husband and I are getting a storage unit but don't know what to look for. Thanks for the advice about climate controlled units and how they are more expensive because there is less risk of your stuff molding. We'll have to take this into consideration and make sure that we can find a facility that provides good service and might have climate controlled units.
I really like your tip about looking at the cleanliness of the facility. My husband and I are going to be moving in the next few months so we are looking to store some things in self storage. I think that these tips will really help us to find a place that is exactly what we need and will keep our stuff safe, thanks for sharing!
We are temporarily moving to a smaller apartment, and I’m thinking a storage unit would be able to help us save some space by storing the things we don’t need every day but still want to keep. It’s important that we find a reliable company that is clean, close by and affordable. I didn’t realize that the location could affect the pricing, but that makes sense. Thanks for sharing!
I’m glad that you mention that there are many factories to consider when choosing a self-storage facility, such as your budget, size, and other requirements. Figuring out what these all are and writing them down before you look at units would probably be a good idea. This could help your search go faster and ensure you get the right storage for your needs in order to protect your items and get more space in your home or office.
I’ve been looking for some heated storage options, and I think that being able to have some tips would be good. I’m glad you talked about climate control being one of the first things to look for in storage, but that they can be the more expensive units. I think that being able to keep our things out of freezing temperatures would be good, and having heated storage is a great way to do that!
I did not know that the area where the storage unit is located plays a role in how expensive it is. It is important to remember that taking the time to do some research can also help you can also help you understand how the storage unit you want to rent can serve you and provide the space you need. Personally, I would also want to read online reviews and ratings in order to find the most reputed company in my area.
I agree with you in that it is important to consider your budget when looking for the best storage facility for your needs. It is important to remember that assessing your own needs and comparing several companies can help you find the storage unit you need. We are clearing out our garage and want to make sure we find a good storage unit to put our extra things in, so I’m glad I found your post.
I agree that the location of a storage unit is important. Finding something close by would probably help make moving things into it easier. My brother needs to find somewhere to store his things when he leaves for college, so he’ll have to find something close by.
I agree that a good storage unit is climate controlled. This would be important to consider because it could protect your belongings. My sister is looking for a storage unit, so she’ll have to find one that is climate controlled.
It helped a lot when you mentioned how you should take the time to consider if your items are sensitive to climate changes you would need to find a storage unit that is climate controlled. I understand that taking the time to do some research and compare several storage companies can help you find the best one for your needs. We are planning on cleaning up our garage and need to find a good storage unit to hold our item, so I’m glad I found your post.
I agree that the location is important when choosing a storage unit. Finding something that is close by and easy to access would be nice. My brother is looking for a storage unit, so he’ll have to find someone who is qualified.
I agree that when you have temperature sensitive items, you need to consider a climate controlled storage unit. Checking your things beforehand to know if they are temperature sensitive seems like a good idea. My husband and I want to store some furniture that we recently inherited, so we’ll have to consider if things are heat sensitive first.
I agree with you when you said that it’s best to choose a storage unit from a company whose staff greets their clients in a warm and friendly manner. I mean, I will have to visit the storage facility in the wee hours of the night every once in a while, so it would be nice if the people who will greet me have a smile in their faces. Thank you for sharing by the way. I wouldn’t be reminded of this had I not seen your post.
I appreciate your tips for choosing a self storage facility. It makes sense that we’l want to find a place in a good location that doesn’t have huge monthly costs! Convenience will play a role, but I’d rather drive farther for a cheaper price, especially since moving is already costing us a lot of money.
I love the idea of getting a storage unit that offers climate control. I agree with what you said about most of your items being sensitive to temperature. It’s important to me to keep them safe and protect them from too cold of a temperature or an environment that may be too humid.
Thanks for the tip about the location of self-storage. Finding something that is nearby would be really helpful. I’m looking to store some things, so I’ll have to find somewhere nearby to help out.
Thanks for pointing out that a climate-controlled unit is best for documents which need to be stored. With that in mind, I will be choosing this kind of unit since my best friend and I plan to put our school documents aways for safety. We just can’t leave our things in our dormitory because we share with others as well.
My husband and I are moving to a smaller apartment and we won’t be able to fit all of the current furniture that we have, so we are thinking about getting a storage unit. I appreciate your tip that you should visit the facility and look at how clean the facility is because I think that this shows how professional the company is. Also, it makes sense that you mention to find out if the facility has quality security because I want to have the peace of mind that my items are kept safe and secure.
I love what you said about live security guards and how they are a good indicator of a good facility. think working with a storage facility that has onsite management is the best way to ensure the safety of your belongings. My wife and I are thinking about putting some of our excess stuff into storage, so we’ll look for a great company to work with to make sure our things stay protected.
