While moving house, in general, is notorious for being quite an expensive affair, not all residential moves are equally costly. Moving across town, for example, gives you plenty of opportunities to cut down the moving costs:
You can move on your own, so you won’t need to pay for professional moving assistance – all you need to do is borrow a pick-up truck or rent a small moving van for a couple of hours to take your large furniture and bulky appliances to your new home and ask a few friends to help you load and unload your items;
You can make several trips with your own car to transport all your smaller belongings to your new place – you can even empty the boxes and use them over and over again, so you can do without buying a lot of packing supplies;
You don’t have to pay for the shipment of your car and to buy expensive plane tickets, or to provide for road tolls, meals and lodgings along the way, etc.
Many of these frugal moving tricks will work whenever you’re moving locally, even if it is not within the same city.
Moving long distance, however, is a horse of a different color – you will have to pack your earthly possessions safely enough to survive a trip of several days or even a few weeks, you will need professional moving help, and you will have very few opportunities to reduce the moving expenses.
So, if you want to save money on your long distance move, you need to get familiar with the cheapest ways to move across country and do your best to make them work for you.
Flexibility is key for organizing a cheap long distance move. The more flexible you are in terms of possible moving dates and special requirements, the less money you will spend on your relocation.
Avoid the crowd
It’s no secret that moving company rates increase in direct proportion to outside temperatures.
So, if you need to move in midsummer (when most house moves in the country take place and moving services are in high demand), expect to be charged up to 25% more than when moving during off-peak season. If you can schedule your move somewhere between September and May, though, you will not only be able to save some money but will also have a much greater choice of available competent movers and convenient moving dates.
If possible, try to avoid national holidays and weekends as well – movers are always busier on these particular days which automatically results in higher moving costs.
If you take into account your friends’ and family’s commitments and free time when scheduling your move, they will be able to help you with your moving preparations so you won’t have to pay for professional assistance. You will still have to pay a moving company to ship your items, but will save the money for extra services such as packing your goods, disassembling your furniture, etc.
Find Cheap Movers
It is generally believed that the cheapest way to move to a new home is to perform a DIY move. While this is true under specific circumstances, self-moves are practically out of the question when moving long distance. However, this doesn’t mean that you should hire the first moving company you come across:
Get several moving quotes to get an idea of what’s fair in the moving industry when it comes to long distance moves;
Request binding in-home estimates from three or four affordable movers;
Compare the offers – look not only at the price, but also at the included services and special conditions. Do not be tempted to automatically accept the lowest offer you receive, though – you may end up paying exorbitant costs if you fall victim to moving scams or entrust your possessions to incompetent movers;
Carefully research the moving company that seems to best suit your relocation needs and your available budget – verify the movers’ licensing and insurance information, check the company’s complaint history, ask for references, read online reviews left by previous customers, examine the company’s paperwork, etc. (See also: Protect your move);
Keep your eyes open for possible discounts – ask for ongoing promotions, special deals, coupons, etc.
Book Your Chosen Moving Services as Early as Possible
Just the right guys!
Hiring movers in the last minute is among the most expensive moving mistakes you can make. The further in advance of your move you secure a moving company, the better deal you’ll get.
So, book your chosen movers as soon as you have made your final choice in order to ensure your peace of mind and to spare your wallet.
You will save a lot of money on your long distance move if you share moving truck space with other customers but you will have to survive without your belongings for quite a while. The moving truck will stop several times to pick and/or deliver other people’s shipments, so the trip will take longer and you will have to wait for a few weeks to receive your items.
However, this may not be a problem, especially if you’re traveling to your new home in your own car and can take all your essentials with you.
How Much do Movers Cost?
Save up to 40% on your upcoming move and get a quote from reputable moving experts.
If you find your moving budget too tight, you can resort to some clever tricks to give it a considerable financial boost:
Pare Down Your Possessions and Sell Unneeded Items
When organizing your belongings to prepare them for moving, you will certainly come across many things that you won’t be able to use in your new home either because they won’t fit in or because they won’t be appropriate for the climatic conditions in your new area or for your new lifestyle. Besides, there will be duplicate items, outdated items, and items you just don’t like anymore.
Be a real wizard and turn your unneeded items into extra money for your move.
Moving items you won’t use ever again or intend to replace with more fashionable or more convenient models at the earliest opportunity is definitely not worth it. So, be sure to assess the practical, financial, and sentimental value of each and every belonging of yours and take to your new home only what you really need and love – the fewer items you relocate, the lower your moving costs will be (long distance moving costs are based on the weight of the shipment).
Then, sort out the things you won’t be moving and find a way to get rid of all your unwanted items prior to the move – throw away anything that is too worn out or badly damaged, donate to charity useful pieces in good condition, give away to friends items they like or need, as well as objects of sentimental value, and sell objects of higher monetary value to make some extra money for your moving-related expenses and new home purchases (organize a yard sale a couple of weeks before the move or take advantage of online selling platforms like Craigslist, eBay, etc.)
