The wise saying has never rung truer than when facing a house move – you need to prepare yourself for the big change, prepare your items for shipment, prepare your old house for sale, prepare your new home for moving in… the necessary moving preparations seem to have no end! On top of it, each one is more important than the other and if you fail to complete any of them, you’re quite likely to fail in your relocation quest. In a word – to perform a successful move, you need to prepare well.
And not only prepare for the move (research your new area, find an appropriate new home, make a moving budget, plan your relocation, hire trustworthy movers, take care of the necessary paperwork, pack your belongings, etc.), but also prepare for the movers. It may not seem like a crucial moving task, but every step you take to prepare for movers before they come will save you time, trouble, and stress on moving day.
But how to get ready for movers? How to prepare your house, your items, your family, and yourself for the Big Day?
Here are the most important things to do before the movers arrive to ensure a safe, smooth, and successful moving day.
Sort out Your Belongings and Decide Their Fate
Bringing order to the chaos – work in progress.
Purging your home of unneeded items and organizing your belongings is a task that needs to be done a month or two before moving day (so that you have enough time to sell or donate your unwanted belongings prior to the move). Making last minute decisions about the fate of your possessions will not only result in confusion and frustration on moving day, but will also delay your move and increase the final relocation cost.
Therefore, you’re strongly advised to sort out your items and decide what to do with them well ahead of time:
Throw away damaged and worn out items that can never be used again;
Make a donation pile of items in good condition you don’t need or don’t like anymore;
Set aside fancier items you can sell to pocket some extra money for your move (See also: How to organize a moving sale);
Request a list of the items your movers won’t move for you and decide what to do with any such things in your possession – use up some (perishable food, cleaning supplies, etc.), give others away to neighbors and friends (paints, fertilizers, pesticides, motor oils, antifreeze, propane tanks, chemicals, and other flammable, explosive or corrosive materials), plan to take the non-allowable items you really want to move to your new home with you (in your car or on your flight), arrange for the shipment of pets and plants, etc.;
Organize the items you want your movers to relocate to your new home – by type, purpose, priority, destination room, or any other way that makes sense for you and will help you unpack quickly and easily;
Put aside valuables and essentials you will keep with you – important documents, medications, basic personal care items, some extra clothes and shoes, eating, bathing and sleeping essentials, jewelry, items of high sentimental value, expensive electronics, favorite entertainment items, etc.
Once you’ve decide what you’re going to move to your new home, create a detailed inventory list of the items you intend to entrust to the movers:
Note down all the important information about every single item that will be put on the moving truck – type, number of items of the same type, material, make or brand, serial number, estimated value, or any other distinctive features as relevant;
State the current condition of the item – describe the actual condition of the item in detail and note down any pre-existing damage;
Include photos of the item (taken shortly before the move) and all the applicable documentation (warranties, maintenance receipts, authenticity certificates, appraisal statements, etc.).
Every item counts…
Your moving inventory will not only help you get an accurate moving estimate and keep better track of your possessions, but will also double as a detailed packing list, facilitate labeling and unpacking, and – most importantly – serve as proof in case some of your items get lost or damaged while in the movers’ custody and you need to file a claim.
Good to know: A moving inventory list will help you determine the value of your belongings and choose a suitable valuation protection plan. Make sure you understand the differences and specific conditions of the different types of liability protection offered by your chosen movers and get the liability coverage that is most appropriate in your case (buy additional insurance, if necessary).
Take Close-up Photographs of the Things You Have for Moving
As incredulous as it may sound, taking pictures – plenty of them – is among the most important things to do before movers arrive:
Take several photos from different angles (including close-up images) of all the items that will be transported by the movers. If you find any of them damaged upon delivery, those pictures will prove that the damage occurred while the items were in transit – that is, while handled by the movers. This will come in very handy for your insurance claim;
Take a few pictures of the backs of any electronic devices and appliances that have a lot of cords, wires, or hoses coming in and out of them before the movers come and disconnect the cables in order to pack the items (or before you disconnect them yourself). This will make it much easier to properly re-connect the electronics and appliances in your new home.
It is also a good idea to photograph the contents of a moving box before shutting it close, the readings of the utility meters on move-out day, and the overall condition of your old home before leaving it (especially if it is a rental).
Clean and Organize Your Items
When preparing for movers, make sure every item they’re going to put on the moving truck is clean and dry – not only will it be no fun unpacking dusty furniture, dirty appliances, and stained fabrics in your new home, but any remaining moisture and dirt can damage your items during the moving process (moisture can result in mold growth, dirt can ruin delicate surfaces, etc.).
