Moving Day SoundsWhat’s that strange sound?

It’s Moving day – the make-it-or-break-it culmination of a long, intense and stressful period of meticulous preparation to move out.

Too many things can happen on that fateful day, but the one thing that will surely happen – as sure as the sun will rise – is that the day of your move will be filled with all sorts of sounds.


Some of those sounds will be sweet music to your ears and will have a calming effect on your nervous system, like the gentle purring of the moving truck engine outside your home, astonishingly punctual like a Swiss-made watch.

Other Moving day sounds will be resoundingly cacophonous – the very noises you’ve dreaded of hearing all along, like the unmistakable sound of glass breaking into more pieces than your high-school math teacher could ever count, or the all-too-familiar sound of something extra heavy hitting the floor with the gravitational force of a black hole.

And putting on your fancy-looking and definitely overpriced noise-canceling headphones won’t really work either.

So, do yourself a favor and keep your ears wide open for the 10 most dreaded sounds of Moving day.

The top 10 moving day countdown you never ever expected to read, did you? Or maybe you did.

10. The sound of movers knocking on the door while you’re still in bed

The sound of movers knocking on the door while you’re still in bed

Who could be banging on the door so early in the morning? It can’t possibly be the milkman, can it?

Oh-oh, it must be the movers!

That oh-so-loud sound is definitely not good as it can mean only one thing – you’ve overslept on the Big day! Movers are never early, so you don’t even need to look at the clock to know for sure what must have happened. It’s the sudden sinking sensation you’re experiencing right there and then that tells you the whole story.

You could swear on the Precious that you set the alarm on your smartphone before going to bed last night. Why do those things keep happening to you and you alone?

And those impatient movers keep trying to break down the front door like there’s no tomorrow!

Moving day fails are quite possible but it’s how you respond to those stressful situations that will determine just how successful your house move will be in the end.

It’s time to regroup. It’s time to show yourself that you’re perfectly capable of handling a few minor moving day setbacks along the way.

Consult your precious Moving Day Checklist and make your movers proud.

Moving Day Moral: Smartphones are not THAT smart after all.

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9. The sound of your heart beating 5x faster than normal

The sound of your heart beating 5x faster than normal

There’s something you don’t really understand – everyone says that Moving day is super stressful and all that, and yet you feel perfectly fine. You feel strangely calm, unusually relaxed, and sort of mysteriously untroubled by all the insane house move preparations that have been going on for weeks now.

The only thing that seems a bit abnormal is your heart beating roughly 5 times faster than it normally does.

Could that be in any way related to the fact that you’re about to move to another part of the country, hundreds or thousands of miles away from all your good friends and all the comforting familiarity of your home place?

Of course not!

You do remember your doctor saying that the sound of your heart beating is a good thing… as long as that heart rate stays within healthy limits, that is.

Ultimately, moving day stress is not something you can see, hear, touch, smell or taste – the only way you’ll know it’s there is to feel it with your heart.

Still thinking that moving day stress is nothing but a myth? Then think about all the dear friends you’re leaving behind and feel your heart(ache) skip a beat.

Don’t despair – it’s well within your power to make moving day less stressful.

Moving Day Moral: LISTEN to your heart.

8. The sound of many people arguing at once

The sound of many people arguing at once

What’s that loud noise?

It sounds like a pack of hungry stray dogs fighting over a juicy bone. But it can’t be that because it’s Moving day, you’re inside your home, and you don’t even have a dog. You do have a capricious black cat named Dolores though.

Wait a minute!

You do know what that raucous sound is all about – it’s the overwhelming cacophony of your friends’ voices – the very guys you asked to come help you pack and move your stuff.

You kind of knew that having more than a couple of friends would be a bad idea but you never imagined it’d be that bad. The booming racket of your pals splitting hairs about which type of moving dolly to use to move the sofa is just giving you a splitting headache.

Mike says they should use the furniture dolly as the sofa is a piece of furniture. Darren insists that they should utilize the utility dolly as it is of the highest utility of professional movers.

You can only imagine what Jason must be thinking about, the poor guy being raised on a sheep farm and all.

Not knowing what to do on moving day can quickly lead to disorganized chaos that’ll only hurt your chances of having a smooth and problem-free move.

Follow some good moving day tips to avoid moving day headaches.

Moving Day Moral: PROFESSIONAL movers will know which dolly to use.