Use Gift Cards and Coupons
There is no better time to cash in credit card reward points and use any gift cards, vouchers, and coupons you might have, than the weeks leading to Moving day. Visa gift cards, for example, may cover gas, tolls, and meals along the road; discount coupons can be used for purchasing various goods and services at promotional prices, etc.
Any similar “extras” will help your moving budget and allow you to keep more money in your bank accounts.
Borrow Whatever Possible
Instead of buying items you will only need temporarily during your move, you may try to borrow them. This refers mainly to specialized moving equipment and tools required to disassemble your furniture, move larger pieces around, etc. (moving dollies, furniture pads, etc.), but may also apply to protective materials, such as corner guards or plywood boards to prevent property damage on Moving day, or packing supplies you can borrow from friends or neighbors who have recently moved, etc. A penny saved is a penny earned, you know.
3) Pack Smartly
The moment to truly unleash your thrifty genius will come when you start the packing process:
Take Only What You Need
Do not be tempted to move everything you own to your new home – take only the things that you need and love.
As already discussed, it is highly recommended to declutter your home and pack only items of great practical and sentimental value for your move.
This way, you will save both on packing materials and packing time, not to mention the reduced cost of shipping your belongings.
Pack Your Items Yourself
The Herculean task of packing all your earthly possessions by yourself may seem somewhat daunting, but it will help you save a lot of money off your total moving bill.
Don’t underestimate the magnitude of the packing process and start preparing your belongings for shipment as far in advance as you possibly can. Begin from the rooms and the items you need the least and spend a couple of hours on the task every day until all your belongings are neatly packed in wait of the Big day. (See also: Packing timeline)
Be sure to provide the best possible protection to your items – get familiar with the golden rules of packing, use quality packing supplies and safe packing techniques, use the most appropriate packing methods for each kind of items, etc.
Be careful to avoid common packing mistakes that may result in damaged items or wasted time and, thus, in lost money.
Use coupons to buy packing supplies at a discount;
Purchase items, such as packing tape, packing paper, bubble wrap, stretch wrap, sealable bags, etc., in bulk – you will need lots of them and it is always cheaper when you’re shopping in bulk;
Stock up on free supplies in the months before your move – keep any large, sturdy shipping boxes that arrive in the mail, as well as the packing peanuts and air pouches that come in them
Get moving boxes for free from friends, neighbors, or colleagues who have recently moved, local retail stores, recycling centers, etc.;
Look for free packing supplies – ask around in your social circle for packing supplies your friends and acquaintances have no further use for, ask for end rolls of newsprint at local printing houses, see if you can find free packing materials online (on websites like Freecycle and Craigslist), etc.;
Use alternative packing materials – you can use suitcases, backpacks, bags, baskets, crates, etc. instead of packing boxes and substitute packing paper and bubble wrap with newspapers, magazines, towels, old clothes, etc.
Invest in Quality Packing Materials for Valuable Items
While all the above ideas will help you save money on packing supplies, have in mind that they may not be a good solution for all your packing needs. Improvised packing materials and used cardboard boxes won’t provide the reliable protection specialized goods and brand-new moving containers would ensure.
If this is your idea of optimizing the use of expensive packing materials, your relocation expenses may easily go through the roof.
Professional packing supplies come at a higher cost, of course, but they may actually save you money in the long run as they will guarantee the safety of your items during shipment and will save you the troubles and the financial resources required to repair or replace any damaged possessions of yours (not to mention the misfortune of losing items of high sentimental value).
So, invest in quality packing materials, at least when it comes to breakables and valuables.
Strategic packing will allow you to save money on packing materials – the more items you can accommodate in one box, the smaller number of moving containers you’re going to need. Besides, leaving empty spaces in a moving box will increase the risk of damage to your possessions – your items may shift inside the box and bump against each other during transit, the carton may cave under the weight of other boxes or items stacked on top of it in the moving truck, etc.
So, make sure you pack your boxes tightly, but be careful not to make them too heavy – put weighty items (like books or tools) in small boxes and use the larger ones to pack as many lightweight items as possible.
Also, be sure to use clever packing tricks to optimize the space in the moving cartons:
Arrange awkwardly-shaped pieces in alternate directions;
Put thin items on their sides;
Place smaller articles into larger ones;
Fill any remaining hollow spaces with soft items that cannot be easily damaged;
Use innovative packing techniques (the Nesting dolls method, bundle wrapping, rolling, etc.) to save as much space as possible.
Needless to say, your game of packing tetris should be accompanied with adequate protection measures – provide plenty of padding inside the boxes and add layers of packing paper, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, foam sheets or other appropriate protective materials between the items in one moving container to cushion them and prevent them from coming in contact with one another during transit.
When wondering how to save on a long distance move, don’t forget that travel expenses make a considerable part of the total moving costs.
Research all the possible modes of travel to your final destination in order to make an informed decision about the most convenient, economical and beneficial way for you and your family to get to your new home – weigh the pros and cons of driving your own vehicle across the country, get quotes from several reputable auto transport companies to find out how much it will cost you to ship your car to your new state, check travel sites for cheap airfare (consider taking a train or a bus to your new city, as well), etc.
