Loaded with your household belongings, the moving company’s truck is already on its way to your new home. Your family car has been packed with the open-first boxes and the items your movers wouldn’t transport (pets, plants, non-allowable goods). And now there’s only one thing left for you to do – make the long-distance move yourself. But as soon as you start the car, one question is bound to find its way into your head: what can you possibly do to add some fun to the endless hours of driving ahead of you?
And while each family member can bring their own individual entertainment equipment, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, e-book readers, books, magazines, etc., to kill the crawling time inside the car, it’s the fun activities done together with your fellow road trippers that will delight the hearts, enlighten the minds and keep the relocation morale elevated.
We have prepared for you some great ways to have fun during your long-distance relocation to your new city.
#1: Play games

The best way to banish any signs of boredom during the long hours on the road is to play enjoyable games. Standard board games (chess, backgammon, checkers, etc.) are not very practical for long car rides unless you happen to have their miniature magnet versions. Why? First of all, most of them are rather large and considering that you’re actually performing a house move, the interior space will be very limited, probably filled to the brim with household belongings of all shapes and sizes. And secondly, any vibrations due to possible bumps along the road or sharper turns will make the game pieces fly all over the car, and you definitely don’t want that to happen.
So, what kind of games should you play on your long-distance move? Boardless ones, of course. Here are some of the best boardless road trip games that will surely turn the long hours of driving into priceless long-lasting moments of pleasure and laughter.
- Rock, paper, scissors: a very popular classic game that should keep all road trippers well entertained for a certain amount of time. Each player makes a fist and after saying “Rock, Paper, Scissors” in three short beats, and forms one of the following three gestures on the fourth beat: a closed fist (rock), an open hand (paper) or a V sign (scissors). Rock beats scissors but is defeated by paper, paper beats rock but is defeated by scissors, and scissors beat paper but are defeated by rock. Same gestures tie the round and of course, whoever’s made the winning gesture wins a treat of their favorite ice cream at the next rest stop.
- Team storytelling: a great creative game to just cut loose and have pure fun. The goal is to compose a group story so one person starts the narrative with either a traditional opening line (“Once upon a time, in a Kingdom far, far away, there lived a handsome young prince.”) or an unconventional (or even bizarre) one (“Tom the Martian has always been proud of his two green antennas on his head, but one day while working on the family teleporting device…”). Then, the next person adds another line and the story just keeps building and building until all storytellers agree that it’s reached a dead end, in which case another round of team storytelling can easily begin. If you have kids with you in the car, you can encourage them to write down or even illustrate the best story once you’ve reached your new house.
WARNING: As tempting as it may be for the driver to participate in any of the above-mentioned games, he or she should keep their eyes and full attention on the road for safe and accident-free relocation. License plate game: this is another popular game for road trips. It only takes a piece of paper, a pen and eagle eyes to emerge as a winner – observe the license plates of the passing cars and write down their corresponding states. The person who has the most state names marked down on their sheet of paper wins the game. You can make things more exciting by offering a reward of some kind to the eventual winner, a bonus for spotting all 50 states, or even one bonus point for each Canadian province.
- Other highly entertaining games include: Fortunately-unfortunately (one player makes an unfortunate statement and then another one counters it with a positive response), Spot the car (one person calls out a car model and the first one to spot it wins a point), Spelling bee (memorize words like bokmakierie (a bird) or fizelyite (a mineral) to impress your opponents) and Tic tac toe (Hint: The starting player has a clear advantage).
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