or how to have access to the world’s leading high-tech companies in the Silicon Valley, drink excellent Napa wines, listen to great music and enjoy the fog over the Golden Gate Bridge all at the same time

Fog is common in the summer months in the coastal regions of the Bay Area.
The mysterious fog laying over the Golden Gate Bridge only hints at the wonders that await you in the Bay Area.

If you are the kind of person who thrives in dynamic and progressive environments, who appreciates diversity and open-mindedness, who is motivated by challenges and excited by innovative ideas, the San Francisco Bay Area may be the “Heaven on Earth” for you. Regarded as an epicenter of cultural events, high-tech development, and modernistic movements, the Bay Area boasts one of the highest living standards, the most successful economies and the most liberal societies in the country. The iconic images of Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and many other historical landmarks, architectural masterpieces, and scientific sites of interest have become symbolic of the rich cultural and historical background of the Bay Area. What is more, the unrivaled beauty of the scenery, combining sunny coastal areas, romantic river estuaries, lush green hills and majestic mountain peaks, and the great variety of outdoor pursuits available in the region, allow an easy escape to nature and a chance to enjoy some peaceful moments amidst the busy big city life. The abundance of sports and cultural events in the area attracts nationwide attention and provide a powerful stimulus for improving your own skills and talents.

In short, there are so many exciting things to do, astonishing locations to explore and inspiring projects to embark on that moving to the Bay Area will certainly turn into a remarkable adventure presenting you with the opportunity of a lifetime.

Reasons To Move To Bay Area

If you are thinking of moving to the Bay Area, you have either been offered a lucrative position in one of the major corporations headquartered in the region (the San Francisco Bay Area ranks second in the nation in terms of concentration of Fortune 500 companies) or have been attracted by the natural beauty, liberal politics, successful entrepreneurship, and incredible ethnical, religious, linguistic and ideological diversity typical of the nine counties. Moving to the Bay Area without a job, however, may not be a very good idea because it is one of the most expensive regions in the United States. So, before making any final decisions, you should find the answer to the following essential question: “Is it worth moving to Bay Area?” Appealing as the place may seem, the sky-high housing prices and upscale living standards may turn to be a stumbling block in your pursuit of happiness.

Why move to Bay Area:

  • The incredible diversity of the Bay Area is evudent even in paintings and photos.
    Diversity is typical of every aspect of life in the Bay Area.

    The average household income in the area is considerably higher than the country average (a couple of the wealthiest counties in the United States are located in the Bay Area);

  • Silicon Valley, home of several leading high technology companies in the world, is located within the reaches of the Bay Area;
  • The density of college graduates in the region is the second highest in the country;
  • The Bay Area is a leading producer of high quality food and wine. It is famous for its organic farming and sustainable agriculture that have led to the development of an innovative and highly praised local cuisine. What is more, green energy is implemented in the area on a very large scale;
  • The entire region is renowned for its natural beauty;
  • The incredible social diversity in the area has resulted in a tolerant and liberal community where discrimination and prejudice are no longer an issue.

All in all, if you want to move to the Bay Area, you should know that according to a 2013 population report from the California Department of Finance, “the Bay Area is the only region in California where the rate of people migrating in from other areas in the United States is greater than the rate of those leaving the region.”

Assuming that you are aware of all the pros and cons of moving to Bay Area, you should be able to make an informed decision about your future plans and your eventual moving strategy.

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Things To Know Before Moving To Bay Area

When moving across the country, you are advised to carefully research your future surroundings in terms of housing options, overall costs of living, employment and business opportunities, climatic conditions, safety and crime rate, infrastructure, green and recreational areas, local entertainments, etc. All those characteristics are slightly different for each of the nine counties in the area for geographical, demographical, economical, historical and cultural reasons, but in general terms, this is what you should know before moving to the San Francisco Bay Area:

Job Market And Employment Opportunities

Silicon Valley computers and electronics is the driving force behind the economic prosperity of the Bay Area.
Do you think that Silicon Valley resembles an enormous innovative microchip?

Without a doubt, computer geeks have the highest chance of finding a premium job in the region. Some of the most high-profile technology companies in the world, such as Google, Yahoo!, Apple, eBay, Facebook, Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco Systems, and the Marvell Technology Group are headquartered in the Silicon Valley within the southern reaches of the Bay Area.

