This article is the final chapter of a comprehensive guide to moving with a dog to a new home. It deals with the tough post-relocation adaptation period and gives useful advice on how to help a dog adjust to a new home.

Moving a dog to a new home will take them out of their comfort zone and will make them anxious and scared.
Home is a safe haven.

When moving to a new place, you and your family need to get settled into your new home, get used to your new surroundings, and get adjusted to your new world. Your canine family member needs to do the same – and it’s really stressful for them.

Dogs tend to struggle to adjust to a new environment – they’re creatures of habit, so taking them out of their comfort zone causes anxiety and wretchedness, and they get attached to their home, so taking them to a new place makes them upset and fearful. Moving house is quite the ordeal for Fido and friends.

So, when moving to a new home with your dog, you need to help your furry friend settle in – calm them down, ease their anxieties, and make them feel comfortable in the new environment.

Read on to find out how to achieve all this and keep your doggy safe, healthy, and happy after the move.

How to Introduce a Dog to a New Home

Moving a dog to a new home is not as simple as transporting your loyal pet to your new place – you need to find a way to ease them into the new environment, to make them feel safe and calm in your new house or apartment. Your first step is to properly introduce your canine friend to the new home:

Take your dog to the new place before the move

Pre-move visits won’t be possible if you’re moving long distance, of course, but if your home-to-be is located near your current one, you’re strongly advised to visit the new place as many times as you can with your dog before the relocation.

Take Fido with you every time when you go to your new home to complete a task there – or just visit the place together whenever you have the time. Walk around the house, play in the yard, and spend time in the living areas (if you already have the keys) – give your pup treats and attention, so they get a good feeling and create positive associations with the new home.

Dog specialist Becca Barnett advises “Gradually introduce your dog to your new home over several visits. Create good associations with the home by giving your pet many treats while you walk around the house.

It is also a good idea to leave some of your pooch’s toys in the new place, so there is always a familiar scent to greet your furry friend when they visit your new home.

Your dog will get used to the sights, sounds and scents of the new place, will have good recollections of the house, and will even leave their scent behind – so when you move, the new surroundings won’t be so foreign and scary to them.

Bonus tip: Give the place a thorough cleaning before moving in

Dogs use scents to process the world and interact with it. When you move to a new home, it will be full of new scents – and unless you’re moving to a newly built place, there may be lingering scents of other pets that have lived in the house too. It will be quite overwhelming for your pooch.

It is a good idea to take Fido to visit the new place before the move.
So, this will be my new home? I approve.

To help your pet feel calm in the new home, you should eliminate as much of the foreign scents as possible – clean the place well before you move in to get rid of residual scents and provide a “clean slate” for your family and Fido to fill the space with familiar smells.

Set up a safe place for your dog immediately after arrival

The first thing to do when you reach your new home with your dog is to take them to a secure, quiet room where they will be safe until their initial shock fades away, the movers are gone, and your larger household items are put in place.

Make sure there are no potential hazards in the room and the windows and doors are securely closed (some dogs may try to escape when feeling stressed and anxious).

Unpack your dog’s essentials box and set up a corner with familiar items – your pet’s bed and blanket, water bowl and food dish, favorite toys, treats, etc. These things will provide a sense of security and will help your canine friend feel comfortable in the new surroundings – your stressed pet will have their own sanctuary with familiar and comforting smells and items that feel like home.

If your pup traveled in a carrier, keep them in it until you have set up their space, then open the crate. Let your furry friend stay inside the carrier for as long as they want to – it is a safe place for them. They will venture out when they’re ready.

If your dog didn’t travel in a carrier, keep them on a leash until the safe room is ready. When everything is set up, remove the leash, close the door, and let your pooch get used to the small, safe area in their own way.

Dog expert Kristen Levine gladly shares some useful advice for all dog owners wondering what exactly to do with their confused pets shortly after the arrival:

Your pet may feel confused in your new home and will take some time to adjust to the new surroundings. Offer lots of love and affection to soothe their nerves. Introduce dogs to a new home when furniture is in place. Familiarize them with one room before introducing to another. This can take a few days, but will ease nerves and prevent an escape.

Bonus tip: Dog-proof your new home

A new home can hide numerous dangers for a dog – both well-known hazards (windows, electrical cords, fireplace, etc.) and unexpected ones (such as poisonous plants in the yard). Before you let your furry friend explore the new place at will, you need to take measures to eliminate these dangers and ensure your pet’s safety:

  • Install window screens to prevent Fido from accidentally falling out of a window;
  • Cover electrical cords and wires and tie up high all cords to window blinds;
  • Keep appliance doors closed at all times;
  • Keep medications and chemical products locked away;
  • Keep sharp items, fragile items, batteries, plastic bags, and other potentially dangerous items in securely closed drawers or cabinets;
  • Keep out of reach any foods and drinks that can be dangerous for your dog – chocolate, raisins, avocados, coffee, alcoholic beverages, etc.

Gradually familiarize your dog with your new home

Knowing how to ease a dog into a home will help you prevent troubles.
Make it safe for your pup and let them explore at their own pace.

