Moving to a new state to start over


  • People move house for a wide variety of reasons but you may happen to have a very personal reason to move out.
  • Sometimes you feel that you just have to run away from where you are and get a new beginning in a new state.
  • Moving to another state to start over is not a piece of cake but you can pull it off as long as you put your mind to it.
  • Follow these 8 practical tips for moving to another state to start over to make it all happen with minimum stress and hassle.

Everyone who’s moving out of state must have their own personal reasons to do so. And if you also happen to be already thinking about moving to a new state, then maybe a new job is waiting for you there or perhaps you’ve found the love of your life in another part of the country.

However, at times, the major reason for you to want to move to another state is the strong desire to run away from where you are right now and start a new life in a different state. All you really want is a fresh start somewhere else – the perfect opportunity to wipe the slate clean and bury the past after the relocation is complete.

Moving away and starting over in a new state is never a walk in the park but it can be done without too much hassle as long as you follow these tips to make both your interstate move and your post-relocation life a bit easier.

You might already be familiar with some of the advice you’ll read below but you’ll be sure to find something new, something useful that you can actually use to your advantage.

Moving away and starting over is a serious business, so follow these 8 serious tips for moving to another state to start over.

1. Double-check that you’ve made the right choice

The very first thing you need to do when you want to move to another state and start over is to check once more whether you’re doing the right thing.

You can be 100% sure that the right time to relocate and start over has come and that’s great – you know exactly what you want and need, now it’s time to make it happen. When you have no doubts about what you have to do, then the next step is to start working on the tasks on your MOVING CHECKLIST that will get you ready to move out.

However, if you have any lingering doubts that moving away and starting over in another state might be a mistake, then you must think it all over again before it’s too late. It’s never too easy to just up and move away, so reassess your specific situation carefully to avoid painful regrets after the relocation.

You want to move away and start over in another state… but are you really ready for that significant change? If the answer is a resounding YES, then you’d better get ready to face the relocation challenges, one by one.

Why Do People Move: 6 Good Reasons to Move House

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2. Leave behind any items that will remind you of the past

You should already know that the more items you choose to take with you to the new state, the higher the transportation cost will be because of the extra weight added to the overall shipment. Therefore, you have to be really careful what you bring with you in order to keep the cost of moving to a minimum.

How to start over in another state
Why would you haul a couch full of memories all the way to another state?

But when you’re moving to a new city to start over, often in a desperate attempt to run away from bad memories, then you should definitely take the task of decluttering to a whole new level.

It’s pretty simple, really – ultimately, you’ll want to leave behind everything that will keep reminding you of whatever it is that you’re trying to forget.

For example, if you’ve just had a painful breakup and you want to start a new life in a new state, then it’d be wise to leave behind any stuff that will trigger memories of the very person you’ve broken up with. In most cases, it’s always better to donate the things that are still perfectly usable than to simply throw them away.

Tips for Moving Out After a Breakup or Divorce

3. Refrain from asking your friends to help you move

Sometimes the major reason for people to want to relocate and start over in a new state is that they’ve had enough of everything and everyone around them: the town or city they’re living in, the awful climate in the area, the strangers they meet on the streets, and even the people they consider as their friends.

If you feel roughly the same way, then one way you can approach the inevitable relocation is to move out without telling anyone about your intentions, not even confiding to your friends that you wish to move to a new state to start over.

Under normal circumstances, you are strongly encouraged to ask your friends to help you pack and/or move in order to get things done faster and cheaper. However, when you’re longing for a fresh start in another state, you might want to consider not telling your friends that you’re moving out, meaning that you can’t possibly receive any move-related help from them either.

With any type of friendly assistance out of the question, it’s time to start thinking about getting in touch with one of the best moving companies and taking advantage of their top-notch professional moving services.

Moving Out Without Anyone Knowing

4. Hire the best interstate movers near you

When you wish to start over in a new state, then one good way to make your life easier is to hire a top-rated interstate moving company to take care of all the move-related details for you.

How to find the best interstate movers
Trust one of the best interstate movers and your fresh start in a new state will soon become a reality.

Moving house can be a great hassle, especially when the destination place is hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

The great distance between the two homes (higher transportation expenses) and the many unknowns (possible risks and potential dangers) are the major reasons why a DIY move (moving by yourself) is not recommended.