However, promising career opportunities in the Bay Area are available in a variety of other industries as well, due to the combined presence of several other Fortune 500 companies in San Francisco, San Jose and Oakland. Agriculture, healthcare, industrial machinery, international trade, renewable energy production, tourism, transportation and wine production are just some of the highly developed industries in the region offering plentiful of lucrative positions for qualified personnel. Service economy and logistics are also prospering, with the Port of Oakland being the fifth largest container shipping port in the country.

Costs Of Living

If you are moving to Bay Area California, you should be warned that you are about to settle in one of the most expensive regions in the country. The extremely high living standards result in high housing prices, high taxes, high utility bills, and many other expenses that are higher compared to other more affordable regions in the United States.

Food, however, is both very good and relatively cheap, and the very well developed public transportation system allows you to cut on fuel costs and commute time.


Bay Area is renowned for its natural beauty.
San Francisco was built on 43 hills, all of which are lush green in the spring but turn golden during the dry summer months.

Weather in the coastal areas is mild and climatic conditions are favorable throughout the year with limited temperature fluctuations. Summers are cooler and winters are warmer than in most of the other regions in the country. Fog, a common occurrence during the summer months, adds to the mysterious beauty of the scenery.

However, the inland areas are separated from the Pacific breeze by mountains and therefore, they occasionally experience freezing temperatures in the winter, as well as very hot and dry summers.

Educational System

Finding a good new school for your children after moving to the Bay Area won’t be difficult as the region boasts a very well developed and highly efficient educational system. You can find a number of reputable schools that offer friendly environment, top quality education, and a variety of extra school activities intended to boost your young ones’ passion for science, arts, handicrafts, etc. Higher education, however, deserves the highest praise. Many distinguished colleges and seminaries are located within the Bay Area, most notably the University of California in Berkeley, the University of California in San Francisco and Stanford University. About 41 percent of the adult residents of the San Francisco Bay Area have a bachelor’s degree or higher, so you will live among some of the best educated people in the United States.

Best Place To Move In The Bay Area

In the event of moving to Bay Area, where to live may be the most important and worrisome issue you will have to deal with. There are six sub-regions in the area and each of them has its own specifics, advantages and weaknesses.

  • San Francisco is the second most densely populated city in the Unites States.
    A breathtaking view of the city of San Francisco.

    Moving to San Francisco – the city of San Francisco is the most densely populated city in the state of California. The constantly growing population presents quite a challenge to the City by the Bay, so moving to San Francisco will require a lot of preliminary research and careful planning in order to find appropriate housing options in a convenient location. Check our San Francisco relocation guide for further details and valuable tips when moving to the Fog City;

  • Moving to the East Bay – Berkeley, Oakland, Alameda, Hayward, Fremont, San Ramon and Richmond are all major cities within the East Bay Area. The region is a notable music center – home to renowned festivals and birthplace of many musical acts. Economy is prospering and the area has great employment and entertainment opportunities to offer to newcomers who wish to settle within its limits;
  • Moving to the North Bay – the North Bay is completely separated from the rest of the Bay Area by water, the only access points being several bridges, including the Golden Gate Bridge. As a result, the area is less populated and mainly rural with lots of vineyards and farmland. It is an affluent and peaceful region, famous for its exceptional wine and natural beauty;
  • Moving to the Peninsula – this area is remarkable for its great ethnical and cultural diversity. It runs between San Francisco and the Silicon Valley which makes it a home to many employees who prefer to raise their families in relatively peaceful and affordable surroundings and to commute to their work places;
  • Moving to the South Bay – the South Bay Area, also known as the Silicon Valley, offers high-paying technology jobs and has the most millionaires and billionaires in the United States per capita. Due to the rapid population growth over the past several decades, urban growth boundaries have been established in the South Bay Area to protect remaining open space and to slow down the demographic boom in the region. Moving to Silicon Valley is therefore rather complicated and you are advised to look for a suitable home in other “less craved” regions of the Bay Area, even if your job will take you to one of the high-tech companies located in the South Bay. Peaceful and trouble-free lifestyle will pay off for the longer commuting hours;
  • Home prices and rents are very high in the San Francisco Bay Area.
    A typical “humble” Bay Area residence.