When you move to a new home, your dog will likely feel confused – and anxious – in the new surroundings. Give them plenty of time to calm down and get comfortable in their “safe” space – once they overcome the initial shock, you can let them explore the rest of the house.

Familiarize them with one room at a time and let them sniff around and get accustomed to the new sights, smells, and sounds. Little by little, your furry friend will relax and begin to feel at home in the new place. Then, you can let them explore on their own – just make sure all exterior doors are safely closed.

Allow your pup to explore the new home at their leisure once all the exits are safely closed.” advise the vet team at Kamloops Veterinary Clinic. “It can be overwhelming for some to have a whole new house to explore at once so you may want to limit the rooms your dog has access to at first. Ensure they become familiar with the area that you and he will spend the most time in first.

When you take your dog outside, walk them on a leash and allow plenty of sniffing – it will help your furry friend get to know their new surroundings and will calm them down. If your new house has an enclosed outside area, you can let your pet stay in the yard for a while but be sure not to leave them completely unsupervised – dogs can easily dig under or jump over a fence, especially when they’re scared and anxious.

Bonus tip: Make sure your dog is wearing a collar with your name, address, and phone number on it at all times, so you can be easily reunited if your stressed pup escapes or gets lost in the days after your move.

Experienced dog trainer Tonya Wilhelm from Toledo Dog Training advises all people who have just moved with dogs to a new home to keep a close eye on their canine friends:

When arriving at your new home, walk your dog on leash and harness around his new yard, allowing plenty of sniffing. Try to take some quality time with your dog before hitting the unpacking.

If you have a second, or third person, put them in charge of dog-time. You want to know exactly where your dog is at all times, and to ensure he doesn’t get loose, and run off.

Take the dog inside the house, still on a leash because you may have doors open, or someone may suddenly open one. Allow him to sniff inside, and investigate his new surroundings. Pull out his favorite hollow rubber toy, and fill it with some goodness.

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How to Make a Dog Comfortable in a New Home

When moving with dogs to a new home, the inevitable relocation stress may cause the anxious animals to act out, try to escape, or get depressed. To calm down your furry friend and make them feel comfortable in the new environment, you need to reassure them that everything is fine, that they’re safe and loved.

Here is how to make a scared dog comfortable after moving:

Keep the old routines

Dogs are creatures of habit and thrive on routine – so when it comes to transitioning a dog to a new home, it’s crucial to keep the routine going. The best way to ease your nervous pet into the new environment and make them comfortable in the new place is to re-establish their habitual routine as soon as possible.

Feed your dog at the same time as before the move - the predictable routine will help them calm down and relax.
It’s time for dinner!

Do your best to keep things going as normal – feed your dog at the same time as you did before the move, take them out for walks at the same times as usual, get them ready for bed at the same time, etc. If Fido is used to getting up, going on a walk, eating breakfast, going into the yard, having rest, playing with you, eating dinner, going on a walk again, then going to bed, try to follow that same pattern in the new place. Make an effort to stay on schedule, even if it means stopping in the middle of a task.

The more you can stick to your dog’s usual routine, the calmer they will be and the faster they will be able to adjust because, although their environment has changed, their life hasn’t.

If you can’t keep your pet’s routine exactly the same because of changes to your lifestyle after the move (different job, longer commute times, new commitments, etc.), try to keep changes to a minimum, especially in the beginning (it will be easier for your dog to handle additional changes later, when they have already settle in).

The predictability of their daily routine will give your furry friend a sense of normalcy and security and that will help them acclimate to the new home quickly and easily.

Do not replace your dog’s items immediately after the move

As much as you may want to buy new things for your dear pet when you move house, you’re strongly advised to wait a little – it will be better for your dog to have their old bed, bowls, toys, and other items they’re familiar with. These things are comforting to your furry friend – they smell like home, create a sense of security, and bring positive associations. Your dog will be much calmer when they have their old items around – do not throw them away.

It is even a good idea not to wash your pet’s bedding immediately before or after moving into your new home – the familiar smell will help ease your dog’s anxiety.

Becca Barnett, the Social Media Manager from BringFido, says: “Bring your dog’s old bed, blanket, and toys to the new house. You may want to buy all new and shiny things for the new house, but the familiar smells will comfort your dog during the move.

You can get your canine friend new toys or things to chew on, but do not replace their regular gear – wait for a few weeks until Fido gets used to the new environment.

Do not leave your dog alone in the new home during the first days after the move

Make sure your dog feels comfortable in the new home before you leave them there alone.
Your pooch will be sad and scared if you leave them alone in the new house before they have got used to it.

When you move house, it will take your dog some time to figure out that the new place is their new home. If you leave them alone in the new house before they have realized that they’re safe there, that you’re not abandoning them and will return, your pet may become anxious and scared – and get destructive or try to escape.

It is, therefore, extremely important that your pooch gets used to their new surroundings and overcomes their anxiety before you leave them alone. Stay home as much as you can during the first days after the move, until your pet acclimates to the new environment, reassured by your presence and loving care. If you need to go out, either take your furry friend with you or arrange for a family member to hang out with them while you’re gone.

