Ich mußte kurzfristig einen Transport von Graz nach Bonn organisieren; EKM erwies sich als flexibel und umgänglich. Wir konnten uns kurzfristig einig werden, alles organisieren und die Beladung vornehmen.
Das Transportgut wurde sicher verpackt und zum vereinbarten Tag pünktlich geliefert - vollständig, trocken, sauber und unbeschädigt. Auch im Transportgut enthaltenes Glas und Elektronik sind ohne Schäden angekommen.
Bei schwieriger Parksituation wurde der Transporter ordentlich und sehr genau eingeparkt, die Entladung erfolgte zügig und der Mitarbeiter war hilfsbereit und wach.
Es handelte sich nicht um einen Umzugsauftrag, bei welchem EKM für mich eingepackt hätte; das Verpackungsmaterial habe ich separat erworben, selbst eingepackt und die Kartons EKM fertig gepackt zum Transport übergeben. Daher kann ich über Leistungen wie Einpacken, Abbau und Aufbau von Möbeln usw. nichts sagen.
Erstkontakt: Dienstag, 29.3.
Beladung: Mittwoch, 30.3.
Lieferung: Donnerstag 7.4. (vereinbarter Zeitpunkt wg. persönlicher Entgegennahme nach weiterer Reise)
Endpreis: 231 Euro inkl, Versicherung und Steuern
Ich mit mit diesem Anbieter sehr zufrieden und würde ihn wieder beauftragen.
This review is auto translated from German. See original
Ask J. Wilkes about the services of EKM Speditions. J. Wilkes is a customer of the business and is willing to be used as a reference. Please use this form to contact this customer for reference purposes only.
Worth the price.
I had to organize a transport from Graz to Bonn at short notice; EKM proved to be flexible and easy to work with. We were able to come to an agreement at short notice, organize everything and carry out the loading.
The goods to be transported were securely packed and delivered on time on the agreed day - complete, dry, clean and undamaged. The glass and electronics contained in the transport goods also arrived without damage.
When the parking situation was difficult, the van was parked neatly and very precisely, the unloading was carried out quickly and the employee was helpful and alert.
It wasn't a move that EKM would have packed for me; I purchased the packaging material separately, packed it myself and handed over the EKM cartons ready-packed for transport. Therefore, I cannot say anything about services such as packing, dismantling and assembling furniture, etc.
First contact: Tuesday, March 29th
Loading: Wednesday, March 30th
Delivery: Thursday 7.4. (agreed time due to personal receipt after further travel)
Final price: 231 euros including insurance and taxes
I am very satisfied with this provider and would employ him again.
EKM Speditions has not registered their account and is not actively maintaining their profile.
Their address is Lastenstraße 37, Graz, 8020, but movers usually cover a much larger area.
Average service costs information
We generate average normalized moving cost based on information submitted by people who have reviewed EKM Speditions. Take note that these prices may vary from the prices you will get if you contact the company, since these costs are based on reviews data and not the movers themselves. Please note that move prices can vary greatly based on factors like home size and distance between locations as well as supplemental services like packing and assembly.
Average price per move for EKM Speditions is between 185 and 289 EUR based on 1 reviews only.
Community testimonials, ratings and consumer reports on EKM Speditions - a professional company located in Lastenstraße 37, Graz, 8020. Discover Graz, Styria moving companies.
*MyMovingReviews may not be affiliated with EKM Speditions and the estimates may be provided from other professional movers in our network.
MyMovingReviews may not be affiliated with EKM Speditions. By selecting the link to the left, you will have to opportunity to either go directly to the website or have other potential movers provide you with estimates.
MyMovingReviews may not be affiliated with EKM Speditions. By selecting the link to the left, you will have to opportunity to either directly call or have other potential movers provide you with estimates.
MyMovingReviews may not be affiliated with EKM Speditions. By selecting the link to the left, you will have to opportunity to either directly email or have other potential movers provide you with estimates.
*At MyMovingReviews we will connect you with a professional moving company. Please note that we may not be affiliated with
EKM Speditions and you may be speaking with another licensed provider.