Solving the puzzel of movign house is not easy.
Just a snapshot of a typical relocation scenario to help you find your bearings.

When organizing a move, you’ve got a lot of work to do – develop elaborate plans, complete important chores, make extensive preparations, etc. Each of these tasks requires a lot of care and attention, as overlooking any little detail may result in major setbacks and lots of troubles. To successfully organize every single aspect of the moving process and make sure that nothing falls through the cracks, you need to prepare really well for your relocation – prepare an effective moving strategy, prepare your belongings for shipment, prepare your home for movers, prepare yourself for the big change in your life, etc.

Among all the essential things to take care of prior to a relocation, preparing your home for moving is probably the most laborious and most consequential one. If you do it right, you will not only ensure a smooth and trouble-free relocation process, but will also be able to sell your old property at a considerable profit.

So, take a closer look at the 5 most beneficial things you can do to prepare your home for a move and get down to work without delay:

    1. Inventory your home
    2. Declutter your home
    3. Pack up your household
    4. Prepare your house for sale
    5. Prepare your home for movers

1) Inventory Your Home

You can’t possibly decide what to take to your new home, what to sell, and what to get rid of prior to your move unless you know exactly what you have – that’s why you need a moving inventory. And if you believe you know what you own well enough and can save yourself the time and effort required to create an inventory, give it a second thought – taking a look at the back of your closet or inside the dusty boxes under your bed should be enough to convince you that a home inventory is indispensable when it comes to organizing your items for moving.

So, go exploring your own house – go through every nook and cranny in every room of your home, open cabinets and drawers, look over the shelves and under the beds, etc. Document all your belongings (their type, number, current condition, approximate value, location) and assess their value (practical or sentimental).

A detailed home inventiry will help you prepare your home for moving.
If you are not a fan of the old school, you can summon innovative technologies to your aid when creating your moving inventory.

You can use a notebook and a pen or take advantage of specialized software or convenient moving apps to create your home inventory in a quicker and more efficient manner – what matters is to have a written record of all your belongings.

Once ready, your inventory list will come in handy for many different purposes – organizing your items, calculating the moving costs, estimating the type and amount of packing materials you’re going to need, creating a packing list, labeling the boxes properly, keeping better track of your possessions, insuring your belongings, etc.

While making your moving inventory, be sure to:

  • Take a lot of photos – you will be able to use them as a proof about the condition of your items before the move (in case your belongings get damaged while in the movers’ custody) and as a visual aid when arranging your new home (if you want everything to be the same as it was in your old surroundings) or reconnecting the wiring. Besides, they will help you preserve your memories of your old residence and your old life. Alternatively, you can walk through your home with a video camera to record all your household items (and even speak into the microphone to take important voice memos!);
  • Sort out and organize your stuff – your moving inventory will help you identify duplicate, outdated, outgrown, damaged, or worn out items, as well as any possessions of yours that you won’t be able to use (or would rather not use) in your new surroundings. Put these no longer needed items aside and make sure all the essentials you’ll need during the last days in your old home and the first days in your new residence are separated from the rest of your belongings (so that you don’t accidentally pack them with other items and load them onto the moving truck).

Once you have documented your possessions, it’s time to decide their fate and declutter your home in order to get it ready for your move.

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2) Purge Your Home

While you may not particularly like the idea of parting with some of your cherished possessions, you need to admit that throwing everything you own into moving boxes and taking it to your new home is not a viable solution. It will cost you a pretty penny and a lot of effort to move all your stuff to your new address, not to mention that you’ll miss the chance to pare down your possessions and simplify your life.

The fewer items you relocate, the less you’ll have to pay for their transportation and the easier it will be to pack and unpack them. Besides, you need your house clean and neatly arranged when potential buyers come to view it (or when your landlord comes to inspect the property before you move out).