    Moving to the Outer Bay (San Cruz and San Benito counties) – the southernmost end of the San Francisco Bay Area is greatly connected with the South Bay Area both geographically and historically. Although some government organizations do not consider it a proper part of the Bay Area, its economic and cultural development has made it a preferred final destination to many people who are moving to the affluent bay region in pursuit of a better life.

Where to move in the Bay Area depends on the location of your workplace (if you already have one), your plans for the future and your financial resources. You can expect high household income when living in the San Francisco Bay Area, but you should take several other significant factors into consideration as well – proximity to educational facilities and healthcare centers, available green areas and recreational activities, safe and peaceful surroundings for raising young ones, etc. Have in mind that traffic jams and busy roads are not a rare occurrence, even during downtime hours. The available public transportation options, however, are very reliable and convenient, especially within the San Francisco city limits. BART, mini metro, VTA and other efficient means of transportation will take you quickly and problem-free to whatever point in the Bay Area you need to access.

Regardless of which neighborhood you choose, you should expect rental costs between $ 1 500 and $ 2 500 per month for a humble residence. Home prices are nearly double the average amount for the country which is a clear sign of the value placed on permanent residence in the Bay Area.

Moving To Bay Area Advice

Needless to say, moving to the San Francisco Bay Area will not be a simple process that can be accomplished in a couple of weeks. To secure a smooth and trouble-free relocation you need to start the moving preparations as early as possible and pay meticulous attention to all the seemingly trivial details.

So, how to move to Bay Area?

Moving Preparations

  • Prepare well for your new life in the Bay Area.
    The Bay Area welcomes you, promising bright future and sweet life.

    Researches and arrangements. As already mentioned above, research the area carefully to choose a good neighborhood and an appropriate home that will suit your lifestyle and your budget (when looking for your new home, mind the distribution of the student population too, as it is very large and therefore very influential to the lifestyle in the near-campus areas). Then, set your moving budget and think of efficient ways to cut the expected moving costs. Sort out your possessions and sell or donate the ones you will not be able to use in your new surroundings (it is a good idea to create a floor plan of your future home in order to know what larger furniture and appliance will fit in well, so that moving them will be worth the time and the money required for shipping bulky household items). Mind the weather in the Bay Area and the type of your new home (house or apartment) when creating your inventory and deciding what to take with you;

  • Bay Area Movers. Once you know your precise final destination and the actual amount of household goods you are about to move, you should start looking for trustworthy movers. Ask for recommendations and advice, read online reviews and visit the websites of several reputable Bay Area moving companies to check their tariffs, their legitimacy and offered insurance policies, discounts, extra services, etc. Get moving quotes and interview a few selected Bay Area movers. Ask for on-site binding estimates and state all your specific requirements. Negotiate all the conditions, required extra services and their charges, available liability options, shipment preferences, desired timeframe of your move, and any possible obstacles or special needs and circumstances. Make sure you understand well all the provisions in the mover’s paperwork, read carefully the fine print, check the amount and the type of the requested deposit (refundable or not), find out how previous complaints and disputes have been settled and agree on exact pick-up and delivery dates. Raise your guard against moving scam! Decide on a beneficial moving date and book your move as early as possible;
  • Packing. Get sufficient and appropriate packing supplies and safely pack all your cherished possessions. You will surely want to save as much time, space and money when packing as possible, so check our clever packing tricks to achieve maximum efficiency and follow our time-saving packing tips to pack quickly for your upcoming move. Pack all your belongings properly to secure maximum protection for your fragile items, delicate artwork, sensitive electronics, possession with high sentimental value, etc. Don’t forget to properly label all the boxes;
  • Final preparations. Put your paperwork in order (change your address, update your car registration and insurance, transfer driver’s license and utilities, retrieve medical and school records, cancel subscriptions, etc.) and prepare for the movers. Unplug and clean electrical appliances, disassemble larger furniture when possible, take measures to prevent property damage when moving out and make your old property safe for your pets and children and for your movers too. Reserve a parking space for the moving truck and an elevator, if applicable.


The port of Oakland is one of the major container shipping ports in the United States.
You will probably not have your household items shipped to the port of Oakland but this is quite a valid option in the event of international relocation.