Thanks for helping me understand that the cost of the facility is also based on the location. As you mentioned, those that are far from the city might be more affordable. With that in mind, I will be looking for those from afar since I am on a limited budget. This is because we just spent a lot in downsizing since we transferred to a different state. This will help us find one that fits our budget.
There are so many commercial self-storage facilities available near the next town, and since we’ll be moving there I think asking my husband if we can afford self-storage as you say is a great way for us to look for a reasonably priced unit while we move. I was not aware that there are many types of self-storage, so I think I agree that I have to ask him what type of self-storage we need before we rent one. Since the main point of self-storage is security and safety that you stated in this post, I think we’re going to scout for some units based on some of these criteria and get the best we can find.
I never knew that the exact mileage from city limits might affect the final price of the self-storage facility! My wife and I have been looking for a place to store my grandmother’s antique furniture that she gave to us. I will be sure to tell my wife that we should try and look into the price of any self-storage unit if it is out of the city limits!
I like that you talked about how there are units that are cheaper due to limitations in location. I will look for a facility like that to ensure that I will be renting an affordable unit. We just don’t have that extra money because of shelling out a lot for the renovation of the house which is why we need to put things in a storage unit as well.
Thanks for pointing out that we should consider getting a climate controlled storage unit if we’ll be storing antiques or anything else sensitive to temperature. My husband and I want to create more space in our home by moving some older things to a storage unit. We do have some antique items we’d like to store, so I’m glad you pointed out that we should keep them safe by getting a climate controlled unit.
Thanks for the tips about finding out if you can afford a storage unit. Checking their location is really helpful advice as well. My husband and I need somewhere to store things, so we’ll have to check their cost first.
I thought it was great how the article talked about requesting to see your future self-storage unit in person before you rent it. My brother is moving his family to a different city, and he has been looking for a place to store his furniture while he waits for his new home to be ready for them to move in. He would have greater peace of mind if he were to rent a storage unit to keep his belongings safe.
I like your suggestion to consider the friendliness of the on-site staff and keep looking if they are rude or ill-informed. My husband and I are thinking about using a self storage unit so we can clear out our garage and start using it for our car again. I wasn’t sure what factors to consider as we search, so your tip about the on-site staff should be helpful.
Thanks for pointing out that it can be a good idea to make a detailed list of everything that you want to put into storage so that the storage company specialists can help you choose the correct size. My husband and I are thinking about getting a storage unit mostly for all the books and things we used in college and want to keep around, but don’t really need right now. I think having a professional help us pick out what we need would make sure that we were getting the best deal and utilizing the space the best way possible.
My cousin is looking for a self-storage unit to help her store her belongings before she moves. She will really appreciate your advice to prepare a list of what she will be putting in storage and ask whichever company she goes with what size unit to use. I’ll help her by finding a reputable self-storage facility in her area.
You’ve got great tips for finding storage. I like how you said that it’s important to find a unit that fits the amount of stuff we have. We shouldn’t have to store too much, so a smaller unit would be best.
I do have an lt of important documents and electronic devices to store apart from my furniture. I was worried that self-storage can’t protect them from extreme weather conditions like heat. It’s a good thing that there are climate controlled ones. I don’t mind if they are a bit expensive, I think it’s worth the price.
Thanks for all of these great tips on how to find the right storage unit. It would make sense to find out if there is enough parking for each space for when you visit. My husband and I are looking for a storage unit while we remodel our home, so we’ll have to check out the available parking first.
I like how you stated that it’s very important to choose a storage unit facility that is very clean and tidy because that shows how well it is taken care of, which will determine how well your valuable items will be taken care of. My husband and I are thinking about moving into a smaller house now that all of our kids are gone, and are considering getting a storage unit for the duration of our move. I will definitely keep all of your great tips and information on storage units in mind when deciding which one would be the best option for both my husband and me.
Thanks for these tips on how to find a storage unit. It would make sense to check their location, as you suggest. My husband and I are looking for a storage unit, so we’ll have to check their location first.
I like the tip that you gave to choose a storage unit that has the proper security, so your belongings can stay safe. My wife and I have been talking about finding a storage unit to help us if we were to need somewhere to keep our stuff while we are in between houses if we choose to move. If we decide to move, and we will need a storage unit, I will be sure to look for one that has a good amount of security.
I think there are some 24-hour self-storage unit facilities that are located near me. As you said, I should consider the size of the units before I rent a unit from them to store my spare furniture in. Hopefully, the storage companies are reputable so that I can rely on them to safely store my vintage furniture without problems.
I need to find a storage unit for the summer because I am going on a study abroad and I need a place to store my stuff. You make a great point that I should look for a climate controlled unit because the weather where I live is unpredictable and will probably get extremely hot. Also, this will give me peace of mind that all of my belongings will be kept at a good temperature to stay safe while I’m gone.
