Moving is hard - it's a fact.


  • Every aspect of the moving process is hard.
  • Moving is exhausting – it requires a lot of hard work and can take a serious toll on the body and mind.
  • Moving is expensive – it requires careful financial planning and can easily drain one’s savings.
  • Moving is emotional – it can cause a lot of excitement and joy, but also sadness, anxiety, and stress.
  • The combination of these three factors makes moving extremely hard.

It is sad to say goodbye to dear friends and favorite places.

It is stressful to dive into the unknown without any certainties to rely on or solid foundations to build your future upon.

It is hard to get used to a new lifestyle, find one’s place in a new community, and establish new relationships.

It is difficult to organize a complicated process and plan everything in detail.

It is exhausting to deal with laborious tasks for weeks on end.

It is expensive to hire top-rated professionals.

Yet, there is one event in life that encompasses all the above challenges – moving house. It comes as no surprise, then, that moving is so difficult.

But what exactly makes moving so hard? The great financial burden, the enormous amount of time lost, the exhausting efforts involved in the process, or the emotional effect of moving to a new place?

Here are the 3 BIG Es that explain in detail why moving is hard.


Packing all your belongings for moving is nothing short of a Herculean task, but it is not the only laborious aspect of the moving process.

Moving is physically draining.
Tired, exhausted, fatigued, home mover.

Every single task you will have to complete before your move will be tedious, strenuous, and/or nerve-racking. And the culmination of all the exhausting work will be, without any doubt, Moving day itself when all your heavy furniture and bulky appliances will have to find their way into the moving truck. Even if you have hired professional movers to get the job done, you will still have a number of tiresome things to do before the movers arrive.

On top of it, just when your relocation seems to have come to a successful end, you will have to deal with unpacking and arranging your new home.

To provide a more specific answer to the question “Why is moving so exhausting?”, here is a breakdown of the things that make each of the four main stages of the moving process so physically draining:


Planning and organizing may not require great physical effort but the complexity and the magnitude of the task, as well as the enormous amount of responsibility that you need to take, could be more exhausting than carrying heavy pieces around. There are just too many decisions to make – important decisions that will have repercussions for your overall moving experience and even for your new life.

In order to plan a smooth a successful relocation, you’re advised to follow a detailed moving checklist and to make sure you:

  • Carefully research your new area before the move – employment opportunities, real estate market, costs of living;
  • Create a moving timeline to better organize your time and your priorities;
  • Set your moving budget to avoid financial troubles;
  • Hire reliable movers who will take good care of your relocation. Be careful to avoid moving scams;
  • Put all the required paperwork in order;
  • Sort out your belongings and make a detailed moving inventory.

Must-read: How to plan a move


Unless you hire professional packing services, packing up your home for moving will take a lot of time and effort. However, you can make the process more efficient and less exhausting with the right packing strategies:

  • Get appropriate packing materials;
  • Start packing as early as possible – spend a couple of hours packing every single day. Start from the rooms you use the least and designate a space where to keep the packed boxes organized and out of your way;
  • Pack safely – use the safest packing techniques for different kinds of items and be sure to pack your boxes the right way;
  • Pack efficiently – use innovative and insightful packing methods to save time and space when packing your belongings;
  • Label all the boxes – a good labeling system will save you lots of time and headaches when unpacking;
  • Do not pack non-allowables – request a list of the items your movers won’t load on the moving truck for safety reasons and either arrange to move them yourself or get rid of them before the relocation;
  • Pack an essentials box – make sure everything you will need to survive the trip and the first couple of days in your new home travels with you.

Must-read: Fundamental packing rules for moving

Moving day

Needless to say, moving day is the most strenuous part of the entire moving process.

Moving day is extremely exhausting. ex
There are too many things that can go wrong on moving day.

When using professional moving services, arrange to be present on Moving day, plan for the safety of your kids and pets, reserve a convenient parking space for the moving truck (and elevators, if applicable), take measures to protect your property from damage, clear the way of obstacles, and assist your movers with proper directions and relevant information. Treat the moving crew well and keep your sense of humor.

When moving by yourself, mind your safety above anything else on moving day. Do your best to prevent property damage, ensure the safety of your young children and your animal friends, and be sure to:

  • Secure the help of reliable friends;
  • Start the day as early as possible so you have plenty of time to complete the necessary tasks;
  • Use appropriate moving equipment, such as dollies, furniture pads, moving straps, etc.;
  • Wear suitable clothes (durable work gloves, no baggy clothes or jewelry) and comfortable, closed shoes with anti-slip soles;
  • Use safe lifting techniques;
  • Don’t rush things and plan two steps ahead.