After a week or so, you can start leaving your dog alone in the new home for short periods of time – just try to return as soon as possible and leave your pet with something fun to do while you are away (take out their toys, give them puzzles that have treats in them, etc.).

Here is what the vet team at Kamloops Veterinary Clinic say on that topic:

Your dog may become anxious when left alone in the new house as it is not yet familiar to them. Start by leaving your dog alone for short periods of time and leave them with something fun to do while you are away. Stuffed Kongs and other fun food puzzles are great mental stimulation, a fun way to feed their daily rations and will keep your dog busy but settled in their new home.

The first time when you need to leave your canine friend alone for a longer period of time, be sure to tire them out before you go (play with them in the yard or take them out for a long walk).

Bonus tip: Give your dog plenty of treats during the first weeks in your new home – they will make your loyal friend feel good and will reassure them that you still care for them, that you love them, and the new environment won’t change that.

How to Help Your Dog Settle Into a New Home

Knowing how to calm a dog in a new home will allow you to ease your pet’s stress and get them curious about their new surroundings. Once your furry friend overcomes their initial anxiety, however, you’ll need to find a way to get them settled in.

But how to help a dog adjust to a new home? How to make Fido actually feel at home?

Accepting change and adapting is always difficult, but there are some things you can do to make the transition smoother and easier for your dog:

Spend as much time as possible with your furry friend

Affecttion and attention will help your dog adjust to your new home more quickly and easily.
Together time will help reassure your dog that everything is fine more than anything else.

There is no better way to make a dog feel safe, calm, comfortable, and happy in a new environment than to surround them with love and care. As busy as you may be with urgent post-relocation tasks in the first weeks after the move, you still need to find some time for your furry friend.

Taking care of your pet’s needs is not enough – Fido needs attention and love (especially during such a chaotic, stressful period). So, be sure to steal a few minutes every now and then to give your loyal pet a hug and a belly rub, toss around their favorite toy, or just brush their coat. Be generous with affection and encouraging words and spend as much quality time with your dog as possible – take them for long walks around the new neighborhood, play with them in the yard, cuddle together, and show your furry friend how much you love them.

Your presence, attention, and loving care will restore your doggy’s confidence and sense of security and will make them trust that everything is okay and back to normal.

Bonus tip: Spend time on the floor with your dog

Playing with your furry friend on the floor of your new home will not only make Fido happy, but will also add a familiar smell – your scent – to the area where your dog spends most of their time (the floor). Your loyal pet associates your scent with safety and joy, so sensing it on the floor of your new home will make them feel at ease in the new environment.

Give your dog time to adapt – be patient

Patience is key when moving into a new house with a dog. Your pooch may be fine in their new surroundings right away or it may take them a while to adjust – either way, you need to be patient and let your furry friend adjust to the unfamiliar settings at their own speed.

Your dog’s behavior may change – they may act skittish, whine a lot, bark excessively when someone walks by the window, or have accidents in the house. Don’t get angry if that happens – it’s just a reaction to stress and anxiety. Your dog’s world has changed with your house move – Fido will be overwhelmed, confused, and scared and will need time to adjust. So, just give them the time they need – and the love they need.

It may take a few weeks for your pet to acclimate to the new home, so don’t expect everything to be perfect right from the start and don’t rush things – be patient, caring, and understanding and do your best to keep your canine friend healthy, content, and happy.

Good to know: How long does it take for a dog to adjust to a new home?

Help your dog settle in and have a joyful life in your new home.
All is well that ends well.

While some dogs may get comfortable in a new home within a few days after the move, others may struggle to adjust for much longer – sometimes, it can be months before a pup settles into a new home.

Most dogs, however, need a few weeks to adjust to a new environment – so, if your pooch’s behavior hasn’t returned to normal a month after the move, take them to a good vet in your new area without further delay (look out for signs of anxiety and depression – loss of appetite, lack of enthusiasm, withdrawal from social interaction, aggression, lower activity levels, etc.)

Experienced dog trainer Beth Bradley urges anyone who has recently moved with dogs to another house or apartment to re-establish the familiar routines and recommends training as a good way for dogs to cope with the change.

When you arrive in your new home, take time to establish routines that will give your dog a sense of predictability and order – especially training routines.  You may be tempted to “loosen the rules” because you feel sorry for your dog. Don’t! Loosening the rules will only make your dog feel more insecure and unstable during this confusing time. As you settle into your new house, find an hour a week to take Fido to a training class. Find at least 15 minutes each day to work on his training at home.

One final piece of advice: Introduce your dog to other dogs in the neighborhood – it will help your furry friend adjust to the new environment much more quickly.

Moving with a dog is quite the adventure – every step has its unique challenges and joys. When you know what to do, though – and when you do it right – your loyal friend will stay calm and safe during the move and will be happy in your new home.

You can find useful advice and insightful tips for every stage of the relocation journey by visiting the other chapters of the ultimate guide to moving house with dogs:

How to keep a dog calm and safe before moving: The preparation stage

How to move with a dog: Moving day and the trip to the new home

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