Depending on the specific reason for moving out, moving house can be a genuinely exciting event, especially when one is moving for love, education, or a new job. And in such joyful moments, people often feel the urge to share their surge of excitement about the upcoming move with their family and friends.
While the best way to let people know that you’re moving is to tell them the news face to face, ideally over a cup of coffee, that’s not always possible for numerous reasons, including lack of time and the fact that not all your friends and family members live in one and the same city.
So, what you should do is think of some creative ways to let people know you’re moving without having to meet them up in person.
And while moving announcements are not the same thing as meeting your pals face to face, they are the next best thing to achieving your goal – to announce your move and provide your new address to your best friends.
As far as moving announcements go, here are 5 elegant ways to announce you’re moving to a new house.
1. Create moving announcement cards
The very first way to let people know that you’re moving is to mail physical moving announcement postcards to them. It’s the old-fashioned way to approach the whole We’re moving affair, and while it’s true that it will take the most time to do it, it’s also the most touching method of publicizing your move among the people who will be most interested in learning that piece of news.
Your moving announcements postcards should really touch your friends.
Remember the awesome feeling the last time you found a real postcard in your mailbox from one of your friends?
Postcards may be considered old-fashioned and even obsolete by many people but nothing beats their appeal and charm.
Mostly, it’s the delightful thought that that piece of hard paper actually came from wherever it was sent from and that your friends held it, wrote on it, and sent it especially for you to read and enjoy.
In fact, there are several ways you can go about ending up with moving announcement postcards:
Make the cards announcing your move mainly from various packing supplies you have lying around the house. Such cards will add a sense of fun and cheerfulness that are not usually found in a house move. Creating custom moving announcement cards from packing materials should unlock your creativity, especially when you’re about to use bubble wrap. Keep in mind that this is the most original way to let your friends that you’re moving.
Design the postcards yourself using a desktop publishing program you’re familiar with. Provided you have the necessary time and skills, this is by far the best way to tell your friends you’re moving because the moving announcement cards will be totally unique and your pals should be touched by the thought, effort, and time you’ve invested in creating them.
Visit a local printing company and work with a designer to create your unique We’re moving cards. This is a good option when you don’t have the computer skills to make the moving announcement cards yourself but you don’t wish to go with those impersonal mass-produced versions that you can find fairly easily in stores.
Go for store-bought moving announcement cards but look for ones that are not only well-designed but also express your personality and style. Make sure you handwrite those cards for a personal touch.
You’re expected to include your new address in those moving announcement cards. But let’s be honest – the real message to your pals is often this: Hey, I’m moving soon. Will anyone help me out?
E-cards can also be fun as a way to announce that you’re moving.
Probably the most inexpensive moving announcements you can use to inform your friends and family that you’re moving is to email digital moving postcards to them instead of mailing them real paper ones.
Now, the advantages of sending out digital moving announcement cards are that
you should be able to create them much faster on your computer,
you may be able to find a great website for custom moving announcement e-cards;
you won’t have to pay for mailing the cards (zero postal expenses), and
the recipients will receive the moving announcement cards instantaneously.
Not surprisingly, using digital moving announcement postcards has one big disadvantage as well – a drawback that you may choose to overlook for the great amount of time you’ll save:
E-cards can never match the personal touch and special attention that real postcards have.
But just because you’re going to email the WE ARE MOVING cards instead of mailing them, it doesn’t mean that you should send just the first moving announcement cards you find on the Internet.
You should still go with something creative, something really good and unique, and not just a simple text mail with a photo of a moving truck or a random house.
Again, you can use your computer skills and your artistic talent to design unique moving announcement cards that reflect perfectly the idea you wish to convey in the manner you wish to communicate it.
In the best-case scenario, your friends will know immediately the sender of the moving notice cards by the way they are designed even before they read the moving announcement text.
To begin your search, type moving announcement cards in Google to find some great ideas or websites that offer free moving announcement e-cards you can use to tell your friends and family that you’re moving soon.
Announcing that you’re moving on social media is very easy… but sometimes it can be a bit tricky too.
Creating a Facebook event page for your move can prove to be a clever idea.
The best thing about relying on social media platforms to let people know that you’re moving is the unrivaled level of interactivity that you get from those social networks.
