The ghost of the past still lingers in your newly-bought property.
So, you have finally found just the home which suits your needs perfectly. It’s located in a pleasant neighborhood; it’s spacious enough and really charming. However, when you start planning of actually moving in it and beginning your new life, an uneasy feeling creeps over you. You cannot get rid of the disturbing idea that the ghost of the paststill lingers in your new property, as if it still reflected the lifestyle and the memories of the previous owners, whoever they were. The squeaking door hinges sound somewhat creepy and that old broom in the corner might indeed mean bad luck in the house. It looks as if real monsters could be lurking in the enormous ancient closet you found in the bedroom. And there is this mirror just against the bed! You can even notice a tiny crack at the edge! This will certainly ruin your happy relationship with your partner…. There is no way you would move to your future home before it is fully renovated in order to put your mind at ease and to make your life as comfortable and problem-free as possible.
What if the closet opened a door to another dimension?
Well, even if you are not superstitious at all, you would still want to welcome the future in a renovated and cozy home that will provide you with a safe shelter where you can have a good rest and enjoy your free time. The following useful tips on how to renovate your home by repairing and improving your newly bought place will help you achieve this purpose and encounter no unforeseen problems once you actually move in.
While renovating your house or apartment is, without a doubt, of uttermost importance, your top priority should be to ensure the safety of your residence. Your home needs to become your fortress where you can bravely withstand both the adverse weather conditions and all possible hostile human intentions. In order to raise an efficient barrier against all evil in this world, you will have to carefully repair and upgrade your living space.
1. Make Sure Your Electrical And Plumbing Systems Are Flawless
You must prevent any future leaks or short circuits and the likes at any cost. There is nothing worse than having to tear down newly painted walls or dismantle already installed equipment in order to find the cause of a leakage or overheating problem. So, replace all rusty pipes and old valves, repair and renew every part of the plumbing and electrical systems to avoid problems.
Also, plan carefully what devices you will need and where you are going to install them, so that the systems suit your purposes adequately. Nevertheless, they should be strategically integrated in your home and designed with flexibility to enable the installations to be easily adapted in the future. Increase the overall capacity of both systems to make them safe and cost effective and to ensure their high performance.
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Welcome the sun to your home with efficient and environmentally friendly solar panels.
Good insulation will save energy and protect your home from the whims of nature. If you have bought a house, a solid roof is an absolute necessity so track down and fix any possible problems, repair and replace any damaged parts and then insulate well the entire roof. You could even install solar panels on your new roof and be environmentally friendly from now on. Or, you might want to consider a wood-burning stove, so carefully inspect your chimney and make sure it is in good enough condition to allow Santa to climb it down and leave your presents on the mantelpiece when the time comes.
Once your roof is all ready, remember that it is equally important to effectively insulate the windows. Damaged window frames will make it impossible to properly heat (or cool) your home, so do not hesitate to replace them. It is through the windows that you see the world so get crystal-clear windowpanes and make your home sunny and bright. The high quality materials are worth the expenses because they will keep your home dry and warm and will substantially reduce your energy bills.
3. Improve The Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning Systems
Once your home is well insulated, upgrade your air conditioning and ventilation systems so that you can always rely on the comfort of your home. The perfect moment to install new devices and all the desired luxuries is before you have furnished your new home and settled in. It is much easier to mount all the heating equipment and provide good ventilation while your future home is still under reconstruction, so use the opportunity and get the best possible solutions.
4. Provide Sufficient Security
Security is no child’s play.
While natural calamities represent the most common destructive force that threatens your home, ill-intentioned people or just careless actions could also cause great damage. This is the reason why providing security doors, shutters, reliable locks, strong fences, fire and burglar alarms and everything else you can think of to make your home safe, will be worth it in the long run. Fire sprinkler systems can actually save your place from total disaster and proper alarms will definitely make a difference when it comes to security. It is always good to be prepared for the worst and defeat all odds.
Starting your renovation project in this manner will save you plenty of money, valuable time and headaches in the near future. But even when your stronghold is safe and secure enough, you need to complete the renovation of your home before actually moving in. It’s time to think about the comfort of your residence and make it the sweet home where you can be truly happy. Improve every aspect of your new property to make it your ideal living place.
