Everybody knows that moving is no laughing matter. Ask a person who has recently survived a residential move how many times they laughed during the feverish pre-move preparations, on the stress-packed moving day and later during the tough post relocation period, and they’d probably look at you as if you had lost your mind. “Wait and you’ll see for yourself!” would probably be their laconic answer.
And they would be right to say so. The elaborate and time-consuming process of moving house is not the appropriate time to demonstrate your keen sense of humor by cracking jokes and have people split their sides with laughter. Yes, relocation is a humorless business and all its aspects should be taken seriously and with the kind of somberness it deserves, right?
Well, not exactly. Practice has shown that a proven way to keep your sanity when moving into a new home in a new city, and thus taking a big leap out of your comfort zone, is to turn to your good sense of humor and use it as a defense mechanism against the onslaught of seriousness that’s coming your way. You have to have a sense of humor when moving house – if you don’t, every relocation stage will be just a notch or two duller, bleaker and unfunnier (understand tougher in general) than you want it to be.
But how to keep your sense of humor when moving? Aren’t these two ideas mutually exclusive?
Not necessarily. Read on and find out 4 good ways to keep your sense of humor alive when moving. After all, you’re taking almost all your essential possessions to your new home, so why should you leave behind your “trait of appreciating and being able to express the humorous”?
1. Don’t Fight Fire With Fire
Depending on your current relocation stage, it’s highly possible that you don’t find things very funny. Sadly, your sense of humor will probably be hidden somewhere deep inside you.
- First reaction to the move. The sudden news that you’ll have to be moving house may have left you dumbfounded and partially intimidated by what lies ahead.
- Beginning of moving preparation. Essential questions like “Where can I find the best movers out there?, “How much will the move cost me?” and “How should I best organize the moving process?” start to flood your mind and make you feel overwhelmed by the multitude of the relocation tasks you’ll need to take care of before, during and after the move.
- In the heat of moving preparation. You come to realize that your moving date is approaching faster than a speeding bullet and you’re not even halfway through your loyal moving calendar. Panic starts to stir restlessly inside you.
- Moving day. You have somehow managed to complete most of the moving tasks and you’re anxiously pacing up and down your home, wondering why your movers are already 2 hours late.
- Post relocation days. You never imagined that getting your life back on track would be such a struggle. The huge piles of moving boxes scattered around your house are still waiting to be unpacked, and on top of everything else, you can’t seem to find your energy and motivation to finish off the final moving stage. Could you have fallen into the merciless trap of relocation depression?

Considering the complex overall execution of a move to another home in another city in another state, its financial repercussions for your savings account and increased level of stress for your mind, the arduous relocation process is surely one of the few life-changing events where you would be least expected to show the keen sense of humor you are so proud of. Or at least that’s what solid logic dictates, right?
It depends. Be mindful that in order to emerge victorious from your relocation battle, you must come up with a smart and highly unusual winning strategy to take your enemy by surprise. Standard strategic moves won’t help you gain a considerable advantage over your opponent unless you are wise enough to take out your least anticipated weapon – your sense of humor.
At first sight, it doesn’t make much sense to take the humorous approach toward the all-seriousness of your forthcoming local or long distance move, but then again, being armed with the usual battle gear may just not do the trick for you this time. Could you scare a snowman with stories of sub-zero temperatures and ice-cold blizzards? Of course not! But mention the warm sunrays to him and he’d start shaking with fear.
After all, you don’t fight fire with fire but with water. A good tactical move on your part will be to negate the detrimental effects of the solemn issues your relocation will inevitably bring about by turning to your sense of humor. It won’t be easy to see the funny side of a seemingly serious moving situation, but doing so will help you escape your tough relocation fairly unscathed.
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