How to deal with moving away from home, family, and friends


  • Moving away from home, family, and friends can be a very challenging time for you.
  • You wouldn’t want to move away from the people you love and care about but sometimes you just don’t have a choice.
  • These 10 tips for moving from home, family, and friends will help you manage the transition in the best possible way.

In most cases, moving house is a serious step that will introduce many radical changes in one’s life.

Some or most things will be totally different after the move but even before the destination place is reached, the person on the move will have to deal with moving away from family, moving away from friends, and moving away from the home itself.

If you yourself are getting ready to move out, you should keep in mind that at times moving away from home, family, and friends can happen so fast that you won’t have time to prepare mentally for the next step.

In reality, moving away from the people you love and care about, as well as moving away from the place you know well and feel so comfortable in, can often prove to be the hardest thing you’ll have to do.

When you’re moving away from everyone and everything you love, you should welcome any type of help you can get.   

Here are the top 10 tips for moving away from your home, family, and friends.

1. Bear in mind that moving away is just a new beginning

The very first thing you need to realize is that while moving away from friends and family can be very difficult and even heartbreaking, it’s definitely not an end simply because you should be able to keep in touch and see the people you care about whenever there’s a good opportunity to do so.

Moving away does not mean that the link with those people will break. It simply means that you won’t be able to see them as often and spend as much time with them as before due to the physical distance between you.

It’s important to keep in mind that moving away is not an end – instead, it’s a new beginning with brand-new opportunities that await you. Basically, it’s entirely up to you to keep your meaningful relationships alive.

Pros and Cons of Moving to a New City

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2. Do your best to stay positive

Since there must be a good reason for you to move away (there is, right?), you should view the move as a stepping stone to where you want to go. The transition may turn out to be tougher than you expected but it should be clear by now that moving away is the only way to move forward.

One thing is certain – you’ll be going through a potent mix of various emotions concerning the upcoming move. Thus, the correct formula of controlling your emotions throughout the residential move is to stay positive.

The truth is that you should be able to keep in touch with your family members and friends regardless of where you’re moving to. Luckily, there are many options to stay close to the people you care about despite the great distance (see below).

Despite the less-than-ideal situation you find yourself in, you have to find a way to be optimistic about the foreseeable future.

As a wise person once said, Train your mind to see the good in every situation.

How to Say Goodbye to Friends When You’re Moving

3. Keep in touch with your family and friends

Exchanging letters still remains the most satisfying way to keep in touch with friends after moving away.

How to deal with moving away from family and friends?

Here’s the secret: simply stay in touch with the people who mean so much to you.

Nowadays, there are many ways to communicate no matter the distance. Basically, all it takes is the will to do it.

  • Phone. There shouldn’t be anything stopping you from talking on the phone with your friends and family after you’ve moved away. You can set up a convenient time of the day – usually sometime in the evening – when you can hear the voices of your dear ones over the phone.
  • Chats. Whenever possible, you can chat with your pals and family using a free instant messaging program such as Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, Messenger, and so on.
  • Video chats. You can always get one step further and have a video chat with the people you miss. All you really need is a desire to do so, a good Internet connection, and one of the phone apps mentioned above.
  • Exchange e-mails or letters. If you prefer, you can always choose to write letters to the dearest people you had to leave behind – either e-mails or real letters.

4. Make plans to see your loved ones again

Nothing compares to actually being together with the people you love, so as soon as you move away, you should start making plans about when and how to meet your friends again.

Basically, you have two options to make it happen: 1) you go back to them the first chance you get, or 2) your friends or family members come to visit you in the place you’ve moved to.

Of course, things are never that simple and you’ll have to work hard to find the right time and opportunity to see again the people you care so much about. Once you set a date for your reunion, you’ll have something exciting to look forward to during your post-move adaptation period.

Needless to say, the sooner you arrange those travel plans, the better.

21 Things to Do After Moving Into a New House

5. Organize a moving-away party

The truth is that it’s always tough to deal with moving away from family and friends. The last thing you’d want is to part with your buddies but you just have no choice in the matter – you’ve already decided to move away or that choice has been made for you.

Either way, you’ll be gone soon. However, before you go, wouldn’t be a great idea if you organized a moving-away party for your friends?

Yes, of course it would.

Find some time in your busy moving schedule to set a date when you can gather up your pals for an informal get-together. Reach out to them early so that they can include you in their plans.