So, when wondering how to prepare your house for moving, consider paring down your possessions first:

  1. Clean out storage areas, closets, kitchen cabinets and cupboards, etc. Laborious as this task may be, it’s essential for decluttering your home and properly organizing your items;

    Declutter your home before the move.
    Pare down your possessions to simplify not only your move, but also your new life.
  2. Find a way to get rid of unwanted stuff. Decide what to do with every item you’re not moving to your new home – dispose of damaged pieces and items that are too worn out to be used ever again; donate to charity items of high practical value you don’t need; give away to family and friends keepsakes and items they like; and sell items of high monetary value you don’t like or can’t use anymore. Your home will get tidier, your wallet – thicker, your relocation costs – lower, your move – simpler, and your self-satisfaction – increased. It’s a win-win solution;
  3. Consider temporary storage for the items you intend to relocate but prefer not to keep in your house during the sales process. Taking advantage of short-term storage while your property is on the market is actually a very good idea, as your home won’t be cluttered with already packed moving boxes and household items you don’t use on a daily basis (it will be much tidier and more attractive to potential buyers).

Having sorted out and organized your belongings, you can finally start packing for your move.

3) Pack Up Your Household

To prepare your home for a move, you need to prepare your household items for shipment. Get adequate packing supplies and do your best to ensure the safety of your belongings during transit:

  • Follow the golden rules of packing to ensure a safe and efficient packing process;
  • Pack your belongings with utmost care and use the most appropriate packing techniques for different kinds of items to provide them with the best possible protection during transit (See also: Room by room packing checklist);
  • Pack smaller items (individually wrapped in packing paper or bubble wrap) in strong moving boxes, provide plenty of cushioning among the items in the cartons, and seal the boxes well. Be careful not to make the packing containers too heavy and make sure you label them clearly with their contents and appropriate handling instructions;
  • Prepare larger household items and sensitive equipment for the move – unplug and clean home appliances, disassemble furniture, disconnect electronics, etc. Wrap your bulky and awkwardly-shaped pieces in moving blankets and use plenty of packing tape and/or plastic wrap to hold the protective materials in place;

    Packing is your most crucial task when preparing your home for moving.
    A game of search and find while packing up your household belongings will be a lot of fun and will also speed up the process.
  • Avoid common packing mistakes;
  • Pack an essentials box that contains everything you’re going to need during the trip to your new home and the first several days after the move (when you won’t have access to the rest of your belongings).

Click here for more detailed information in how to pack a home for moving.

Your belongings should be ready when the movers arrive to pick them up at the agreed date and time, but it is a good idea to let experienced professionals handle your delicate pieces (artwork, sensitive electronics) and your heavy household items (furniture and appliances). Otherwise you risk damage to your possessions and your property, as well as personal injuries.

Good to remember: Request a list of all the non-allowable items that your movers won’t move for you and be careful not to pack them with the rest of your belongings. You can transport them in your own vehicle, find specialty movers to relocate them, use them up before the move, or give them away.

While preparing your items for moving, you need to take care of several other important home moving preparations as well:

4) Prepare Your House for Sale

Saying goodbye to your cozy old home is certain to stir up cherished memories and evoke powerful emotions. After all, it has long been your safe haven, your comfortable dwelling where you could fully relax, do whatever you feel like, and spend some happy time with family and friends. But now you are about to leave your sweet old home for good and start a new life in a new place.

If you’re moving out of a rental, you’ll have to return the property to the landlord, of course. You need to fix any small or major problems in your rented home and clean it thoroughly, so that it is in perfect condition when the landlord comes for an inspection prior to your move. Then, you will be able to receive your security deposit back without any conflicts or troubles.

If you’re moving out of your own property, you will probably put it for sale as you will need the money for your new home. To sell well, your house has to make an impression – the more attractive and well-maintained it looks, the more profit you’ll be able to make out of it. So, prepare your home for sale really well:

When getting ready to move, you need to put your old home for sale.
If potential buyers feel comfortable and welcome when they cross the doorstep of your home, it will be easier to convince them that this is just the right house for them.
  • Fix existing problems – repair any damage to the roof, the walls, and the foundations; fix leaking pipes or fixtures; take care of squeaky floorboards, doors and drawers; replace burnt-out bulbs; throw away broken household items; etc.;
  • Clean thoroughly – wipe all the surfaces in your home, remove the cobwebs, wash the windows, scrub the floors, vacuum the carpets, clean the kitchen appliances, and tidy up the house to make it look spotless, neat, and appealing to the potential buyers. Don’t forget to take care of the exterior, as well (trim the grass and the bushes; remove dead branches, fallen leaves, and other debris from the driveway and the garden paths; clean grimy stairs and decks; polish metal pieces, etc.) See also: Moving cleaning checklist;
  • Set up the scene – create a sense of coziness and comfort in your home to charm and impress the home seekers who cross your doorstep. Open up the curtains and the window coverings to let light inside, place vases of fragrant flowers around the house, use vivid colors and lovely artwork to enhance the appeal of your home – just resort to your creativity and think of effective ways to make people feel welcome.

