Licenses & Certificates for Canada Moving
Before hiring a moving company like Canada Moving you should generally make sure you are dealing with a legitimately registered business. Some moving companies are incorporated in a specific province or territory and others are federally incorporated.
You can lookup federal corporations by name in the Corporations Canada online database.
When looking to hire a moving company from Ontario, you may want to lookup your company in the provincial register: Business name registration, Ontario.
Canadian moving companies that perform deliveries to USA or prick up customers from USA, should have a valid DOT number to operate legally.
US D.O.T.: not provided
Generally, all businesses have to register in the province or territory in which they do business.
You can get a free moving quote from registered movers with our moving cost estimation tool here.
Your business? Claim profile to manage license information.
Community testimonials, ratings and consumer reports on Canada Moving - a professional company located in 58 Marine Parade Drive, Toronto, ON. Discover Toronto, Ontario moving companies.
*MyMovingReviews may not be affiliated with Canada Moving and the estimates may be provided from other professional movers in our network.