Your home is your fortress but the sooner you venture out to explore your new surroundings, the sooner you will defeat the pangs of post-relocation depression.
Whether it is an epic quest in search of a lost artifact, a treasure hunt in dangerous waters, an exploratory expedition into wild lands or a spacecraft mission, all captivating stories and all exciting adventures have one basic element in common – the protagonists rely on a map for guidance and quick orientation. To easily navigate your way through any new territory and successfully locate whatever it is that you are looking for, you need the assistance of a detailed map. It may not be an actual charted piece of paper, of course, a “mental map” will do just fine. What matters is that you introduce order to the space around you and know the exact location of every important and useful place in your area.
Without a doubt, certain places have a crucial role in your everyday life and it is absolutely necessary to learn their whereabouts as soon as you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings. When moving to a new city, the unfamiliar setting may indeed add to the feeling of alienation and disorientation often experienced shortly after relocation. So, exploring your new city and finding the important places you will need on a daily basis becomes one of the main prerequisites for increasing your self-confidence and ensuring your peace of mind. Creating a reliable map of your new area and the key places in it will not only allow you to adjust quickly and effortlessly to your new environment but will also help you deal with a number of urgent post-relocation tasks without wasting valuable time.
So, which are the most important places to locate right after you move to your new city?
Supermarkets And Shopping Centers
Replenishing your provisions will be of paramount importance after arriving in your new home. Even if you have brought some non-perishable food, essential toiletries and other basic necessities with you, the number of vital supplies you will urgently need during the very first days after your arrival will be overwhelming. You will be in want of fresh groceries, personal care items and a variety of cleaning supplies and other small but indispensable items. A large local supermarket will provide not only the ingredients required for healthy and tasty home-made meals but also most of the household supplies that will allow you to put your new home in order and your daily routine back on track.
However convenient and affordable a supermarket may be, you won’t be able to acquire everything you need from it. So, research all the local businesses and shopping centers in your vicinity at the earliest opportunity. They often present a beneficial option not only for shopping but also for meeting your new neighbors and learning curious facts, useful information and practical details about your new area.
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If you find convenient shortcuts to take you to your workplace or your kid’s school quickly, you will not only avoid heavy traffic and save time but will also feed your adventurous spirit.
If you have already secured a job in your new city, you will probably know where your company is located and you may have even searched for living accommodations close to your new workplace. Whatever the specific circumstances in your case may be, finding the shortest, easiest and most convenient way to get to work will be among your top priorities.
In case you intend to drive your own vehicle, you will need to get familiar with the infrastructure and the peculiarities of the traffic flow to know which roads to use and how long it will take to commute. Besides, you will have to check the available parking spaces and whether it will be necessary to get a specific permit or pay a fee in order to reserve a convenient parking lot.
If you prefer the public transportation system, make sure you know the schedules of buses, metro or intercity trains, as well as the location of their corresponding stops/stations.
Your Children’s School
Regardless of how much time there is left before the beginning of the school year (if any), one of the first things to do after you move to a new city with school-aged children is to take them on an exploratory trip to their new school. This will help reduce the levels of anxiety and uncertainty your kids certainly experience at the prospect of changing schools and will allow them to get familiar with the surroundings of their new educational facility. Besides, you will ensure your peace of mind by finding the shortest and safest route to the school. The first few days of school will be less stressful when you know how to get there, what to expect and where to drop your children off and pick them up.
If you still haven’t found an appropriate new school for your young ones, have in mind that locating a good educational facility may take a considerable amount of your energy and time, so get to the task without delay.
Medical Care Facilities
It will be good news if you don’t need any kind of medical assistance any time soon after the move, but nevertheless, you need to find a trustworthy doctor and a variety of medical care facilities at the earliest opportunity. Your new family physician’s office and a good nearby pharmacy should top the list of important places to locate right after your move. (If you haven’t received recommendations about a trustworthy doctor, research the available database to choose an experienced health care provider as soon as possible.) However, don’t wait too long to locate the nearest hospital and walk-in clinic either, just in case. Of course, you will need to find a new dentist and a new vet (if you have pets) as well. Don’t forget to take all the relevant documents, such as medical records, recent tests and so on, with you when you visit your new health providers for the first time.
To successfully deal with all the required paperwork after a residential move and put your personal affairs in order, you will need to find several key places in your new city really soon:
Your GPS may be useful when you need to locate a place in unfamiliar surroundings but life communication with locals is the best navigational tool for exploring your new city.
