The titan Atlas had to carry the celestial spheres on his shoulders. Your things are not THAT difficult to move, right?
If you feel overwhelmed and stressed by the mere thought of having to move house, the near future probably doesn’t look very rosy to you. And you are right to be anxious not only because the moving process itself is rather tedious and complicated but also because you will be forced to leave your old life behind and you may lose some things that matter to you – favorite hang-outs and pleasant company. Still, with careful planning and strategic decisions, you can organize all the moving procedures in meticulous details and avoid many troubles.
But regardless of your efforts, some things remain just too difficult to move. To be able to bring your relocation to a successful end, you need to be really well prepared – abundant useful information and competent approach can help you overcome both the foreseen and the unexpected difficulties. At least to some extent.
So, why are some things more difficult to move than others? There are several peculiarities that render certain items almost impossible to relocate from one place to another:
small chance of survival – literally, when moving living beings (pets and plants, of course, but even children fall in this category);
extreme fragility – no point in having your crystal glasses, artwork or plasma TV delivered to your new home if they are shattered in pieces;
great weight – heavy and bulky furniture and appliances will most likely be damaged during the transportation and/or when desperately trying to squeeze them through narrow doors or around sharp turns or down steep stairs;
specific requirements – ammunition, alcohol or perishable food may not be difficult to lift and transport, but you will need special permits and/or a lot of paperwork to move them across country;
sentimental value – some of the items invested with great sentimental value or importance just cannot be moved either because they are part of the old surroundings or because they are not material objects that can be loaded on a moving truck and taken with you.
Below you will find a list of the most difficult things to move to your new home, based on these characteristic features.
1. Plants
How far can you move your plants that way?
Moving companies will not take your plants but you can simply put your flowerpots in boxes and place them in the trunk or arrange them across the backseats of your car. If you are moving across town or short distance, there is a chance they will survive without further ado. Moving across country, however, is another matter altogether. You can still take them, whether you are driving or flying to your final destination, but you need to prepare them with extra care and still there are no guarantees that they will survive. Also, first check the local regulations in your future state or country to make sure you can “import” your plants and how much you will need to pay.
House plants in pots, especially the smaller ones, have a fair chance of remaining intact and adorning your new home:
Provided that you have enough time, you are advised to repot your plants in plastic containers several weeks before the move. The plastic pots will be lighter and easier to carry around and you will be able to either donate the heavy clay pots or to pack them properly if you insist on moving them as well;
Prune and spray the plant – less foliage means greater chance of survival, so remove dead leaves and protruding branches, and also make sure that any weeds and pests have been eliminated. A healthy plant may make the trip just fine;
Bag or wrap your plants, especially taller ones. Also, remember not to water them for a few days prior to the move;
Use cardboard boxes, but make some holes, so that the plant can breathe. Also fill the space with Styrofoam peanuts, paper or some other soft and light padding material to prevent shifts during the transportation. Provide a protective layer on top and between the plants if you place several of them in one box which is not recommended;
Once you have arrived, immediately “unpack” the plants, ensure sufficient light, water them and add some appropriate “plant food”. Wait for a few weeks before replanting them from the plastic containers;
As far as garden plants are concerned, you’d better just take some cuttings and plant them in your new home. Also, mind the fact that the new soil, air humidity and climate may not be appropriate. If you insist on moving a specific garden plant for some personal reason, dig it up ahead of time, wrap the roots with sufficient soil in hessian cloth, keep it moist and be extra careful.
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“Thank you for properly packing and taking care of my home. To show my gratitude, I will guard yours. Regards, your loyal German shepherd.”
Shipping live animals across the country is not easy but is still feasible, as long as you know what measures to take to keep them safe and sound. It is a rule to visit your vet first in order to ensure the good physical health of your pet, to take any immunization records or health certificates and to ask for advice. Then you need to get the paperwork in order (don’t forget to check any regulations in your destination place, as well as shipping requirements), to choose an appropriate shipping container and to provide for the comfort of your little friend – food, water, toys or whatever is appropriate in your case. It is best, of course, if you can take your pet in your own vehicle and stop frequently on the road for walks and play. Let your animal friends stay in your old home to the last possible minute and treat them with a lot of love and care.
