After the adrenaline-filled moving day, all of a sudden you feel awfully tired – in fact, more tired than the moving truck itself that just delivered your household items. Sadly enough, even the somewhat happy thought of having made it to your new home without any major accidents can’t seem to refill your totally depleted energy bar.
While a hot bath and a warm bed will get you through the first night, you will soon realize that you are in a desperate need of a strategic plan to recharge your battery in order to function normally once more. And speaking from personal experience, I can assure you that no recharging/recuperation plan is good enough without a reward system of some sort.
So, without further ado, here are 7 creative ways to reward yourself after a move.
Turn the main focus on yourself

Not surprisingly, the main focus until this very moment has been your residential move itself and all the tasks, worries and problems associated with it. Your mind must have been preoccupied with move related issues for maybe a bit too long, so don’t you think it’s high time the focus of attention turned to something else? You, for example?
Yes, it’s true that all the post relocation tasks are begging you to get them done and over with it, but right now the word later sounds so sweet, doesn’t it? Having completed the jobs with the label Top Priority attached to them, it’s time to reward yourself after the move by doing anything that is not move related in any way.
If you haven’t figured it out by now, the idea here is to recuperate after the exhausting preparations and the energy-draining moving day. Unpacking the endless piles of moving boxes can wait – you can be certain that the moving containers won’t go anywhere. Therefore, use this opportune time to focus on your physical and emotional needs and dare to pamper yourself a bit (but not too much).
Go catch a movie

To keep your sanity after you arrive in your new home, a good tactic is to take your thoughts off of all relocation matters as mentioned above, or at least try to do so. Turn your attention to something really fun, something that will clear your mind and let you achieve a good level of post relocation battery recharging at the same time.
For example, a good way to reward yourself after a move is to go catch a movie at the best movie theater in town. Go through the program of all theaters close to your home and choose a worthy film that will help you forget, be it for only a couple of hours, about the endless tasks ahead you. Going to the movies by yourself is never much fun, so take the whole family or have a good friend come with you in order to make the entire day special.
Of course, if you’re not a great fan of Hollywood, you can always attend a theater/opera performance, or enjoy a live concert of a performer you like. Once the show is over, don’t forget to head towards a nice restaurant to celebrate the relocation-free day in style.
Throw a housewarming party

How to reward yourself after a move? This one is easy – organize a housewarming party and let the good times roll. If you’re not the type of person who prefers to have a quiet time away from the still unfamiliar world outside, then the idea of planning and organizing an informal get-together may sound too appealing to you to pass up that unique opportunity to engage in some social activities.
A housewarming party will not only mark the success of your recent relocation and give you the sense of a move well done, but it can also be a great chance to meet the folks next door in a casual setting and get to know them a bit better. Of course, your very first guests should be any good friends you might have in the new city, especially the ones who have helped you move. If you’re still not on friendly terms with anyone, then consider inviting your colleagues at work or your immediate neighbors.
Remember that unless you view the organization of such an event as something that will give you satisfaction and replenish your battery charge, then you may as well give up on the idea altogether. After all, you’re supposed to reward yourself after the move, not stress yourself out any further.
Related: How to befriend your neighbors after a move
Schedule some relaxation time

Knowing how to reward yourself after completing a goal is a well-known physiological trick to keep you motivated and focused. And when you take into consideration that organizing and executing a residential move is more than just a goal (it’s a mega goal!), then it’s only natural that you will want some downtime to get rid of all the stress you must have accumulated during the various stages of your move. Yes, you’ve earned your rest after the stressful and exhausting relocation, so it’s about the right time to gift yourself some much needed relaxation time.
Exactly how you choose to take it easy is up you – you can choose to combat the overall weariness by sleeping in for hours on end or skip any depressing thoughts by reading a really good book. Another great option to reward yourself for a job well done is to book an invigorating massage, a refreshing spa/beauty treatment, or similar pampering procedures that will give you exactly what you need after successfully surviving the move.
Make your new place feel like home