The attractive interior and exterior of your house will result in a quick and profitable sale. Just be careful when negotiating the details with the new owners of your property to make sure you can stay in your home until the pre-scheduled moving day and get everything ready on time.

Also, don’t forget that you’ll have to transfer the utilities and to put all the property-related paperwork (mortgages, taxes, insurance policies, etc.) in order prior to your move. Changing your address is another important issue to take care of in order to avoid hassles with your mail and your accounts.

Last but not least, you should get ready for the movers.

5) Prepare Your Home for Movers

The better prepared your home, your belongings, and you yourself are when Moving day knocks on your door, the smoother your relocation will be. So, what to do before the movers arrive?

Set Aside Important Items

Designate a room where to store everything the movers are not supposed to load onto the moving truck. Mark it “no-entry room” and lock it safe on Moving day to ensure your peace of mind. Keep your most valuable possessions, the box of essentials you need to survive for a couple of days without the rest of your belongings, certain electronic devices you can’t do without (phone, laptop, etc.) and everything else you intend to take with you in that safe room.

Moving house is difficult but exciting.
Say your final goodbye to your old place and make sure you turn your new residence into your dream home.

Be careful not to misplace any important documents and lose them in the moving chaos.

Prevent Property Damage

Take precautionary measures to prepare your house adequately and to provide proper protection to your property:

  • Cover floors and carpets with carpet film protectors, cardboard pieces, old sheets or any other appropriate protective materials to prevent scratching, denting and other damage ( See also: How to protect floors when moving);
  • Use newspapers or old rugs to keep dirt and mud away (especially if it is raining outside);
  • Cover the walls with old sheets and use corner guards to secure the corners;
  • Cover the stairs with protective anti-slippery coating and wrap the banisters with moving blankets or other thick fabrics;
  • Protect door frames with foam paddings;
  • Remove paintings, mirrors, and clocks from the walls.

Remove Obstacles

Small items can easily cause major accidents if they get in the way of the movers while they’re carrying large and heavy household items. So, walk through your home in advance and plan on the best way to take your belongings out of your property and into the moving truck:

  • Provide enough free space for the movers to maneuver your household items around;
  • Measure the doors and remove them from their hinges if necessary to provide several inches of extra space;
  • Ensure a safe route out of your property – remove any obstacles from the corridors and the entryway of your home and keep the paths from your residence to the moving truck free of debris, fallen leaves, and other potential hazards.

Triple Check Everything

Inspect your home one last time, not only to make sure that nothing has been left behind, but also to ascertain the perfect condition of your old property and to say your final goodbye.

Knowing how to prepare your house for moving will help you ensure a smooth and successful relocation. All the best in your moving adventure!

Bonus tip: Avoid critical mistakes when moving into a new home to give yourself a good head start in your new life.

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  1. I appreciate that you brought up how laying pieces of cardboard on the floor can help you protect your flooring from any scratches or dents. My wife and I added a hardwood floor to our home so that it would sell for more, but we want to make sure that it is safe once the movers help us lift our heavy appliances. We’ll be sure to keep some cardboard so that the movers can safely help us with our belongings.

  2. My wife and I need to move this month and it’s making me stressed since we don’t have any family around to help us move. I liked that you said to dispose of damaged pieces of furniture or donate them to charity for a lighter load. It looks like we should hire a moving company to make the move a lot less stressful and quicker.

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  4. This is a very informative blog, thanks for sharing about prepare home for moving. I liked and it is wonderful to know about so many things that are useful for all of us! Thanks a lot for this amazing blog!!

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