Leads delivery options

Currently we support the following leads delivery options:

  • Emails with lead information. We support both plain text emails or HTML emails.
  • Leads import into your moving software (read more here).
  • Receive leads via Text Message (SMS).
  • Phone call transfers with customer that are about to move (read more here).
  • Delivery into your MoveAdvisor Portal.

Supported moving software for lead integration

Get detailed information on every customer directly within the system. You will also receive the lead details over email or directly within your moving software.

We can import leads to most of the popular moving company software available like Granot, The Moving Software, MoverworX, Dr. Mover, MoverBase, Movegistics, MoveitPro, MovePoint and many more.

No matter of the moving software that you use, we will have your moving leads integrated to your software by our developers. Smaller moving companies can also receive leads directly by email. Please contact your account manager to help you with the integration.

What types of moving leads are eligible for credit (void)

We will credit you back leads with bad information. Based on your feedback when submitting leads for credit, we teach our system how to reduce the number of leads with issues. This help us deliver the best conversion rate for our leads possible.

  • Wrong phone number and email address.
  • Duplicate lead – you have already received that lead from another lead provider. This is a rather uncommon situation that occurs very rarely.
  • Already found a mover – If the customer have already booked a moving company by the time you receive the lead. Sometimes users just fill up the lead forms to check prices. Leads like that are quite rare, but we have added this option just in case.
  • Not a customer – Either the phone number is wrong, or the user have decided not to move. Also use this option if this user decided to rent a moving truck or to use postal services.
  • The moving lead is outside your service area – Some leads could have pickup or delivery addresses that are not in your previously designated operation area. Usually these kind of leads may appear during your first month with us as we tune up the areas. If you find more than 3 of these leads, please contact your MoveAdvisor representative to update your areas of operation.

How to request a lead credit (lead void)

Here are the steps to request a lead to be voided, so you won’t be charged for it when the invoice is being issued.

  1. Login within your leads account with your username and password from here.
  2. Once you login, click on “Leads” in the top navigation and you will be able to view a list with all the leads that you have received.
  3. Find the lead that you would like to void and simply click on it to go to the lead details page.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button “Void this lead” to go to the lead void page.
  5. Fill in the reasons for your void request and any other fields in the form. Afterwards, click on the “Send void request” button to submit your void request.
  6. All the approved voids (credited leads) will appear with a red text “VOIDED”. It means that an administrator have manually approved this lead to be voided.

Please note the following:

  • All the leads that you have requested for void will appear in the list of leads with an orange text “PENDING”. They await manual review.
  • All the requested lead voids are manually approved by our administrators before accepting. We will occasionally call the customers to see the reasons for their change of plans or we will try to contact these people for additional feedback.
  • All the approved voids (credited leads) will appear with a red text “VOIDED”. It means that an administrator have manually approved this lead to be voided. These leads will not be included in your invoice and you will not be charged for these leads. We usually approve the voids right before issuing the invoice and charging the leads amount.
  • We use all the information that you submit in the void process to train our filters. Based on this information, we update our filters for fake phone numbers and invalid email addresses, we train our filters to detect fake names and we monitor all the lead sources to see changes in quality.

Voiding and crediting moving leads back is now easier than ever. The feedback you provide when voiding a lead helps you credit your lead back while teaching the lead system to better recognize bad leads.

For more information regarding crediting moving leads back or to adjust your account, please contact your account representative.

Items list for moving leads

Some of our moving leads come with pre-filled full inventory of the move provided by the customer. The user will enter their item list room-by-room and send it to our MoveAdvisor Portal minutes after the lead is received. This way you will receive the customer’s inventory by email and you will have a better idea of the weight and volume of the lead. This will also save you valuable time and money to do in-home estimates as you will have the detailed information sent over to you via email.

This is very easy for the users to add their moving inventory with a simple drag-and-drop, that most users will do it just for fun.

Currently we support items list delivery to you only via email separately from the lead itself. To receive items lists, please contact your account manager to add it and also let him/her know the email address where you want them delivered. You can also see the items lists for some leads when you login into your MoveAdvisor Portal account.

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Ask about our moving leads and phone transfers for movers.