When moving pets, it is not just the animals – you are often faced with the problem of moving their surroundings, too. While scratching posts and kennels are just too awkward and you may consider leaving them behind and purchasing new ones in your new home, some animal homes just need to go with the animal:
Aquarium with fish – not only are fish too delicate and very unlikely to survive a move, but their glass home full of water is also extremely difficult to relocate. Especially if you want to keep the same water plants and the same bacteria colony, the same rocks and other decorative elements, as well as the same fish, you need to put them in adequate holding containers, full of water drained from the tank. Also, remember to store appropriately any related equipment, such as filters, heaters, pumps, etc. The tank itself is another great challenge – you can find detailed information on the topic here: How to move a fish tank the right way.
Snakes symbolize many opposing concepts. Definitely not relocation.
Terrarium with reptiles, amphibians or insects – the moving procedures would be quite similar to the ones described above with one additional concern – you need to eliminate any possibility of an animal escape. The fish will stay in the water and even if they don’t make it, at least they will cause no more harm. A snake that gets out of an improperly sealed bag can cause many troubles. As far as the glass container and the plants are concerned, the aquarium rules and the tips for plants apply.
Bird cages – the simplest and most appropriate solution would be to transport your bird in its own cage but if you are going to fly, you will need a commercial hard plastic kennel cab for shipping. Either way, you are advised to cover the container with a lightweight cloth to reduce the stress for your feathery friend, line the bottom with paper and cover it with seeds that the bird can eat and place some pieces of juicy fruit inside, because you must remove the water receptacle, of course. Add tie wraps to all the sides and the door for extra security.
3. Heavy And Bulky Items
Moving a fridge is no piece of cake – you need to make sure the large appliance will be in a good enough condition after the move to keep your pieces of cake (and the other groceries) fresh.
It is no secret that large furniture and awkwardly-shaped appliances are extremely difficult to move because they can be easily damaged or can easily damage the property. Special precautionary measures have to be taken to prevent harm in the process and you need to take many factors into consideration before undertaking the task:
Will the items fit through the doors? – measure door frames, corners, corridors and staircases in advance;
Do you have appropriate moving equipment? – a dolly, furniture blankets, moving pads, straps;
Are the pieces packed properly? – empty drawers and cabinets and dismantle whatever possible; wrap small pieces and protruding parts (like legs and handles) in blankets, paper and/or bubble wrap; secure doors and drawers with stretch tape; pay extra attention to glass cases. Check these practical tips on how to move furniture for more details;
Did you prepare your appliances? – unplug, empty and clean them thoroughly.
Sofas, beds and mattresses top the list for most cumbersome furniture, while fridges, washing machines and cooking stoves have no rivalry when it comes to moving appliances.
4. Fragile Items
The cup may look like a jigsaw puzzle but it was meant to hold sake…
Chinaware and glass are not difficult to move, the difficulty is to keep them in one piece. However, if properly packed, they can successfully survive your relocation. Get adequate materials and treat your breakables with sufficient care. The time lost in the process will save you many nerves when unpacking.
The secret of keeping expensive and sensitive electronics intact is to be found in the right packing techniques again. If you have preserved the original boxes, you have a good chance of success. If not, look for sturdy boxes of appropriate sizes. Provide profuse padding and strengthen the bottoms and the corners. Cover screens with soft towel or smooth cardboard and secure with packing tape. Wrap large TVs in blankets and never place them screen downwards. Be very careful when you load the packed electronics in the truck – nothing heavy should be put on top of them and any shifting must be prevented.
Family heirlooms are more valuable than the most expensive piece of electronics or furniture.
Delicate works of art usually have very high monetary and sentimental value. Heirlooms are particularly hard to move because the mere thought that something bad might happen to them may cause a panic attack.
Bubble wrap best protects glass and frames and cardboard pieces taped to flat sides help a lot too. Arrange carefully wrapped paintings side by side in a sturdy box and place sculptures in larger containers with profuse padding.
5. Specific Equipment
Musical instruments and sports equipment expand the list of difficult things to move.
Guitars and other instruments which come in specially-designed cases are usually protected well enough but you will probably experience some problems if you want to move your piano or drums set. Not only is it very difficult to lift and carry oddly shaped and/or extremely heavy instruments but the likelihood of damaging them in the process increases drastically with every flight of stairs or sharp corner. You may want to consider hiring movers who specialize in moving pianos.
