Where will your first steps in your new city take you?
When moving to a new city, you embark on an exciting adventure that presents infinite opportunities and opens vast horizons before you. However, shortly after the relocation, you may feel strangely confused and even depressed by the unfamiliar surroundings and all the uncertainties you are facing. Lost in the never-ending labyrinth of streets and buildings in your new city, you may find it difficult to learn your way around and fit in the new environment. Yet, as daunting as it may seem at first, adjusting to your new world takes nothing more than a positive outlook, open-mindedness, and a bit of courage.
So, where to start? As is the case with every great adventure, your first step should be to explore your new area and reveal its secrets. Just switch into “discovery” mode and get to know your city – soon enough you’ll feel at home and any loneliness or nostalgia you might have experienced in the beginning will be all but gone.
But how to explore your city quickly and easily? When you think of it, there is a wide variety of fun and effective ways to do so:
1) Get Hold Of A GPS And A City Map
Traditional Means Of Exploration
Nothing can beat the good old-fashioned map when it comes to finding your way around. Maps provide a bird’s-eye view of the area and help you not only find the exact location of every key place in the vicinity, but also get an accurate idea of the overall shape, design, and layout of the city, so that you can easily orient yourself in your new surroundings. Wherever you may be, you’ll be able to recognize street names, intersections, and various other landmarks you have previously spotted on your map, so you’ll never get lost. Besides, once you have found an address or destination you need, you’ll be able to plot your own route there.
City maps usually come with a listing of local businesses, essential services, places of interest, and other up-to-date information about your new community which will be very useful to you in many different situations.
It is your reliable map that will best help you introduce order to the space around you and ensure your peace of mind.
In this line of thought, have in mind that guidebooks, although originally intended for tourists, may also come very handy when you’re making your first steps in your new city. They provide a quick introduction of the surroundings, offer tips on where to eat, what to see, and how to get around, etc.
High Tech Exploration Tools
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However useful and convenient a paper map or a guidebook may be, though, you are likely to find the advantages of modern technology even more beneficial (especially if you are going to drive your own car within your new city). If you have a GPS in your vehicle, you’ll be able to see the road you’re on, as well as your next turn, shown on a small display in front of you and to listen to specific turn-by-turn audio instructions which are so easy to follow. GPS devices use satellites to plot the shortest and most convenient route from your current location to the destination you have selected, so they make it really difficult for you to get lost.
Using maps and GPS devices to get from point A to point B is certainly the most conventional and straightforward method of finding your way around. Other creative ways to explore your new city, however, can offer much more rewarding experiences.
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Nowadays, you can rely on online tools and resources to find anything you need in the quickest and most efficient way possible:
Search engines – just open your browser and type in whatever it is you’re looking for in combination with your zip code. The generated results will give you quite a good idea of the available options in your area;
Specialized websites – regardless of what you need, the chances are there will be a website specifically designed to help people like you figure out how to get somewhere they have to go and how to find something or someplace they will certainly enjoy (be it a good family restaurant, a first-class beauty salon, or a natural oasis in the heart of the city). Google Maps, Yelp, Zagat, Citysearch and many other free websites offer excellent suggestions as to the best places in town to eat, hang, practice your hobbies, see movies, etc. Such specialized sites usually feature not only detailed area maps and turn-by-turn directions, but also trustworthy reviews, ratings, and recommendations that will make it really easy for you to decide where to go, how to get there, and what to do once you arrive;
Social media groups – social media sites like Facebook and Twitter provide a great opportunity to meet new people in the area and explore your new city. More and more businesses, municipalities, and public figures have begun to use social media sites to post valuable up-to-the-minute information, announce local events, or communicate various important issues concerning the community life. So, you can easily stay on top of things by checking out the social sites once in a while. It is also a good idea to join local forums on the Web or follow local blogs to better understand the peculiarities of the community life and to get some good advice. You can even take the social media group approach a step further – create a Google Doc and invite everyone you know in town to collaborate on it and share their personal experiences, opinions, tips, etc. Not only will you get valuable inside information, but you’ll be able to actually interact with people and ask all the relevant questions that come to your mind.
A newspaper a day keeps community unawareness away.
You may also consider installing some useful applications for your cell phone to help you explore your new area in a quick and effortless way.
Of course, there’s no substitution for trying something out in person, but the Internet should give you a good start.
Nota bene: While still at the computer, spare several minutes of your time to write a moving review. Rating your moving company and sharing your moving experience will help you reduce the relocation stress and get your life back on track real soon.
3) Take Advantage Of The Local Media
Another good way to stay up-to-date with hot topics, recent news, and live issues in your new area is to subscribe to local newspapers and check regional TV channels. The local media focuses on life in your city and provides useful information on town happenings, local businesses and restaurants, and other matters of community interest.
Most cities issue community newspapers and free magazines (usually available on street corners or in small shops around town) that outline local events and offer a wonderful source for reviews, ads, and references – just look for the “Lifestyle”, “Culture”, or “Food” sections and you’ll have many of your questions concerning the life in your new area answered.
Have in mind that local business owners often post ads on community bulletin boards as well, so you may want to check these every now and then. Community bulletin boards can be found in grocery stores, cafes, libraries, municipal buildings, etc.
Good to know: Oftentimes, ads come with coupons or other special offers. So, in addition to providing useful information, the local media can even help you save money after moving to a new city!