The good news is that the moving party doesn’t need to be anything too fancy – you just want to spend some time with the people you love most in the world before you move away.

Still, it’s a great idea to prepare some tasty food (homemade meals work best), get various drinks, and play some awesome music in the background to turn it into a memorable moving-away party.

How to Organize a Memorable Moving Away Party in 10 Steps

6. Make your move as stress-free as possible

Moving Checklist
A moving checklist will help you organize a smooth house move.

One good way to help you cope with moving away from your home, family, and friends is to organize a smooth house move without any added stress or drama.

While a residential move is one of the most stressful events in life, you can make yours as stress-free as possible by only choosing to follow a detailed MOVING CHECKLIST.

There are always so many things to do before moving out that it’s easy to get overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated. How are you supposed to tackle so many moving tasks before Moving day?

And what’s the order, anyway? How do you know which jobs you should do first because of their higher priority?

This is where a good moving checklist comes in to save the day. Not only will a moving timeline list all the tasks you must complete prior to Moving day but it will also indicate their level of importance so that you can rest assured that you’ve done the urgent ones regardless of how little time you have until you have to move away.

Use our revolutionary moving checklist to manage your time wisely and prepare to move out with as little stress as possible.  

Moving Checklist: The Greatest Moving Checklist of All Time

7. Make an effort to make new friends

As explained above, it’s very important to keep in touch with your friends and family after the move – this is especially crucial if you’ve moved to a new city alone.

However, it’s equally important, if not more so, to make an effort to meet new people and hopefully, make new friends along the way. Depending on what type of person you are, forming new friendships can either be a real struggle for you or it may come to you naturally.

Either way, the great news is that there are many good ways to make friends after the move as long as you approach the matter with an open mind.

Getting to know your colleagues at work can be the first step to finding a friend or two among them. Saying Hi to your neighbors is another painless method of making the first step toward possible meaningful friendships.

It’s important to keep in mind that making new friends after the move will definitely help you avoid any bad bouts of relocation depression (aka separation anxiety).

20 Brilliant Ways to Make New Friends When You Move to a New City

8. Focus on your new job

One proven way to cope with moving away from your home, friends, and family is to keep yourself pretty busy after the move so that you don’t have much time to fill your head with sad and nostalgic thoughts about the lovely people and the familiar place you have to leave behind.

And what better way to do that than to focus entirely on your job? Maybe the new job was the reason you had to move away in the first place. Basically, you can keep yourself busy at work to shield yourself from negative thoughts. The daily interaction with your co-workers will also help you settle in faster in that new and unfamiliar environment.

As a bonus, working hard after the move may help you save some cash – money you can use to organize a trip back to your friends and family whenever there’s a good opportunity to do so.  

Pros and Cons of Moving for a Job

9. Make the new place feel like home

Make new place feel like home
Arrange the new place to your impeccable taste.

Arguably, an excellent way to deal with moving away from home is to make the new place feel like home. Logical, right?

Start by arranging the new place exactly to your taste. Basically, you can choose to mimic the feel of the old home or be bold and try something completely different as far as home décor goes.

Make the living space cozy and functional to be able to enjoy your new sanctuary. This is especially true when you’re arranging the furniture pieces in the new place.

Don’t forget to put on display the favorite photos of your friends and family, together with other cherished decorations that will make the living area more personal. If you have any moving-away gifts from your best friends, make sure you place them somewhere in the new house or apartment where you can easily see them.

How to Make Your New Place Feel Like Home

10. Give yourself enough time to adapt

Without a doubt, the best way to deal with moving away from friends and family is to give yourself more time to adapt to the new environment.

Take it easy on yourself. Remember that the post-relocation process takes time so you should go one step at a time at your own comfortable rate. Be extremely patient and know that it won’t be long until you get back on your feet.

In the meantime, don’t forget to keep in touch with the people who really matter in your life.

Moving away from home, family, and friends can be a very tough task for you, especially if you’re moving for the first time. So, do yourself a favor and hire the best movers in your area to take the burden off your shoulders.

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1 Comment

  1. It was helpful when you said moving away will be difficult at first, but everything will pass and become easier, especially once a person makes new friends. I will remind my sister of this because she will be moving to a new city soon. She just needs to remind herself that she’s doing this for her dreams.

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