Your family car is the perfect moving vehicle for transporting essentials and valuables.
When moving out of state, many people prefer to fly because of the great distance they will have to travel to their new homes and the amount of time that will be lost in the process. And indeed, if you need to show up at your new workplace two days after moving day, or if your kids start school that same week, or if you have any other urgent commitments, you can’t afford to waste a lot of time on the road. Besides, gas isn’t very cheap either.
However, driving to your new place is definitely the more economical option for a number of reasons:
You will save on plane tickets – Airfare will cost about $200 – $300 per person, so if you are moving a large family, the travel expenses may prove to be a great burden on your budget. The fuel for your car (that will move all your family members plus your pets) can never be that expensive;
You will save on the cost of shipping your car – If you have chosen to fly but want to keep your current vehicle and move it to your new state, you will have to pay for the shipping of your car, adding yet another expense to the total cost of your move. If you are driving, you will probably have to pay for road tolls, hotel stays and/or parking fees, but these minor expenses certainly cannot compare with the charges for shipping your vehicle across country;
You will save on the final moving costs – When traveling with your car, you will be able to take some of your things with you, decreasing the total weight of your shipment and keeping the overall moving costs down as well. Besides, you will ensure your peace of mind, as all your essentials and valuables will travel with you. Driving to your new home is particularly recommendable when you have pets, as you will not only spare yourself all the troubles and costs of shipping them across country, but will also be able to take proper care of your animal friends – provide appropriate ambient temperature, adequate pet food, frequent breaks for walks in nearby green areas (if applicable), etc.;
You will have a nice trip – When driving to your new home, you will be able to stop whenever and wherever you want to, visit local attractions and nearby historical sites, play games in the car, etc. Especially if you have children, the car trip to your new home will be a unique opportunity to spend some quality time together, bond as a family, and take your young ones to some of the most beautiful or interesting places in the country. It is definitely worth it.
One last piece of advice – have your car serviced prior to your move in order to reduce the risk of breakdowns and other troubles on the road.
5) Bonus Tips for Saving on Long Distance Moving Costs
While the above cost-saving ideas will undoubtedly make a great difference for your moving budget and help you save on the major costs of long distance moving, you shouldn’t forget about a variety of other small expenses as well – if not properly kept track of, they will quickly add up to send your moving expenses through the roof.
So, to save money when moving out of state, you are recommended to:
# Plan your time well. Time is money, right? So, organize well the time you have left until Moving day in order to successfully complete all the relocation-related tasks and to avoid unnecessary expenses for last-minute emergencies.
Would you like to visit astonishing local attractions on the road to your new home? Or to have a cup of coffee in a unique atmosphere?
# Get relocation assistance. If you’re moving for a job, your employer may reimburse you for your moving costs – research your options and do your best to negotiate a good relocation package.
# Use up your provisions before the move. Your movers won’t load non-allowable items on the moving truck for safety reasons. So, stop spending money on cleaning supplies and toiletries about a week or two before your move (your stashes will last until Moving day) and only buy as much groceries as you can consume during the next couple of days. Try to use up all your perishable food supplies and fuel reserves and get rid of any hazardous materials you may possess (sell them, if possible, or at least give them away to neighbors and friends).
# Avoid extra fees and charges. You can easily avoid some extra charges if you prepare well for your move – just be provident enough to reserve a parking space for the moving truck directly in front of the entrance to your residence, to reserve an elevator in your building for the time when the movers arrive, to pack your belongings properly, to eliminate the need of split pickups or deliveries, of temporary storage or third party servicing, and so on.
# Get your paperwork ready in time. You will be fined if you miss the deadlines for updating your documents – car registration, driver’s license, insurances, etc., so make it a point to put all the paperwork in order at the earliest opportunity.
# Don’t overspend after the move. Even if you manage to organize a cheap long distance move, your saved dollars may quickly disappear if you undertake major renovation projects or rush into the stores for new furnishing immediately after arriving in your new home.
Allow yourself some time to assess your financial situation after the move and to determine what you really need right away, as well as to learn your way around your new city (where to purchase specific items at a discount, what frugal options you have for entertainment, transportation, etc.). Avoid expensive restaurants, fancy boutiques, and other temptations for a while, at least until you have guaranteed your financial stability.
# Take advantage of tax deduction opportunities. Some of your moving expenses may be tax-deductible, so be sure to keep all your relocation-related receipts. Keep in mind that you can write off the value of any donations you have made to charity on your taxes, as well.
Knowing the cheapest way to move long distance will help you make your relocation more affordable and less stressful. Just make sure you follow our expert tips for moving across country to ensure your smooth and successful moving experience and get your new life off to a flying start. Happy moving!
This article is really helpful and more than full of information! I'm sharing it with my sister, she's moving to another country soon. Time=money, so be organized and prepared when you're about to move.
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and you may be speaking with another licensed provider.
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This article is really helpful and more than full of information! I'm sharing it with my sister, she's moving to another country soon. Time=money, so be organized and prepared when you're about to move.