Must-read: How to ensure a safe and successful moving day

Post-relocation tasks

Even after you have successfully arrived in your new home with all your belongings in tow, you will still have to complete a number of important and exhausting tasks before you can close the relocation chapter of your life:

  • Unpacking – The sooner you unpack the moving boxes and arrange your new place, the sooner it will start to feel like home. Set up your major furniture first, then unpack your essentials. Dedicate the following days to taking your items out of the boxes and finding the rightful place of each and every one of your possessions. Use the opportunity to create the interior decor you have always dreamed of;
  • Paperwork – You will need to update a number of documents after the move and find a new doctor and a new school for your children;
  • Adapting to the new environment – Getting used to your new surroundings and your new life will take some time, but you need to be brave and stay positive. Get to know your new city, introduce yourself to your new neighbors, take part in the community life, attend local cultural events, join clubs where you can practice your hobby – try new experiences, meet new people, and don’t allow relocation depression to overwhelm you. Soon enough you will start feeling at home in your new world.

As physically exhausting as moving may be, it is even more financially and emotionally draining.

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You may not share Uncle Scrooge’s view on financial management but you will certainly not be happy to spend loads of your hard-earned money on your move.

Unfortunately, you have no choice but to pay your moving costs – and it is not only the charges for the professional moving services you have requested that will drain your budget. There are various hidden costs too – as well as all kinds of expenses that are not directly related to the moving process but result from it.

So, why is moving so expensive? When moving house, you will need to pay for:

A new house or apartment

Moving is overwhelming.
So many things to do. So many things to think about. So many things to pay for.

Whether you’re renting or buying, you will need a lot of money for your new home:

  • If you’re moving into a rental, you will have to pay a security deposit and monthly rent.
  • If you’re buying a new home, you will have to make a downpayment and pay the mortgage.

If you’re moving to a different city and intend to visit it prior to the move in order to find an appropriate property to rent or to buy, you will need to put aside some cash for the trip, hotel stays, etc.

If you choose to move into temporary housing until you can find the right new home for you and your family, you will have to pay for the short-term accommodations (and, most likely, for the storage of your belongings too).

Don’t forget about the costs of repairs and/or renovations (when applicable), new furniture and appliances, and everything else you’ll need to buy for your new home.


When moving to a new place, you will have to change your address and update – or change – a number of documents (home insurance, car registration and car insurance, driver’s license, health insurance, etc. – depending on whether you’re moving out of state or not). Putting the necessary paperwork in order won’t cost you much, but you still need to account for it.

You will also need to transfer utilities and may need to pay security deposits and/or installation fees.

Moving services (or truck rental fees)

If you choose to move with a moving company, you will have to pay the movers’ tariffs. Local movers charge by the hour, while long-distance moving costs are based on the weight of the shipment and the relocation distance. You can find more information on moving rates and charges here.

Keep in mind that full-service moves are the most expensive option but they include everything, so you will have nothing to worry about and no extra charges to pay. If you hire a moving company just to ship your belongings, you will have to be very careful about additional services and their rates.

If you decide to rent a moving truck and transport your belongings to your new home yourself, you will have to pay the rental fee and the fuel costs. Keep in mind though that there are many other – commonly forgotten – DIY moving costs that will greatly increase the final price of your move. (See also: How much does a self-move cost?)

Moving insurance

Regardless of whether you’re moving with a moving company or without professional moving help, it is recommended to purchase appropriate insurance for your items – better to be safe than sorry.

See also: Types of moving insurance

Packing materials

Moving is expensive.
You will need a bagful of money for your move.

You can use alternative packing materials or get moving boxes for free from local businesses, but you will still have to buy some packing supplies. Make sure you have enough sturdy moving boxes, packing paper, bubble wrap, plastic wrap, moving blankets, and packing tape to provide your items with adequate protection during the move.

Consider having your most delicate and most valuable possessions professionally packed – it will cost you a bit more but every dollar will be worth it.

See also: Packing materials for moving

Cleaning supplies

Both your old home and your new one will need extensive cleaning, so don’t underestimate the importance and the price of cleaning supplies. (See also: Moving house cleaning checklist)

Take measures to prevent property damage and injuries on moving day or you will have to cover the additional expenses for repairs and/or medical bills, as well.


If you’re driving to your final destination, remember that it is not only the fuel you will have to pay for, but also for road tolls, parking fees, meals and lodgings on the way, etc.

If you’re flying to your new city, you will need to buy tickets and to pay for the shipment of your vehicle.

Related: Is it better to ship your car or drive it when moving across the country

When you calculate the final price of your move, you will have every reason to be financially stressed by your imminent relocation. Don’t forget that you can reduce the stress a bit though – find out efficient ways to cut your moving costs.

So, your moving adventure will be expensive and exhausting. Yet, you can easily mitigate both these factors by hiring competent and affordable movers. You already know this.

What you may not know is that the third reason why moving is hard is actually the toughest of them all – and there are not many available remedies except for your own set of mind.


While moving is typically associated with a fresh start and new opportunities, the emotions evoked by the mere idea of moving house and then by the actual relocation process are not always positive. In fact, the process of moving house feels like an emotional rollercoaster ride.

So, why is moving so hard emotionally?

It is sad to part with people who matter to you

Moving emotions vary from excitement to depression.
Your friends and loved ones will always have a special place in your heart – wherever you may be.

Leaving close friends and sometimes even family members behind will certainly make you feel lonely and disheartened. You will be able to stay in touch, of course –  after all, it takes nothing more than a phone call or a mouse click to connect with people regardless of the distance, but no e-mails, video chats, or text messages can provide the company, fun, and support you were used to.