7. The sound of little feet running around the house

The sound of little feet running around the house

Let’s set the record straight: the sound of small feet – either children’s or pets’, or both – running playfully around the house is blissful, joyous, and heart-warming. As Alan Jackson sings in one of his signature songs, “Remember when the sound of little feet was the music we danced to week to week…”.

It’s the sound of those scampering little feet on the day of the move that should give you a good fright – as if you weren’t frightened enough by all the other identified and non-identified sound waves reaching your sensitive tympanic membrane. And yes, that’s your eardrum.

Move-out days can be too unpredictable and erratic, which make them rather dangerous to be taken lightly. And you can’t possibly know what’ll happen on moving day, especially since you’ve already packed your crystal ball with an initial layer of packing paper, followed by a protective sheet of bubble wrap, taped together into a nice spherical bundle.

You’ve told your little children to stay away from Moving day trouble but kids these days never listen, do they? And despite their extraordinary hearing ranges, Fido and Kitty never seem to care about your repeated warnings of just how perilous Moving day can be for them.

Moving day safety is one of the absolute essentials to have during the Big day. Just keep your little ones out of harm’s way and you’ll have a decent chance of surviving your own move without going completely crazy in the process.

Moving Day Moral: The speed of sound on Moving day is a fraction SLOWER than the speed of little feet running around the house.

6. The sound of thunder rolling ever closer

The sound of thunder rolling ever closer

“Hey, honey, looks like a big thunderstorm is headed this way.”

“Say again?”

But before you can look out the window, you’re temporarily blinded by a flash of powerful lightning and hear the deep rumbling sound of thunder in the distance. And then you start to feel angry and sort of cheated as you know exactly what a thunderstorm means on the day of the move – an even greater and unfair battle to win until you can reach the haven of the new home.

It’s just not fair! Nobody really warns you about that stuff – not even the know-it-all Armani-suited meteorologists you see on TV all the time, reciting the weather forecast with fake assuredness as if they had any control over the whims of Nature. And now the joke’s on you because YOU are going to be the one that gets wet, not them.

But you’re not really worried about you getting wet, you’re worried that your household items getting damaged by the rain and that the move itself getting delayed for hours and hours if the thunderstorm gets to be a big one.

Whoever said that rain on your moving day means good fortune must have been joking. Moving in the rain is never fun, and the deafening sound of thunder getting nearer and nearer proves that you’re right. Again.

Moving Day Moral: Focus on the things you can CONTROL on Moving day.

5. The sound of furniture scraping the wooden floor

The sound of furniture scraping the wooden floor

You shudder as you hear a loud screeching sound. Your very first thought is,

A car is braking outside.

You hope so much to be right. But deep inside you just know that it’s not a car, those are not brakes, and whatever’s happening is not outside.

And then the next thought paralyzes you.

“Your furniture is breaking inside.”

In fact, the sound is unmistakable – it sounds exactly like a heavy furniture piece is being dragged across the floor without any protection whatsoever. And in your mind’s eye, you can already see the deep scratches on the wooden floor, like glittering early-morn furrows left in the hard earth by an ox-driven metal plow.

But you have no time to process just what happened as another piercing moving day sound reaches your ears – the sound of something really heavy hitting the floor really hard. Really? What was that? And who dropped it?

That dreaded Moving day sound did sound like a 50’’ 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart LED TV hitting the floor with tremendous force. But that’s OK, they assured you that your TV was super-smart so you assume it should know how to keep itself SAFE and SOUND.

You just wish that the horrible sound of property damage occurring somewhere in the house on the day of the move would be either infrasound or ultrasound – that is, outside the range of human hearing (20 Hz to 20 kHz).

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? No.

If property damage occurs on your move but you can’t hear it, will you still pay for it? Yes.

Moving Day Moral: Be smarter than your smart TV. Get GOOD movers.

4. The sound of time slipping through your fingers

The sound of time slipping through your fingers

What’s that tick-tocking sound?

It’s high time you met Mr. Time – your best friend and your worst enemy during your own house move.

But how do you know if the sweet chimes of your grandfather clock are working for you, or if the maddening ticks and tocks of your wristwatch are working against you?

And how does moving day work anyway?

What a silly question! It’s YOU who work on your move-out day, the moving day itself doesn’t lift a finger all day – it just sits around, tick-tocking a timeless tune under its nose and waiting for its 24-hour shift to end at midnight.