4) Talk To The Locals
No information you can get online or from the local media can be as detailed, accurate, and helpful as the personal advice of the locals. So, use every chance you have to strike a conversation with your new neighbors and coworkers, the people you meet in the park while taking your dog out for a walk, the parents who have taken their kids to the same playground where you have taken yours, etc. It is even a good idea to talk to random people you meet as you go about town – at the café, bank, post office, or grocery store. All you need to do is say “Hi! I’m new here.” and you will certainly get plenty of good suggestions and valuable tips. And if two or three people recommend the same place or give you the same advice, do not hesitate to try it out – it will most probably work for you too!
What’s more, when talking with real people (as opposed to retrieving information from any kind of media), you can actually interact with them and ask all the questions that bother you – where are good spots to eat or hang out, what parts of town you might want to stay away from, what are the traffic patterns, etc.
Social interaction will certainly bring color to your life.
This way, you will be able to benefit from the personal experiences of others and learn all the small tricks that will make the adaptation process as easy and fun as a child’s game.
5) Find New Friends
Making friends in a new city may be a bit of a challenge but it’s the best way to blend in with your new community and fight off loneliness. In order to find new friends in your area, you need to make a conscious effort to meet people who have the same interests and values as you do:
Befriend your neighbors – do not wait too long to introduce yourself to the people next door – go shake hands with your neighbors several days after the relocation, offer a compliment about their lovely house or garden (or think of some other kind ways to express your positive and friendly attitude), mention how happy you are to have moved in such a nice neighborhood, and ask them for practical tips about the community life. It is also a good idea to throw a housewarming party as soon as you have settled in and invite all your neighbors over. Make the event informal, relax, have some fun and get to know everyone a bit better. Make plans to get together with the people you like the most again sometime soon, as keeping in touch is essential for forming closer, long-lasting relationships;
Join clubs or hobby groups – whatever your hobbies, keep them up in your new area. Find a club, group, class, or organization dedicated to the particular activities you find interesting or amusing and join it. It’s a great way to meet like-minded people who enjoy the same things as you do and probably share your views on the world. Whether it’s a photography class, a literary group, or a softball team, you will most certainly have a great time practicing your favorite hobby and forming new friendships. If you are not sure where to find an appropriate club or organization, you can resort to online help once again – websites like Meetup will help you find groups in your area based on similar interests;
Take every opportunity you have to meet new people – accept any invitations you get to hang out with your coworkers or new acquaintances – once you get to know them better, you may find out that you have a lot in common with some of them, or you may meet a friend of theirs whom you really like, etc. Exchange contact information with such amiable people and make plans for future get-togethers.
To easily make new friends in your new city, you need to be open to new ideas and learn to appreciate differences. Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back – try out new experiences, expose yourself to as many opportunities as possible, take initiative, engage in social interactions on every occasion possible, maintain a kind and positive attitude, accept different lifestyles and points of view, be flexible and open-minded. You’ll soon find your rightful place in your new society and will lay the foundations of life-time friendships.
6) Get Involved In The Community Life
Whether you are working at the local animal shelter or planting trees in the park, volunteering is all about building community.
To become a part of your new community and get to know your new city really well, you need to be active and involved:
Engage in community services or other local organizations;
Volunteer at the local hospital, shelter, kitchen soup, or whatever public cause appeals to you;
Participate in the cultural life of the community – visit local events, help organize local happenings, etc.;
Do not remain indifferent to hot issues concerning your community – search for efficient solutions to common problems, offer resourceful ideas on how to improve the situation, volunteer in case of a disaster or a misfortunate event, assist your neighbors in times of need, and do whatever it takes to be a valuable and trustworthy community member.
Taking an active part in your community life will not help you learn more about your new city, but will also give you a sense of belonging and connectedness.
Your home may be your fortress, but hiding behind the walls will do you no good. If you want to adjust to your new world, you need to get out there, explore your city, and reveal its charm! Only then will you truly feel at home…
Go To The Library
Visiting your local library offers many great opportunities to discover your city. You will not only be able to find local maps and guides there, but will also get to browse community bulletin boards and meet many interesting people from the neighborhood. Talk to the librarian, ask any questions about the community you might have, obtain useful information and materials, or just hang out a bit and chat around.
Local recreation centers, community halls, or any other kind of community buildings are also great resources for city events and information.
Hit The Hot Spots
It is recommendable to visit local coffee shops, family restaurants, and small stores as often as possible during the first weeks after your relocation. People usually meet in such places to talk and relax, so you’ll have the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself and ask your questions. Besides, shop owners and shop attendants will also be happy to talk to you about the town and its residents.
Popular entertainment locales and lively shopping centers are other great places to mingle with people and gather valuable information about your new surroundings.
8) Walk Around Town
All that’s left to do now is to bravely explore your wonderful new life in your new city.
Take long walks or bike rides around town to find local landmarks and exciting places in your new city. It is also a good idea to stroll through the neighborhood streets or sit on a bench in the nearby park whenever you have the time to – this will give people a chance to talk to you and you will get the chance to observe daily life in the community.
If you have moved into a house, spend some more time in the front yard – even if no work needs to be done, you can just read the newspaper on the porch or play with your pet outside. Whether you are gardening, or sweeping the doorway, or enjoying a cup of tea, you will be available for your neighbors or passers-by to come for a chat.
Settling down in a new city is not necessarily a long and nerve-racking process. If you adopt the right approach, you can adjust to your new environment and make new friends quite quickly and effortlessly. So, take one more look our most essential tips for exploring a new city in brief:
Explore your neighborhood
Locate key places in the city
Use online tools and resources to get yourself started on your new life
Communicate with people and ask for advice
Use the local media and the social media sites to find out about community events, available opportunities, hobby clubs, etc.
Meet new people and make friends
Become a part of the community life
Enjoy your new life in your new city!
Do you have any other interesting ideas on how to discover your city? Feel free to share them with us!
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