I really like how you said that reputable self-storage facilities have modern surveillance systems that make sure the premises are protected. My brother was offered a promotion at his job and it is going to require him to move to a new town. It might be beneficial for him to rent a storage unit so that he can store a few things while he deals with moving and starting his new job.
I like the tip that you gave to choose a storage service that offers security on your belongings. My wife and I have been talking about finding a storage service to help us if we choose to move this summer. If we do, I will be sure to look for one who will offer security for our belongings.
I like the tip that you gave to choose a storage unit that is accessible. My wife and I have been talking about finding a storage unit. If we do, I will be sure to choose the location carefully.
Thanks for these tips on how to find a good storage unit. It would make sense to find out where the location of the unit is as well. My husband and I are looking for somewhere to store some things while we remodel our home, so we’ll have to make sure its nearby.
I like the tip that you gave to choose a storage unit that is accessible. My wife and I have been talking about finding a storage unit for if we decide to move this fall for when we are in between houses. If we need to find a storage unit, I will be sure to look for one that is accessible.
Thanks for these great tips on how to find a good storage unit. I’m looking for somewhere to leave some things while I remodel. When I find somewhere, I’ll have to follow your advice and check if they are the right size for me.
I like the tip that you gave to choose a storage unit that is the right size. My wife and I have been talking about finding a storage unit for if we will need one while we are in between homes, and it would be important for us to know that we could find one that will be good for us. If we decide to find a storage unit, I will be sure to look for one that is the right size.
I like the tip that you gave to choose a storage unit that is in a location that is easily accessible for you. My wife and I might need a storage unit to hold our belongings while we are finding a new home, and we want to make sure that the whole process will be as easy as possible. If we decide to find a storage unit, I will be sure to look for one that is in an accessible location.
Thank you for stating that it’s important to be able to read your rental agreement in full before you agree to become a customer of a particular self-storage facility. My husband and I want to get a storage unit to keep extra things that we can’t fit in our house. I will definitely utilize all of your great tips and information when looking for a suitable storage unit.
It’s interesting to know that climate-controlled units are your best option if you are looking to storage antiques, collectibles, or leather furniture. My husband and I will be moving soon, and we are looking to store some of our belongings while we wait for our new house. I will suggest him to rent a climate-controlled unit to keep our furniture safe.
I never knew that you needed to pay close attention to the cleanliness of the storage facility. If the storage unit isn’t going to be clean I wouldn’t want to risk storing my stuff there and letting it get damaged or dirty from the dirt and other things that might linger in that location. We will have to make sure the storage unit we use to store our stuff during our move is the tip-top shape and clean.
It is helpful that you suggested to consider the security level of a storage unit before you choose to hire them. We will need a place to store our belongings while we are in between homes. When we choose a storage unit, I will be sure to take their security level into consideration.
I found it interesting when you said that you should see how clean the facility is. My husband and I are moving into a smaller home next week and we are wanting to find a storage unit to store furniture that won’t fit. Thank you for the tips on how to choose a self-storage facility!
I liked that you mentioned you need to consider renting a climate-controlled self-storage unit if most of your items are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. My husband and I won an auction of classic furniture, and we need to find a place to store them while we find them a place. I will make sure to find a climate-controlled unit to store that furniture.
Thank you for stating that when choosing a storage facility, you should make sure they have enough parking spaces. My husband and I just moved into a really small apartment that doesn’t have room for all of our stuff, so we want to get a storage unit. I will definitely utilize all of your great tips and information when looking for a storage unit.
I totally agree with you when you said that the level of protection the storage facility offers is probably the single most important aspect when you’re choosing a self-storage unit. My dad owns a lot of furniture and since he is selling his second home, he is willing to save most of the furniture. I will suggest to him to look for a local climate-controlled storage unit so that his items can be safe.
I was thinking of storing the antique dresses that I inherited from my grandmother somewhere safe before I move since I can’t afford to fold them and mix them with my other clothes. Since they’re old and expensive, it might be a good idea to store them in a climate-controlled storage facility if there’s one in our area. Thanks for adding that it’s usually more expensive to rent, but since it will guarantee that the vintage clothes will be protected, I’m sure that the price will be worth it.
It was helpful when you mentioned that you should consider the affordability of a storage facility before you choose to rent it. We will need a storage unit for when we move. I will be sure to consider the affordability when we do.
I thought that it was helpful when you suggested choosing a storage facility that is in an easily accessible location. We are going to need a storage unit while we are in-between homes because we just sold ours, and our new home isn’t done being built yet. It would be important for us to know that we could find a unit that will be the best option. When we look for one, I will be sure to consider looking for one nearby, so we could avoid any potential issues.