The good news is that hiring one of the best interstate moving companies in your area is easier than you think. To get professional help moving to another state, here are the 5 simple steps you need to follow:

  • Use our Moving Cost Calculator to get in touch with properly licensed and adequately insured interstate movers.
  • Ask the cross-country movers to visit your home in order to get accurate in-home cost estimates.
  • Compare carefully the received moving quotes – price + add-on services – to pick the one that best fits your moving budget.
  • Compare the moving companies in terms of online reputation – read moving reviews to see what people say about their services.
  • Pick the top-rated mover that has offered you the best deal in terms of price, additional services, and conditions.

Find the Best Interstate Movers with These 20 Questions & Answers

5. Arrange the new place the way you like it

Once you find yourself in the new home in the destination state, what you should do in the very beginning is to decorate that new place in a way that’s entirely different from the décor of your old home. It’s a proven technique to help you break away from your old life more quickly so that you can appreciate and enjoy more fully whatever it is that awaits you after the relocation.

Moving into a new home is the perfect opportunity to become the interior designer you’ve always wanted. Arrange the furniture in a way that reflects the new beginning you seek, add bold colors that show your determination to start over, and apply finishing touches such as lighting and art pieces that will turn the new place into your own home.

Make it your top priority to turn the new place into a haven of peace, tranquility, and coziness – the safe shelter where you’ll start and end each daily battle spent in the new state. In fact, making the new place feel like home will play a major role in negating the possible adverse effects of a post-move phenomenon known as relocation depression (separation anxiety).

How to Make Your New Place Feel Like Home

6. Concentrate on your new job

Unless the main reason to move to another state is the fact that you’ve found a (new) job there, one of the very first things you’ll have to do after the move is to make sure you do find employment so that you can afford to live comfortably in the destination state.

The state may be different but you still have to pay the bills, remember?

Moving to a new state and starting over
You never know who among your work colleagues will become your next best friend.

Another thing you should also remember is that you’re going to need some time to acclimate to the unfamiliar surroundings right after the relocation.

Arriving in the new place – the apartment or house you’re expected to start calling your home soon – will mark the beginning of the adaptation period.

How long that acclimatization period lasts will depend entirely on your own adaptation skills. And here’s the thing – by concentrating on your job and interacting with your new colleagues on a daily basis, you should be able to adapt much more quickly and then enjoy a fresh start in the new state.

The Ultimate Guide to Relocating for a Job

7. Do your best to make new friends

When you move to a new state, it’s always a good idea to keep in touch with your best friend. The person that you feel is the closest one to you should be able to help you survive the first few weeks there – the immediate post-relocation period that often proves to be the hardest one to handle.

Nevertheless, the fact that you’ve decided to move to another state for a fresh start often suggests that you probably never had too many best friends in the old place. Your conscious decision to start anew in another part of the country is often an indication that you wish to meet different people and create brand-new friendships as well.

The thought of making new friends can seem rather daunting to some people, even frightening at times. Luckily, there are many tried-and-true ways to meet new people effortlessly and hopefully become friends with some of them.

As long as you are familiar with a bunch of smart ways to form new relationships, finding good friends in a new state doesn’t have to be an uphill struggle at all.

20 Brilliant Ways to Make New Friends When You Move to a New City

8. Get to know your surroundings

Moving to a new city to start over can seem like a great idea at first but it’s possible that you get quite disappointed as soon as you arrive there. The unfamiliar destination city in the new state may look unwelcoming and even ominous to some extent – something that you didn’t think would happen before the move.

How to move away and start a new life
Explore your new surroundings in order to feel welcome there.

It’s important to understand that any feelings of uneasiness and strangeness you may be feeling right after the move is complete are normal.

After all, it’s rare that people feel perfectly fine right from the start after moving to another part of the country.

So, what should you do to feel better in the place? The answer might surprise you: explore the new surroundings.

As soon as you find some free time – a well-deserved break from unpacking, for example, start exploring your neighborhood a bit, then expand your exploratory trips over time to cover the entire city. Soon enough, you’ll start visiting interesting places all over the new state and as you’re doing it, you’re very likely to begin to feel welcomed there.

Also, do consider giving yourself more time – proper adaptation and successful acclimatization do require time and you can’t expect to feel awesome immediately after moving to the new state for a fresh start.

8 Compelling Ways to Explore Your New City

Hopefully, your decision to move to another state to start over will be the right one. Finding yourself in a brand-new setting, making new friends, and being open to new experiences should make a world of difference for you.

Ideally, you won’t have any regrets after the move and you’ll be as happy there as you can possibly be. However, things don’t always work out as planned, and a few regrets here and there could seem to appear out of thin air. And if that should happen, you should definitely be ready for that eventuality and know how to respond adequately.

What to Do When You Regret Moving

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