So, before the movers arrive, you’re advised to:
Unplug and clean electrical appliances – empty, unfreeze, and clean the fridge and freezer; empty and clean the dishwasher; clean the ovens, ranges, and microwaves, etc. After thawing and cleaning, dry the appliances with a towel to eliminate any traces of moisture;
“For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” Benjamin Franklin
Remove the batteries from any devices that will be loaded on the moving truck;
Drain the fuel out of any fuel-powered tools (lawn mower, snow blower, etc.) you intend to relocate;
Empty drawers, cupboards, book shelves, and other pieces of furniture. Wipe the surfaces clean;
Strip beds, sofas, chairs, and tables of covers, decorative cushions, linens, etc.;
Wash and dry all linens, towels, and clothes that will be packed for moving;
Group your items by type to make packing faster, safer, and more efficient;
Throw out the garbage and wash trash cans you’re going to relocate. Keep a garbage bag or two at hand for collecting trash throughout the day.
Be Fully Packed / Pre-Pack Small Items by the Time Your Movers Arrive
How to prepare for movers and packers depends on the type of services you’ve requested:
How to Prepare for Professional Movers
If you’ve hired a moving company only to pick up and transport your goods, you need to have all your belongings packed and ready to go by the time the moving truck stops in front of your home. Make sure you provide the best possible protection to your items, label the boxes with their contents, destination room, and necessary handling instructions, and clearly mark fragile and valuable items, so that the movers know to handle them with extra care.
Keep in mind that:
If you’re not ready when the movers show up, you’ll have to either pay them to help you complete the job faster or pay for the extra time they waste at your home waiting for you to finish packing;
Even if your home is fully packed when the movers arrive, you may be asked to repack something (if the movers think that it is not protected well enough to survive the move intact) or may decide to take some more items in the last minute. So, it’s a good idea to have some extra packing supplies – just in case.
How to Prepare for Professional Packers
Pre-pack small items to speed up things on moving day.
If you’ve opted for a full-service move, the pros will pack your items for you, so you don’t need to worry about packing beforehand.
Yet, there are some things you can do to speed up the process and make unpacking easier – pre-pack small items (office supplies, decorations, and any other odds and ends scattered around the house), empty and clean larger items (appliances, furniture, etc.), group like items together, etc.
These simple preparations will not only reduce the time required for packing your items, but will also save you some headaches when unpacking (like finding your kids’ craft supplies in the same box as their best clothes or the contents of your desk organizer scattered in the moving box they were packed in together with some other items).
Good to remember: Regardless of whether you’ve hired professional packers or not, it’s up to you to pack your essentials box. Make sure you pack your important documents, essential medications, basic personal care items, some eating utensils, plates and mugs, a change of clothes and a set of bed linen and towels for every family member, essential electronic devices (with their chargers), specialized kids’ items and pets’ items (as applicable), a few entertainment items, and any other life-savers you need on daily basis in a separate box (or boxes) before the movers come and keep it away from the rest of your possessions so that it doesn’t get accidentally loaded on the moving truck.
This box has to travel with you, as it contains everything you need to survive for several days without the rest of your items.
Set Aside the Things That Should Not Be Loaded on the Moving Truck
Before the movers arrive, take all the items you don’t want to be put on the moving truck into a separate room – your survival box, important documents, keys and tickets, essential electronic devices, family heirlooms, valuables, favorite toys, and any other items you want to take with you rather than entrust to the movers. Mark it as a “no-pack room” and consider locking it to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts with your movers (in case a valuable item mysteriously disappears, for example).
Also, be sure to mark any household items (larger pieces like furniture and appliances that cannot be moved into the separate room) that won’t be relocated to your new home, so that the movers know that these things should not be packed and loaded on the moving truck.
Good to remember: Be careful to secure your personal data so that no one has access to your private information during the move – keep personal documents, credit cards, financial records and other important paperwork with you all the time (or locked in your safe room), protect your computer with a password, shred or burn old documents, do not disclose any sensitive information to the movers (or anyone else) and do everything possible to protect your privacy and prevent identity theft.
Plan the Trivia
Small details – like a convenient parking place for the moving truck – make a big difference on moving day.