You can expect the very first comments within the first minute of publishing the We’re Moving announcement. What’s more, you can easily attach photos from the move itself, or even a few short videos of something fun that may have happened during the moving process.
In reality, using a social media website of your choice to announce your move is what your friends and family will be expecting from you since social networks have become the standard platforms for almost all types of announcements.
While it’s perfectly fine to tell your friends and family that you’re moving with a Twitter post or a Facebook post, the best way to announce your move on social media is to create a Facebook event page that’s dedicated solely to your upcoming house move.
Without a doubt, moving house is an important event, so the creation of a Facebook event page is perfectly fitting for the occasion. The good news is that creating such an event page is very easy and it will give you the flexibility you need to customize the moving announcement exactly the way you want.
First of all, you have the controls to set who among your Facebook friends will be able to see the page and who won’t. This setting can be very useful if, for some reason, you wish to exclude some friends from your moving announcement.
Secondly, you can add as many photos and video clips to the page as you want to make it more attractive and interesting and to tell your pals the whole story the way you see it.
Also, a Facebook event page will give you the excellent opportunity to stay in touch with your dear friends during and after the move with the help of comments or even personal messages through Messenger.
This way, even though the page will be initially intended as a moving announcement, it can easily transform into a valuable channel of communication with your best pals during the tough transitional period of moving between two homes.
One of the most elegant ways to let friends and family that you’re moving is to create a series of videos that will best capture your excitement as you’re getting ready to move out.
Shoot a few fun videos to tell your friends that you’re moving soon.
The good news is that it’s very easy to record videos now since each modern smartphone can do it now, so you only need a bit of inspiration and a few good ideas to create fun We’re Moving videos which you will later share with your friends.
As a rule of thumb, a video will capture your emotions and the moving house atmosphere better than any written text, and sometimes even more precisely than mere photographs (debatable).
One way you can create a house-moving video is to stand in front of the camera and share your thoughts and feelings about the upcoming move. That’s a good idea because your best friends will want to know how you are feeling and how well you are handling the move.
However, while such videos will be perfect for your parents and maybe your closest pals, most of your friends will rather see some action from the moving process.
To make your videos more fun to watch, you should look to capture some funny moments from the packing process such as cats and dogs jumping into empty cardboard boxes or rolling happily into sheets of bubble wrap.
You don’t need to shoot one long video – instead, several much shorter ones will be much easier to view and even share. Add appropriate music or some special effects using a video editing program for greater impact and viewing pleasure.
Creating videos as moving announcements is a unique way to let people you’re moving and to show them what you’re going through at the moment. The easiest way to share such video clips is to upload them to YouTube but remember to adjust the privacy settings to keep your video secure.
In most cases, the reason for the extra privacy is that you’re expected to announce your new address in one of the clips, so you won’t want that particular clip to be viewed by total strangers.
Another option is to share your I’m moving videos with the world and tell your friends to message you privately for the new address.
Throwing a party before you move away is not one of the most creative ways to announce you’re moving, but it surely is the most fun way to say goodbye to your friends before you leave town.
What a splendid idea for a moving-away party!
The area where you can get creative is the party itself. But first things first – throwing a moving away party is more about careful planning than anything else.
Once the party starts, you can just improvise but until then, you’ll need to do some planning to keep things going smoothly.
The first step is to decide when, where, and who.
In most cases, the WHEN part is clear – you want to have the informal get-together with your pals a few days before you move away.
The WHERE part is assumed (the home you’re leaving) but it can also be another place of your choice like a specific bar your friends like or even a bowling alley, for example.
The WHO part is entirely up to you but in most cases, it’s best to limit the guest list to really close friends you do care about and who do care about you.
Interestingly enough, you can use the paper moving announcements or the digital moving announcements to actually invite your friends to a going-away party. In which case, your moving announcements cards will be in reality moving away party invitations as well – isn’t that just awesome? Yes, it is.
At the party, you should use all your creativity to make your farewell party fun, emotional, and memorable. Pick a party theme, play games, play great music, reminisce about the old times, and make a farewell speech – the sky’s the limit.
Just don’t forget to give your pals the new address and promise them you’ll keep in touch after the move.
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and you may be speaking with another licensed provider.
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