I hadn’t thought of the affordability of a storage unit, so I am glad that you mentioned it because I am supposed to follow my budget closely. For our move this spring, we want to get a storage unit to make things easier. When we look for one, I will be sure to carefully consider their price, so I could choose one that will be affordable.
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing article.
I hadn’t thought about checking the door seal of a storage unit before renting it, so I appreciate that you mentioned that it helps keep our belongings safe. My wife and I have been needing to find a unit to put our belongings in while we are looking for a home, and it will be important for us to know that our stuff will be safe while it is in the unit. To be confident in that, I will be sure to check the seal of the units beforehand.
I never thought about checking the seal for the door of the storage unit before renting it. For our move this spring, my wife and I are wanting to get an affordable storage unit to put our junk in to make the move easier. When we start our search for a unit, I’ll be sure to carefully consider their price and see what they offer in the facility.
I think that the best way to find a storage facility that will offer what will need will be to choose one who offers staffing all of the time. We need to find a unit to store our piano in until we could move into a new home that will have room for it, and we want to make sure that we get the right unit. To be sure that they will be good, I am going to consider how often they have staff there.
Thanks for helping me learn how to choose a self-storage facility! My friend is looking for a place where he could store his action figures temporarily. I find it interesting to learn that self-storage spaces can assure him that his items will be safe because there are security guards around the perimeter! I’ll suggest this to him so he could hide his figures before his clients make a visit.
Thanks for mentioning that you should prepare a detailed item list for what you want to store to ensure that you’re getting the correct size unit. My wife and I are considering looking at storage facilities to place our belongings in because we’re thinking of moving closer to her sisters since their kids are the same age as ours. I think it’s wise for us to contemplate placing our possessions in a reputable facility so they’ll be protected while we find a place to live.
I like that you said that I should note the cleanliness of the storage unit facility before renting a unit there to ensure that they take good care of my items. My boyfriend and I plan to spend a year in our RV once the lease in our apartment expires. We need to store our furniture and other items in a storage unit since we wouldn’t be keeping our apartment unit during our one-year road trip adventure. I’ll definitely consider the cleanliness of the facility when we start to shop for storage units. Thanks!
My sister is planning to rent a storage unit where she may place some of her belongings because her new space is too small for her other furniture. Thank you for sharing here that there’s a small size home closet that she may rent. I’ll also keep in mind to inform her that she must consider the location as well because this may affect the whole price.
I never knew that the storage facilities located in big cities could be more expensive than relatively rural ones. My condo unit is going to be renovated soon, and I am interested in renting a personal storage unit where I can keep my valuables. I want to save money in the long run while making sure that visiting the unit won’t be a problem for me, so I will do all your tips.
You got my attention when you said that you must consider a climate-controlled storage unit if you would be storing items that are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. My husband and I have decided to have our living room renovated for a fresh, new look. We have sets of furniture and paintings that we have inherited from our parents, and we want to make sure that they won’t get damaged while in a facility. Thanks!
It was a very helpful tip when you said to ask about what kind of surveillance system that the storage company is using. This way, you’ll be able to assert for yourself if your belongings are secured. I’m renovating my house soon, and I’m trying to declutter many of my belongings in this house, so that I won’t have to move a bunch of them while the project is on-going. Thank you for your tips, I’ll definitely find a good storage unit that will keep my items secure.
I liked how you talked about finding a storage unit with drive-up access. My sister has been thinking about using a storage unit while she is moving. I’ll have to share this with her since it seems like a pretty convenient feature.
It made sense to me when you said that a storage facility that values the safety of the belongings of its clients must have hired live guards. Our two-story house is going to be renovated next month, so my husband and I want to rent a storage unit. Since we want to ensure that our collections of goods are not going to be accessed by unauthorized people, we will do your tips on choosing a self-storage unit.
I do agree that it will make more sense when you choose a storage unit that is near your home when you need to check your stuff on a regular basis. This is something that I will share with my parents because they are planning to rent a heated storage unit. They said that their one-bedroom apartment unit could no longer accommodate all their belongings, so your tips are helpful.
As a business owner in Indiana, I’ve constantly amassed a surplus of paperwork at my workplace. I’ve been trying to resolve this problem with a self-storage unit, but I can’t seem to find a good self storage unit service provider. I came across this page while hunting for an answer. It’s fantastic that you advised looking for a storage facility close by so that we could quickly locate any documents we might need. This seems like an excellent idea, and before choosing a firm, I’ll definitely look into the location. Thanks.
I have chosen to assist my sister because she has been planning to store a few items. I’m glad I found your article because you mentioned checking out the availability of extra storage features because they can make relocating stuff more convenient. I’ll surely let her know about this so she can remember it and look into self-storage facilities that could be able to assist her. I appreciate you sharing!