If possible, plan your arrival in the Bay Area in the early afternoon to avoid heavy traffic. If you have rented a moving truck to transport your household items, it will be a good idea to get a detailed map beforehand and to plan your route to your final destination carefully – keep in mind any especially steep inclines or narrow streets that could impact a moving van’s progress. If you have hired Bay Area moving services, you should still provide for an appropriate parking place in the immediate vicinity of your new property or you may have a tough time unloading the moving truck and taking your belongings to your residence.

Whether you are driving a rented moving truck or just your own vehicle because you have all your household items shipped by experienced Bay Area movers, you will be able to use an extensive system of highways and freeways that enable easy trans-bay travel and traffic to and from all points in the area. Consider yourself lucky if your route takes you along the Skyline Boulevard, as you will be able to enjoy an incredible view.

If you are flying to the Bay Area, there are three main airports to choose among depending on your actual final destination: the San Francisco International Airport, the Oakland International Airport and the Mineta San Jose International Airport.

Settling In

Public transportation is very well developed in the Bay Area.
BART will help you learn your way around real quick – the system offers a very convenient means of transportation within the Bay Area.

Once you have settled in your new home, take care of the various urgent post-relocation issues and get connected to the local media in order to quickly adapt to your new environment. Apart from unpacking and making your new place feel like home, getting to know your new neighbors and connecting all the required services (Internet, cable TV, etc.), exploring your exciting new area is the best thing you can do in order to quickly fit in your new surroundings and start a prosperous and happy new life. The last part of our invaluable moving to the Bay Area guide will help you get your bearings swiftly and effortlessly.

Moving To And Living In The San Francisco Bay Area: FUN FACTS

1)      San Francisco was originally named Yerba Buena (Spanish for “Good Herb” – a sweet-scented mint plant that could be easily found along the shores of the Bay Area). In 1847, it was decided that the original name be changed to San Francisco (after Saint Francis).

2)      Most of present day San Francisco Bay Area was part of Mexico until the Mexican-American War in 1848;

3)      During the gold rush, a great number of abandoned ships blocked the San Francisco’s port. The local population, however, proved to be quite resourceful – the ships were torn apart and repurposed into public buildings and homes;

4)      The Golden Gate Bridge, constructed during the Great Depression in 1937, is perhaps San Francisco’s most recognized landmark. More than 9 million visitors cross the 1.7-mile (2,737 meter) bridge annually by cars, by bicycles, or on foot;

5)      During the Depression, not a single San Francisco-based bank failed;

6)      Many world-famous inventions were made in San Francisco: Irish coffee, the Chinese fortune cookie (invented by a Japanese who operated the Japanese Tea Garden at the time), Denim jeans (invented for the Gold Rush miners who needed tough yet comfortable clothing) and many others;

7)      The best way to take a breathtaking tour along San Francisco’s steep hills is to board one of the amazing cable cars. They are the only National Historical Monument that can move;

8)      Locally known as “The Rock”, Alcatraz Island used to house some of the most infamous criminals in the country at that time. Now you can roam the island freely;

9)      You can see the famous sea lions at PIER 39 in Fisherman’s Wharf – a working neighborhood and commercial area of San Francisco;

10)    The Godfather Trilogy was mostly written in Caffe Trieste – the first coffee shop in San Francisco where Francis Ford Coppola used to be a regular client;

Alcatraz reminds people to observe the law when moving to the Bay Area.
Did you know that there were 14 known attempts to escape Alcatraz over the years? Nowadays, about 1 million visitors a year get to walk around “The Rock” freely.

11)   A California grizzly bear named Monarch, a Golden Gate Park resident, served as a model for the bear on California’s state flag;

12)  There are over 300 wineries in the Napa Valley;

13)  Music “plays special sounds” in the hearts of Bay Areans – the region was home to many of the largest and most influential metal scenes in the world; San Francisco was headquarters for the hippie counterculture of the 1960s; the Bay Area is the home of the hyphy movement, which started in the early -’90s of the 20th century;

14)  The “Summer of Love”, a defining moment for the hippie revolution, actually started in winter – in January 1967.

Happy move to Bay Area!


The following government websites cover a broad range of services and can be of great help when moving to the San Francisco Bay Area, California:

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