5. Own The Perfect Bathroom!
Purify your body and soul…
In whatever condition you have found the bathroom, just make no compromises and create the perfect one for you, regardless of money and efforts. The bathroom is the place where you refresh yourself, whenever needed; where you shake off your weariness at the end of the day; where you make for a fresh start in the morning. It should be pleasant and comfortable so that it fills you with positive energy. Whether you want to relax for hours in a fragrant wash-tub or to take a quick shower, you have your bathroom to rely on. Of course, you’d better first remove any mold and prevent it from appearing again.
You prefer to see swimming dolphins on the walls instead of white tiles? Get it done immediately! You do not want to waste space for a tub and prefer a shower cabin? Install one as soon as possible! You always wanted that fancy towel rack? Or living plants in the bathroom? Make whatever necessary to love your bathroom – it will pay off!
6. Repaint The Walls And Ceilings
Colors set the overall atmosphere of the room and reflect your own personality. Repair and flatten any cracks or roughness on the walls, install suspended ceilings if you like them, get rid of mold or moisture for good and you are ready to put your imagination to work. Allow vivid colors to brighten your living room, paint the bedroom walls in mild and romantic shades and make sure there are stars and rainbows in the kid’s room to inspire your child. Without a doubt, you can use wallpapers to create patterns or whole scenes on the walls. It’s all up to you to provide the atmosphere and the specifics that are appropriate for every designated in a budget-friendly way.
7. Select Your Furniture With Care
Antique furniture has unique charm.
Furniture will help you accomplish the above task. Get the specific furniture you need ahead of time. Large bookshelves or work desks, lavish suites or coffee tables, rocking chairs or toy boxes, every piece of furniture in your home should suit your needs and preferences. Try to position every item exactly where you want it to be, especially the larger ones, before you move into your home, because it will be a problem moving them around later on when everything else is in its place. (Do not forget to have all the floors fixed and cleaned in advance.)
If you decide to preserve some of the old furniture left in the house, you must carefully restore them. Make sure no monsters are hiding inside (like mice or insects, for example), inspect the furniture pieces for damage, fix them, clean them thoroughly and polish all the surfaces. And while grandfather clocks are really awesome, keep in mind that they will not look very well next to a modern futuristic piece, so decide on your style for each specific room and abide by the rules.
8. Install All Appliances And Devices Beforehand
How many differences can you find?
Purchase and install all appliances and devices you intend to use before moving to your home. This rule applies especially to the kitchen where you need to put a refrigerator, a cooking stove, a washing machine, a microwave, a toaster, a coffee machine, a chopper, a mixer, a shaker… the list is way too long and all of those need adequate space, electric outlets etc. Plan in advance and arrange the layout so that you can have convenient kitchen cabinets, a modern plot and everything else you want without a problem. The same rule is valid for all larger devices in the other rooms, as well – home theater systems, large TV screens, computers and so on. Careful design will help you upgrade your living space with all the novelties and luxuries you desire and can afford.
With your fortress completed and your comfort guaranteed, you only have to put the finishing touches. Provide coziness and bring life to your home by decoration and personal approach. Our last two unique home renovation ideas exploit your own creativity, so they will not only help you turn your future residence into a home of your own, but will also lower your house renovation costs.
9. Welcome Nature In Your Home!
Just follow the path to magical beauty!
Plants influence the overall atmosphere in your home to an unusually high extent. If you have a yard you can create miracles – invoke the magic of running water with the help of a small fountain, plant a marvelous garden to attract butterflies and fairies, clear a playground for your little ones, construct flower arches, create hedge labyrinths, place gnome guardians, anything! If you have bought an apartment, put flower pots on the window sills, reserve some space for a palm tree in the corner, place a cactus near your computer or a bonsai tree on the shelf. Your home will be full of life and good mood.
10. Adjust The Lighting
Put curtains to add charm to the rooms but also to regulate the flow of light. Find a soft glowing night lamp for your kid’s room. Provide sufficient bright light for all the places where you work or read. Use a majestic chandelier to imply fortune and luxury, or install wall lamps or spotlights in different colors to hint at modernism and progressiveness. There is a great variety to choose from, so take your pick! Bring your own spirit in your new home!
No shadows shall be allowed in your new home!
The process of renovating your home before moving in it might cause some troubles but it will surely bring a lot of satisfaction. It includes repairing, securing, cleaning, upgrading and properly equipping your property. After all of it is over, only the little details remain. Beloved paintings or nostalgic photos, wind charms or century-old embroideries will put the final personal touches to your home. Only then will it be truly and fully renovated!
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Very amazing methods have been described in this article about the tips for home renovation.