- Packing for a move is almost unthinkable without cardboard boxes of various sizes.
- One of the critical questions when packing for moving is how many boxes you will need to complete the job.
- You can calculate the required number of cardboard boxes by the rooms and by the square footage of the home.
- Also, understanding what types of packing boxes you actually need will make the packing process more efficient.
Packing will be the next big project in your moving checklist. And then, one of the puzzling questions that will seem to worry you more than most is just how many packing boxes you will need to get the packing job done.
With the exception of your furniture and appliances, all of your possessions will need to be packed for protection into many, MANY cardboard boxes of various types and sizes.
That is pretty obvious but here’s the tricky part: it can be really tough to estimate the number of moving boxes needed for a residential move. Why?
How many boxes you will need to pack up your home will vary greatly from move to move – that is, that number will be unique to each different relocation scenario.
Now, if you purchase many more cardboard boxes than you need, you’ll waste money during an already expensive house move.
On the other hand, if you buy much fewer cardboard containers than necessary, you’ll waste valuable time making extra runs to a local mover or a nearby store to get more.
If you’re looking for a formula that will give you the exact number of boxes for your particular residential move, then you’re likely to get disappointed when you find out that no such formula exists.
The moving box calculators you’ll find online will only give you a very rough number of the boxes you’ll need.
However, that’s still enough to get an average quantity so that you can start packing without further delay.
FACTORS that determine the number of boxes you’ll need
According to statistical data, the average number of moving boxes needed to pack the content of one home is approximately 60.
Now, the good news is that you already have a reference number (60 boxes!) you can use to get a rough idea of what you’ll be up against.
The bad news is that you’ll still need to take into consideration a few important factors so that the average quantity of packing boxes gets more customized for your specific relocation needs.
Your home may have much fewer or much more items to pack than average homes and the types of boxes you need will be unique to the things you own and plan to take with you.
1. How many rooms are there in your home?
The more rooms there are in your house or apartment, the more items there should be for sorting and packing into moving boxes.
That’s not always the case but it’s a good thing to keep in mind when you look for ways to calculate the number of boxes you’ll need to pack up your stuff.
2. How many people live under the same roof?
Each family member will have their own personal belongings that he or she will be taking with them.
Don’t make the mistake of underestimating the number of things that children will be taking with them – not before those things are safely packed into cardboard boxes, of course.
3. What’s the square footage of your residence?
One way to get an approximation of the number of boxes is to take into account whether you’re moving out of a studio apartment, a 1-bedroom apartment, a 2-bedroom apartment, or a 3-bedroom house.
Most online moving box calculators are based on the number of bedrooms in a home.
However, the actual square footage of your home can also enable you to calculate roughly how many cardboard boxes you’ll need to complete the packing task successfully.
4. What type of lifestyle do you lead?
You may prefer to lead a minimalist lifestyle or you may like to be surrounded by tons of personal possessions.
Or you may just leave a modest lifestyle – the golden mean between being a minimalist and a pack rat.
5. How many years have you spent in your home?
Most people tend to accumulate more stuff with each passing year spent in the same home. And that’s exactly why occasional decluttering instances of your home can be so beneficial for you, especially when the time to move out comes around.
Get rid of all unwanted items prior to packing so that you get to use fewer cardboard boxes to pack up your things. Remember that moving boxes will still be your biggest expense when packing for a move.
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