One of the very best ways to reward yourself after the move is to attempt to create the dream house you’ve always wanted. What better prize for your relocation efforts than to be able to first arrange your new house or apartment to your good taste, then to add creative decorations to make the living space cozier and more welcoming, and finally to add your finishing touches to make your new place really yours?
It shouldn’t come as a big surprise that such a home improvement project can be easily viewed as the cherry on the cake. You can choose to arrange and decorate the new place exactly like your previous home in order to regain the calming effect of familiarity and comfort. In fact, maintaining a sense of routine will help you handle better the higher degree of unfamiliarity outside the threshold of your door.
On the other hand, you may choose to find the designer’s courage within yourself and set up an entirely new environment thanks to a number of bold creative ideas and non-standard approaches. The thing is that a fresh new start in your brand new home can be the very thing you’ve been missing in the recent years.
Explore your new city

Another great way to reward yourself after a move is to be brave enough to explore your new city at the very beginning of your post relocation period. If you can afford to take a few days off work to process the new environment properly and make sense of it all, don’t hesitate to do it. Treat yourself to the marvelous gift of exploration and find out what makes your new town or city unique – architecture, museums, culture, festivals, sporting events, and so on.
Enjoy what your new place has to offer by taking a nice long walk in the city park or visit the historic places that will tell you interesting stories of days of old. On a more practical level, accelerating the process of getting to know your place better will enable you to speed up your own adaptation period and find yourself in familiar waters faster than you thought. Little by little, the fearsome strangeness around you will start to melt away and give you the courage and home to cope with the possible side effects of post relocation depression.
MUST READ: How to cope with relocation depression
Get yourself something special

Let’s go SHOPPING!!!
Chances are that you won’t soon forget your moving day even if it has been smooth sailing from start to finish. Still, to commemorate the special day that marks the beginning of the new chapter in your life, it is surely the perfect timing to buy something for yourself – something that you’ve been eyeing for some time now. Fancy electronic gadgets, such as a state-of-the-art flat-screen TV for your new home or a brand new smartphone that’s supposed to be smarter than its owner (but not smarter than you, of course!), are always near the top of everyone’s list, but you can also choose to go a step further and treat yourself to something truly exceptional like a pool table.
Nevertheless, post relocation periods are notorious for endless cases of wishful thinking, and if the mandatory pre-special-award consultation with your post-move budget has nothing but bad news for you, then you can always resort to having some unrivaled window shopping fun at your new city’s biggest shopping centers.
All in all, learning how to create a reward system for yourself after one of the most stressful events in one’s life is, without a doubt, an excellent way to find the required motivation (and why not even enthusiasm!) to complete the process of unpacking your boxes or another one of the 21 most essential things to do after moving into a new home.
Give and you shall receive

To reward yourself for doing something great (yes, surviving a house move does qualify as something great) is nothing but self-encouragement and added incentive in their purest forms, so nobody should take away the rewards you have chosen for yourself. But still, if you are the type of person who prefers to see and feel the joy in other people’s faces and hearts by giving instead of receiving, then you should know that your reward system can easily receive an upgrade.
Be mindful that one of the most honorable ways to reward yourself after a move is to help other people find top rated cross country movers, just like you did. In reality, your timely assistance in the form of a moving review can turn out to be invaluable for anyone who’s facing a residential move anytime soon. By rating objectively the professional services of your relocation partner and providing a short summary of how your moving company handled their end of the bargain, you can be sure that your words and (un)happy house moving experience will be taken in account during the crucial decision-making process of future home movers.
You may not think that your moving review will have any impact at all, but the truth is that it could prove to be a great post relocation reward both for you and your compatriots. Follow the link below to learn all the clear advantages of rating your local or cross country movers.
MUST READ: Why and how to write a moving review
The reward of a thing well done is having done it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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