To prepare for professional movers really well and ensure a smooth and efficient moving day, you need to consider all the details and plan accordingly:
Warn your movers about possible difficulties – Consider the peculiarities of your pickup location (lots of stairs, small doorways, narrow streets, parking rules, time restrictions on parking and moving hours, etc.) and inform your movers of such obstacles in advance, so that they can determine how much time, how many workers, what size moving truck, and what specialized moving equipment they’re going to need to perform your move;
Reserve a parking place for the moving truck as close to the entrance of your home as possible – Make sure there is a convenient spot where the movers can park the large truck (otherwise, your move will be delayed by the extra time needed to take your things to the waiting vehicle and you’ll be charged a long-carry fee). Unless the movers can park in your own personal driveway, you need to reserve a parking lot for the truck on the street in front of your home or get a special permission for parking in a shared driveway;
Reserve an elevator for the time of your move – If you live on an upper floor in an apartment building, you need to reserve an elevator so that your movers don’t need to wait for it (otherwise, your move will take longer and you’ll have to pay an elevator fee).
Ensure a Safe and Easy Way out of Your Home
When preparing house for movers, take the necessary precautions to ensure that the pros can safely and easily manoeuver your items around:
Walk through your home and plan the best way to take your belongings out of the house and into the moving truck. Measure your furniture, appliances, and other large items (such as pianos and hot tubs, for example) to see if they will fit through the doors and along the hallways. If you anticipate some difficulties maneuvering the larger pieces, consider removing the doors from the hinges to provide a few more inches of free space. If the doorways are particularly small or the items particularly bulky, warn your movers in advance so they can bring the right supplies (rigging equipment, furniture disassembly tools, etc.) and plan for the extra time necessary to overcome the difficulty;
Provide enough free space in the rooms and hallways so the movers can easily navigate your items around;
Take mirrors, clocks, pictures, paintings, and other decorations from the walls so the movers don’t accidentally damage them when taking bulky items out of your home;
Remove obstacles from the corridors and entryway to ensure a safe way in and out of the home – even a small item (a flower pot, a slipper, a pet’s food bowl, a toy, etc.) can get in the way of the movers and cause them to trip and fall while hauling large and heavy household items;
Keep the paths from the front door to the moving truck free of obstacles, debris, fallen leaves and other potential hazards to prevent accidents on moving day.
Make sure your old home remains in perfect condition after the move.
Protect Your Home
So, you’ve planned all the details, done whatever you can to facilitate the moving process, and prepared your items for shipment. Now, how to prepare your house for movers so that it remains in good condition after the chaotic moving day?
Cover floors and carpets with tarps, old sheets or blankets, large cardboard pieces, or any other appropriate protective materials – this will not only protect the floors from damage and dirt, but will also give your movers better traction as they carry heavy furniture around. Consider using specialized carpet film protectors or plywood sheets for more expensive carpets and finer floor finishes;
Place doormats in front of the entrances to your home to keep some of the dirt away;
If it’s raining or snowing outside, lay old rugs in the doorways and hallways to avoid tracking rainwater, snow, and mud on the floor;
Cover the stairs with protective, anti-slippery materials;
Wrap the banisters with moving blankets or other thick fabrics;
Cover the walls with old sheets;
Use wall corner guards and stair corner guards to prevent denting or chipping the corners;
Protect the door frames with foam padding.
Plan for Kids and Pets
When preparing for professional movers, keep in mind that moving day is not only stressful but downright dangerous for young children and pets – they may get hurt if they get in the way, pets may easily escape as the doors will be left wide open for hours on end, etc. Besides, their daily routines will be severely disturbed and they may get upset and/or scared by the hectic activities taking place in the house (or by the unknown people getting in and out of the home and taking away your possessions).
It is, therefore, a good idea to leave your small kids and animal companions with a trusted friend or relative on moving day – this way, the movers will not accidentally trip over your crawling toddler or snoopy dog, your little ones’ daily schedules of feedings and naps will stay on track, and you won’t have to constantly keep an eye on your child or pet and will be able to concentrate on the moving tasks at hand.
If that is not an option, at least arrange for someone (hire a babysitter, if necessary) to look after your children in a quiet room away from the moving chaos and keep your cat or dog contained to a safe area during the move.