Moving a piano, or a pool table for that matter, must be left to specialized movers.
Considering gym equipment or your golf set, all you need to do is pack them prudently. Disassemble whatever possible, wrap well and secure the parts. If you have a pool table to move, however, you’d better prepare four dollies instead of one, a complete kit of tools for dismantling every piece of it and a lot of money for the transportation. Experienced help is strongly recommended!
Tools also represent a moving challenge because they could pose a danger unless properly prepared. Smaller hand tools should be packed in strong small boxes and any sharp and/or cutting parts should be securely wrapped in layers of rags, towels, bubble wrap, etc. You are advised to group long-handled tools according to their size and tie them together, then wrap the entire bundle in a blanket for better protection. Power tools need to have their fuel drained and the detachable parts must be removed in advance. Still, lawnmowers and snow blowers are too large and heavy to move, so think twice before deciding to take them.
6. Special Permit Required
Moving your pistols or your wine collections should not give you a splitting headache – you only need to wrap the glass bottles well and to secure your weapons in proper boxes.
Weapons of mass destruction.
The problem, however, is that depending on your final destination, it could be illegal to import a certain type or a large quantity of alcohol and/or guns. Or you may need to obtain special permits or to pay extra money to receive the right of taking such items with you – research the requirements in your future state and move your weapons in compliance with the rules.
There are a number of non-allowable items which no moving company will relocate for you, but even if you intend to take them in your own vehicle, you need to check all the relevant regulations and abide by the law. Hazardous materials, such as explosives, ammunition and any flammable substances, need special treatment and extra care. Even paints and cleaning agents pose a risk when moving, so try to use any supplies up prior to your move and just buy new ones when you arrive at your new home.
7. Vehicles
Here is a good method to have your car shipped.
More often than not, you can drive your vehicle to your new residence, or you can contact an auto-shipping company and have your car delivered without further ado. The difficult part when moving vehicles is, once again, the paperwork. You need to register your car in the new state (or country), to update its insurance and to transfer your driver’s license. All these tasks must be completed in person and there are clear deadlines. In case you are moving abroad, the procedures will be, of course, much more complicated and time-consuming.
8. Built-in Items
Well, it will certainly not occur to many people to move a fireplace, but you may consider taking your kitchen cabinets and your marble countertops to your new home.
And you will most probably want to move your expensive bath tub and your reliable safe as well. You can check our complete instructions on how to move a hot tub yourself and some practical tips to keep you safe when moving a heavy safe but remember that such extraordinary moving tasks should better be done only with the help of experienced movers and even they will need a good strategy, special equipment and great skills to achieve success.
This tub at least is pretty easy to move.
All of the above are very difficult things to move out of your old home, so decide whether it is worth all the money and all the efforts. Very often, it’s much better to simply sell or donate all the things that are difficult to move, except for items of high sentimental value which are irreplaceable and pets who are part of the family. Whatever you decide, remember that professional movers can provide invaluable help – their assistance and advice will get you out of the mess.
9. Even More Difficult Things To Relocate
However difficult to move the above items may be, there are some things that represent even greater challenge:
Memories – nobody can deprive you of the memories you keep in your head and in your heart, nor of what you have experienced, but some things will stay forever in your previous home. You just cannot pack and move the mark on the door frame showing your child’s height when he/she was 5 years old, nor the wonderful glass painting your friend did on the living room window last Christmas;
Business – moving your business to another place is a science you need to excel at if you are planning to do so;
Moving through space and time…
Reputation – your relationships with people cannot be defined in simple terms and cannot be transferred to your new co-workers, neighbors and acquaintances. They will not know what you are capable of and what you have achieved before, nor how helpful and reliable a person you are;
Medical care – if you are pleased with your family physician and your current health care center, you will certainly be disappointed with the new ones, especially in the beginning. No new doctor will really understand your personal story better that the one you relied on for many years despite the transferred medical records;
Fun activities – there may be good sports clubs, or dance studios, or whatever you find attractive in your new surroundings but time will pass before you can fully relax and enjoy yourself among the people you don’t know. You can only hope that there will be new opportunities to explore or adequate places to practice a favorite hobby of yours;
Life – all things said and done, it is your life that you need to move. And that is difficult enough.
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