Banks – you will have to locate the nearest offices of your chosen bank in order to take care of your finances. You will probably need to settle a variety of financial obligations but you may also want to open a new bank account or update your credit card, etc., so secure convenient banking services and financial stability shortly after your move;
Post offices – the Post office offers a variety of valuable post-relocation services: you can change your address, use a convenient Post Office Box to get your mail until you find permanent living accommodations, arrange to have your mail forwarded, renew your subscriptions and even send your old friends a letter or a postcard from your new city. So, make yourself a favor and find the whereabouts of your local post offices really soon;
The Police station – not only will you increase your sense of security when you find the local police station but you will also know where to get reliable information about any rules and regulations in your new city, where to address your safety concerns and where to register and update certain documents;
The DMV office – the deadlines for transferring and/or updating your driver’s license, your car’s registration and insurance, your property taxes and voter registration vary in different states but anyway you need to take care of the relevant paperwork in person, so locating the nearest DMV office brooks no delay. Get there early in the morning to beat the crowd and prepare all the required documents so that you finish the job quickly;
Auto services – it is a good idea to have your car checked and serviced after the relocation trip. Find an authorized auto service in your new city and only entrust your vehicle to professionals who have the specialized equipment and experience to handle your particular car make and model. Of course, your vehicle will also need fuel and proper maintenance, so research your options and compare the prices to locate an affordable gas station and car wash near your new home;
Service providers – if possible, it is generally recommended to transfer your utilities before your actual relocation takes place, but once you have already settled in your new home, you will certainly want a variety of other services as well. So, contact local Internet and cable TV providers, as well as any other service providers you may need;
Insurance agent’s office – although this is not such an urgent task, it is advisable to purchase an appropriate homeowner’s insurance once you have settled in your new city. So, locate the office of a trustworthy insurance agent and discuss all your options to choose the one that best suits your needs. If you have moved long distance, have in mind that the climatic conditions in your new area may pose different threats than the ones you are used to, so when choosing an insurance plan, take into consideration the probability for property damage caused by tornadoes, violent storms, earthquakes or other whims of the weather typical of your new state.
Parks And Recreational Areas
Finding new friends is easy as long as you know where to look for them.
The moving process is both physically and emotionally exhausting, so you will need to recharge your creative energy to keep unpacking and arranging your belongings, cleaning your place and designing your dream home. The only way to stay motivated and inspired throughout the entire laborious process is to reward yourself for each successfully completed task with good rest and fun time. So, take well-deserved breaks to relax, get some fresh air and spend quality time with your family. Locate nice green areas nearby and take your pets and your young children out for a walk, go to a popular playground or just hang around in the park. Your little ones will be able to play at will and make new friends, so that the relocation will no longer make them feel lonely and isolated. You will feel refreshed and will have the chance to meet new people who may give you helpful advice or friendly support – parents who have children at approximately the same age as yours, animal lovers, etc.
Entertainment And Leisure Locales
Everyone needs some time spent away from cares and toils to keep their spirits high and their attitude positive. Here is what to look for when you move to a new city, so that you can practice your hobbies and enjoy your favorite leisure activities:
Restaurants and coffee shops – eating out will allow you to meet more people and to indulge in local delicacies in a charming setting;
Sports centers – you need to keep your good physical shape and to release the stress caused by the nerve-wracking moving procedures;
Beauty salons – you are in for a real treat when you find first-class hair or nail salons that make you feel relaxed and welcome;
Movie theaters – watching a movie ranks among the most popular methods to relax, have fun and forget all your troubles;
Concert halls, as well as any other places where local cultural events take place – you will not only enjoy some great music and entertaining performances but will be able to participate actively in the cultural life of your new community;
Discos and bars – you can have a wonderful night out to shake off your relocation weariness and worries;
Clubs – they provide the chance to practice your favorite hobby activities and meet people who share your interests and points of view.
City Landmarks
You may not need a compass to find the places of interest in your new city.
The cultural and historical background of your new city probably influences its present characteristics, so it will be both useful and interesting to find and visit famous local landmarks, such as monuments, former battlegrounds, buildings of historic significance and cultural heritage and so on. City museums often provide exciting trips back in time, while places of interest and local attractions will certainly bring a smile on your face and joy to your heart. If specific religious temples, such as cathedrals, churches, mosques, synagogues and others are essential for your inner harmony, you will certainly want to learn their whereabouts as soon as possible so that you can continue to practice your faith.
Ask your newly-made friends among your coworkers and neighbors about charming areas in your new city that may be easily overlooked and take advantage of any opportunity you have to expand your horizons and enjoy the new start of your life.
When you move to a new city, all the new people around you, the new residence that doesn’t feel like home yet and the different lifestyle you need to get used to may be a bit scary or even shocking at the beginning. To avoid relocation depression, you need to accept change as an unavoidable path to your better future and embrace the new world around you with positivism and passion. Make your new home a cozy haven and locate the places that will help you get all the essential things done quickly and efficiently, will provide you the inner peace you need and will accelerate your adaptation period. Create your own map of your new surroundings that will show all the locations that have a special place in your new life!
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