The sound of precious time ticking away on your move-out day is a terrible thing – you can feel the sands of time slipping through your fingers and your timely efforts to slow down Mr. Time’s wild sprint only seem to make things worse.

And the sound of time being wasted is even more ominous when you know that you’re being charged by the hour.

Sadly, you can’t STOP TIME on the day of your move. However, what you can do is CONTROL TIME by making each Moving day minute count.

Moving Day Moral: Time waits for no one. Be EXCEPTIONAL and maybe it will make an exception for you.   

3. The rustling sound of money being wasted

The rustling sound of money being wasted

You like the rustling sound of money in your wallet, don’t you? But then again, who doesn’t?

Well, incurable romantics at heart will definitely prefer the soft velvet-like rustling of multi-colored autumn leaves on a sun-lit lush meadow by a playful crystal-clear sparkling brook…

… but you can’t pay professional movers with a dry heap of rustling leaves, can you?

You get angered by the sound of money being spent carelessly throughout your moving day. That general feeling of anger gets mixed with a specific type of fear – the fear of wasting your hard-earned money on things you should not be paying for in the first place.

Paying for a score of hidden fees and expenses on Moving day? Unfair.

Wasting money on brand-new cardboard boxes? Not fun.

Spending money to repair untimely property damage? Definitely not fun.

Paying ransom money to rogue movers to free the belongings they’re holding hostage? Outrageous.

Some people may label you as UNinspiringly UNromantic but the thing is that you do enjoy the soothing rustling sound of dollar bills going into your wallet, not the disturbing rustling noise of banknotes going out of it.

Moving Day Moral: Spend less money. Be the better version of SCROOGE. 

2. The sound of silence: no moving truck in sight

The sound of silence with no moving truck in sight

Can you hear it?

No, you cannot hear anything, nothing at all.

Actually, you can hear the grass in your neighbor’s lawn growing at the rate of 1/10th of an inch per day, but that doesn’t count, does it?

Time has stopped and you are now surrounded by the deafening silence of outer space vacuum. All moving day sounds, noises, and commotion have finally stopped bombarding your sensitive auditory system.

Is that a bad thing? It could be.

Sometimes the sound of silence is worse than all Moving day noises screaming at once at the top of their lungs. Like when you’ve been waiting for hours for the moving truck to arrive – waiting and waiting in nerve-wracking silence… and your phone isn’t ringing either.

You can’t reach the moving company for an explanation either. You hope your movers will be just late in arriving but you’re also starting to get this peculiar feeling that something really dumb is about to happen. On the day of your move at that!

And what if your movers never show up? You never thought you’d say that but at that very moment, you kind of wish your movers were banging on the front door like lunatics, trying to make their way into your residence at all costs.

Calm down. Silence can be really good for you. You’ll get the answers soon enough. And besides, your movers being late for pickup is, as a rule of thumb, better than them being late for delivery. Don’t you think?

Moving Day Moral: Professional movers: it can be WORSE when they are not there.

1. The sound of a person in pain after an injury

The sound of a person in pain after an injury


OK, you definitely heard that!

It’s a moving day sound that you can identify even blindfolded – the unambiguous cry of pain when a person gets hurt.

Sadly, moving day troubles can happen in the blink of an eye – faster than you can say out loud your mover’s USDOT number. A US-what number?!? You never did research your moving company, did you?

Back injuries are fairly common on move-out days due to the great amount of stress being placed on a person’s back when lifting and carrying heavy objects. Remember that back injuries – pinched nerves, strains, and herniated disks – cannot be taken back.

Muscle injuries, as well as injuries to hands, fingers, and toes,  are also relatively common during a move when your helpers, including you, are non-professionals and have little experience in avoiding injury on moving day.

Moving day safety is critical! Are you all wearing appropriate clothes and shoes for the occasion? What about having protective gloves to keep your hands and fingers safe? Are you using the right type of moving equipment as well?

Without a doubt, the most terrifying sound you can hear on Moving day is the sound of personal injury – it creates a horrific whirlwind of problems, pain, and suffering for the affected individuals.

Don’t you dare turn your back on moving day safety! Avoid costly moving day mistakes at all costs too.

Moving Day Moral: Hire movers. Stay SAFE. Be HAPPY.

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