Prepare a bathroom for them to use (equipped with liquid soap and disposable hand towels);
Provide snacks and drinks to keep your movers’ energy up throughout the day – grab-as-you-go foods, bottled water, and season-appropriate beverages (if you’re moving in the summer, keep some refreshing drinks in the fridge; if you’re moving during the cold season, offer hot beverages to keep your movers warm);
Have some cash on hand for tipping – if your movers do a good job, you will want to reward them for their efforts;
Write down your name, telephone number, and exact new address so that you can give this useful information to the driver before the movers depart.
Check Everything One More Time
Before the movers arrive, go through the garage and the attic, look under the stairs, open drawers and cabinets (especially on furniture that will be left behind), etc. – check everything to make sure all the items you want to move to your new home are packed and ready to go (or ready to be packed by the movers).
To sum it up – the best way to prepare for movers is to do everything possible to speed up and facilitate their work. Proper preparation will help you avoid delays, accidents, misunderstandings, and setbacks on moving day and will ensure your successful relocation experience. Good luck!
Thank you for this post! One more tip from me:You should inquire about the company details, their procedure about packing and unpacking your stuff and must keep in contact with the person assigned for your relocation. You must pack the stuff in advance which you have to pack yourself.
I like that you mentioned how putting tarps on the ground will protect your floors from dirt and give movers better traction when moving furniture. My wife and I are moving to an area that is closer to work, and we want to make sure our home is prepared when we hire movers to help us. We’ll be sure that we are prepared when it is time to hire a moving service.
This is some really good information about moving. I liked that you pointed out that it would be smart to try to protect the floors. It is good to know that you should lay something out on the floor to prevent the carpets from getting dirty.
Read more:
I appreciate that you explained covering the floor with old sheets so it provides better traction and protection. My wife and I are moving out of our house at the end of the month and we’re trying to figure out what to do before the movers arrive. Thanks for the tips and I’ll be sure to make a path for the movers to protect our floors and carpet.
Thanks for mentioning measuring furniture appliances to make sure they fit through the hallways and doors. My wife and I are planning to move in the summer and we want to find a good moving company that can make the move day a lot easier. We’ll be sure to do our research and hire a company that has had a lot of experience moving people.
Stress is always the prominent thing that comes with shifting. Hiring a mover for the shift will always ensure that you will have less stress during the move. Less stress means more energy for your other important tasks. Instead of consuming your time on borrowing a larger vehicle or doing the driving yourself, you can now focus on calling your clients or going through some work papers while traveling.
It made sense when you said that one bathroom should be left stocked up with soap and disposable hand towels. My brother and his wife want to hire movers to save time when they relocate to a larger apartment this June. I’ll share this info to help them avoid common mistakes while preparing for the movers to arrive!
*At MyMovingReviews we will connect you with a professional moving company. Please note that we may not be affiliated with
and you may be speaking with another licensed provider.
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Thank you for this post! One more tip from me:You should inquire about the company details, their procedure about packing and unpacking your stuff and must keep in contact with the person assigned for your relocation. You must pack the stuff in advance which you have to pack yourself.
I like that you mentioned how putting tarps on the ground will protect your floors from dirt and give movers better traction when moving furniture. My wife and I are moving to an area that is closer to work, and we want to make sure our home is prepared when we hire movers to help us. We’ll be sure that we are prepared when it is time to hire a moving service.
This is some really good information about moving. I liked that you pointed out that it would be smart to try to protect the floors. It is good to know that you should lay something out on the floor to prevent the carpets from getting dirty.
Read more:
I appreciate that you explained covering the floor with old sheets so it provides better traction and protection. My wife and I are moving out of our house at the end of the month and we’re trying to figure out what to do before the movers arrive. Thanks for the tips and I’ll be sure to make a path for the movers to protect our floors and carpet.
Thanks for mentioning measuring furniture appliances to make sure they fit through the hallways and doors. My wife and I are planning to move in the summer and we want to find a good moving company that can make the move day a lot easier. We’ll be sure to do our research and hire a company that has had a lot of experience moving people.
Stress is always the prominent thing that comes with shifting. Hiring a mover for the shift will always ensure that you will have less stress during the move. Less stress means more energy for your other important tasks. Instead of consuming your time on borrowing a larger vehicle or doing the driving yourself, you can now focus on calling your clients or going through some work papers while traveling.
It made sense when you said that one bathroom should be left stocked up with soap and disposable hand towels. My brother and his wife want to hire movers to save time when they relocate to a larger apartment this June. I’ll share this info to help them avoid common mistakes while preparing for the movers to arrive!
I like your idea to clean our items. My husband and I want to hire movers. We’ll use your tips to save time!