Even worse – as time passes by, each of you will be taken in different directions in your own lives and you will inevitably drift apart.

See also: How to say goodbye to friends when moving

It is depressing to say goodbye to your old home

Your old home is likely your cozy heaven – the one place where everything is the way you want it to be. It will be safe and comfortable and will perfectly suit your needs and reflect your personality. Not to mention all the emotions built into the walls – all the happy moments, all significant events, all romantic, heartbreaking, life-changing experiences that you have had in this place.

Leaving your old home behind often feels like leaving your past life behind.

See also: How to say goodbye to your old home when moving

It is upsetting to leave favorite places behind

There are certainly many special locations in your old area where you used to have great fun, or relax in peace, or pursue your passions… Each of these places probably has some distinct features that make it appealing and special.

There will be no places in your new surroundings like your favorite places in your old city – be it cozy family restaurants, beautiful parks, romantic riversides, ancient libraries, lively bars, or just the cobbled street up the hill. Every place is unique but what makes it really special are the memories associated with it.

It is hard to purge your possessions

It is very difficult to part with some of your cherished possessions, no matter how useless they may be.

It is true that nobody and nothing can deprive you of your memories and feelings, but still, you may feel frustrated to lose an item reminiscent of something important or someone special. Children’s artwork, outdated items that belonged to a loved relative, souvenirs from trips around the world – all these useless belongings often seem to be more valuable than the most expensive household items, as they are associated with happy experiences, beloved persons, or nostalgic memories.

As hard as moving may be, your new life after the move can be wonderful.
It all depends on your point of view.

Keeping those items will not cause past times or late people to return but discarding them seems rude and wrong. Still, you simply can’t move everything you own, so you should be brave and sort out your belongings prior to the move.

Throw away damaged, outdated, or too worn out items and set aside everything that you haven’t used in over a year, that you won’t be able to use in your new surroundings because of the climate, the available space, or your new lifestyle, that doesn’t match your new home décor or your personal style, that won’t fit through the doors, or won’t fit the layout of your new place. Organize a moving sale, or sell all these items online, or donate them to charity or friends – just don’t take them with you as you will waste too much time and money in the process.

Then go through your sentimental possessions and keep just a few of them – the ones that still evoke powerful emotions.

So, leave the objects behind and just enjoy the freedom of space and the freedom of mind you will have thanks to your move. And don’t worry – you will get to keep all the memories, all the stories, and all the emotions.

See also: How to decide what to take when moving; How to get rid of unwanted stuff when moving

It is daunting to face the unknown

The uncertainty, the unfamiliar surroundings, the new faces – your new life will seem quite scary after the move.

You will not know what kind of people your new colleagues and neighbors are and what to expect from them. They will not know you either and will not trust you in the very beginning, so you will have to prove your skills, reliability, and friendly attitude.

Besides, you will have to learn your way around, to find the best local businesses, the most trustworthy medical centers, the most reputable educational facilities, the most appropriate sports, arts, science, etc. clubs for your hobbies, the most charming green areas for recreational activities and so on. It won’t be easy. In fact, it will be quite hard – and quite scary.

See also: How to overcome the fear of moving

So, to sum it up – why is moving so hard?

Regardless of how carefully you plan everything, some things just don’t go according to plan. Change is always a bitter pill to swallow – and moving is a time of change. Yet, it is also a time of new opportunities, self-discovery, and world discovery. It gives the unique chance to start over, to meet new friends, and above all – to learn and to improve.

Moving is a journey – it is hard but it takes you to a whole new world. It is up to you to make this world a good world.

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1 Comment

  1. Although there are alot of the things mentioned here that ARE difficult, there are also alot to be hopeful for here. Take from someone who has owned 3 homes and has relocated a couple of times.
    My husband and I have no children, and while that notion is a bit daunting as we grow older, we’re also realists. Moving is emotional yes. But it’s also exciting in stepping out of our comfort zone so that new connections are made. The many benefits of relocating are waiting for anyone who wants to expand their horizons. Moving does NOT have to be expensive. We’re also a tad minimalistic in the sense that we’ve been lightening our load in possessions for the last 10 years. We keep nothing that will accumulate such as decor, furniture, clothing or anything we don’t use on a regular basis. Those who desire for a stress free moving will understand this concept. We’re retiring in the next 5 years. We’ve decided to retire in another state altogether and the plan is as always; Sell it all and buy new when we get to where we’re going.
    Sure, it can be scary. Especially if you have no family where you’re headed. But I liken it to “I wonder what our new friends will be like?”. There’s more in moving that all of the sadness. There’s another life, a chance to begin again, a new way of living and trying new situations on for size that keeps you young and thinking in a healthy way. Removing the challenges and the expenses first is doable AND smart. Of course, some people cannot fathom my attitude or even think about getting rid of most of their possessions – but I say to those people – PRIORITIES. If the most stressful thing is paperwork for us, bring it on so that I may get on with my life. 🙂

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